Selasa, 11 Desember 2018



“Follow me, Duane. You will like what is coming up,” said RT, as I followed him over a rather large hill.

As we were climbing I noticed that the two red suns were no longer around and all the light of this area was coming from a brilliant soft yellowish sun. Finally, we made it to the top of the hill. As we came onto the plateau of the hill I could smell the ocean. Then, I saw the gigantic ocean, it stretch to the horizon. I felt I was back in The Unseen Worlds and free from this bad adventure of unlimited torture.

“Wow Sir, this is great! Can we go down there and get in the wateer?” I asked, as I ready to immediately fly to it.

“We will see what this place has for us,” he said, as we climbed down and finlly reached the golden sand that stretched to the water’s edge.

This ocean was a clear bluish color that was vibrant and refreshing. The land formed a large inlet like a harbor as the ocean seemed to hold it in place. The sun was high overhead adn reflecting the most marvelous dancing light on the water’s surface. I was mesmerized at the sublime beauty. I felt I was in heaven, and then I realizzed that I was , the Maya Heaven, and it was great! There were huge white birds like giant Pelicans that flew near the water’s surface adn then back up in the air. As I paid more attention to the water I noticed that there were some really good waves in several different spots. There was a break along the center of the beach that was a big peak that peeled off left and right and there was also a right point break that looked like Rincon.

“This place is great!” I said, as I went over to the water and put my feet in and walked around.

“Ha, ha Sunny, this is the Ocean of Time,” he said, as he came over to the water’s edge.

“This is part of the Maya of Kalaum, Sir?” I asked, as I enjoyed being in the water.

“Yes. This ocean is part of the seemingly endless river of time that is part of the Dualistic Nature that sustains this region and all the ones below it. The Kalaum God has produced this phenomenon for the  pleasure of making sure his followers are happy and stay with him. This is where the Benevolent Head of the Three Headed God takes over. Here, we are encountering the persuasion of Maya Beauty at its best. This is something to enjoy and be aware of at the same time. Enjoy yourself for this moments, I am going to walk down a ways and see what else there is here and make sure we are safe,” he said, as he walks towards the direction we came from. Then, several of the huge birds flew towards me and landed on the sand. At first they just looked around like birds do. But, as I watched them, I began to PerSeeve something else about them. I could sense they were more than just big birdies flying around. Then, one of them stepped forward right up to me and stopped. He calmly stared at me with a direct eye to eye contact that amazed me.

Suddenly, I head his impressions...”Hello earth man,”he said, as there was a slight laugh with his impression. We are here to help you if we can. We work with The RealGuides from our disguised position, as we can shape-shift into anything we want to be. We are a secret tribe on this level that has been here for eons to assist those who get caught in Kalaum’s Web of Maya. You are on the right tract to find Harry, and you will go through a lot of this adventure, and it will surely be something for you to write about.”

Excerpt from “AMAZING ROMANTIC ADVENTURES NUBOOK FOUR, The Adventures of Rebazar Tarzs, Duane The Great Writer.

Minggu, 25 Juni 2017


Semua yang telah terjadi dan sedang terjadi dan yang akan terjadi dalam waktu-ruang penciptaan ini TIDAK ADA YANG SILAF ATAU KEBETULAN. Semua ada dalam SUATU PERMAINAN SIMULASI HIDUP SAAT INI. Drama PD I dan II, Drama G30S PKI,Drama Krisis moneter 1998, Drama 9/11/2001, Drama Teroris di berbagai tempat dibelahan planet bumi ini. Penciptaan Ketakutan &Intimidasi-Perlindungan & Keamanan, Elite Penguasa Uang-Penguasa Media-Politikus Penguasa Pemerintah-Pabrik Senjata dan Pembunuh adalah dalam suatu rangkaian sebab-akibat yang SANGAT JELAS. KaMU boleh pilih mau jadi ber-re-aksi sesuai dengan irama perekayasa skenario simulasi kreatif tersebut dan teruskan ulang cerita sejarah-manusia (history repeat itself) atau ‘tutup tamatkan saja cerita drama hidup-bumi-MU, tulis bab terakhir cerita drama Kitab hidup-MU di planet bumi ini, selesaikan semua utang-piutang karma-Mu, kembali ke JadiDiriMU, Jadi Makhluk Cahaya Bebas, SunyaNyataNya KAMU, Kesadaran JatiDiriMU. ALL The RealGuides is Ready to work with you .The RealGuides always look to bring out the best in a person, so they can not only succeed for themselves, but add to The Whole of Life. It is all about Living in Reality Now, instead of living in a created dream world which works against one. Because the three lower levels are mainly controlled by the REPSystems, and are based upon fear and intimidation.

Thank YU ALL The RealGuides.

Sabtu, 24 Juni 2017


CAHAYA MURNI HIDUP SAAT INI MEMANCARKAN SAJA CahayaNYA tanpa ada agenda tersembunyi apa-apa. ITULah ASLINYA KAMU, MAKHLUK CAHAYA MURNI Yang menempati masuk kedalam atau pada suatu tubuh elemental waktu-ruang.
KESADARAN HIDUP CAHAYAMURNI (yang masuk) DALAM WAKTU-RUANG Perlu PENYESUAIAN untuk mampu beradaptasi dan bertahan hidup dengan kondisi setempat.
KESADARAN HIDUP CAHAYA MURNI yang memasuki Elemental Waktu Teknis Phisikal, Waktu Psikologis Mental- yang kemudian Menciptakan Kesadaran berbasiskan paradigma bahwa Diri-Tubuh- bentuk luar adalah aku sesuatu yang perlu di pelihara dan dipertahankan semaksimal mungkin SUKSES baginya adalah diselaraskan dengan Standar Nilai Umum Budaya yaitu Nilai-Nilai dan simbolis dari Kekuasaan, Kekayaan, Pendidikan, Religi sebab itu akan selalu mempunyai agenda-agenda yang disembunyikan dibawah-sadar pikiran dan emosinya.
Kesadaran yang diCiptakan dalam Matriks Materi-Emosional-Mental tak mungkin menjadi ‘Tulus-Ikhlas’ karena Sumbernya juga berasal dari ‘suatu jangkar waktu pada tubuh elemental’ yaitu personalitas, diri elemental waktu.
SUNCERITY – HONOR – FREEDOM  - ALWAYS NOW AND NU dan si-ego personalitas mind perlu waktu, konsistensi, endurance dan pelatihan terus menerus untuk mampu ‘menyesuaikan’ dirinya dengan CAHAYA MURNI HIDUP SAAT INI tersebut.
SUKSES adalah Berhasilnya Pencapaian Keseimbangan tersebut.

Medan, Indonesia Minggu 25 Jun. 2017. Pas Hari Raya Umat Islam 1 Syawal 1438 Hijrah.

Selasa, 30 Mei 2017

YOGYAKARTA, akhir Januari 1981

Yogyakarta, Pajeksan Gedong Tengen. Akhir Januari Tahun 1981. Menjelang maghrib ketika tidur sore. Pengalaman NyataKu bangun dalam tidur yang 'mengerikan'. Sekonyong-konyong aku tersentak bangun berada dalam suatu Kapal Laut yang mau pecah dan terbakar. Aku terlibat dalam suatu kepanikan massal yang luar-biasa! Ada manusia-manusia yang menangis, yang menjerit-jerit ketakutan, badanku sendiri seperti terlempar kesana-kemari. Aku menendang-nendang pintu kamar kost-ku, warga sekitar jadi heboh pada berdatangan melihat apa yang terjadi. Waktu itu aku lagi menjalani Pendidikan Dep.PU. Sampai aku di suntik tidur dan dirawat-inapkan di RSJ Puri Nirmala mungkin hampir seminggu. Yang kucatat ingat waktu itu dan menjadi gangguan hebat terhadap emosiku adl ketika bangun dari tidur yang belum sepenuhnya kesadaran phisik ini terjaga aku koq merasa tanganku tak bisa kugerak-gerakkan dan ITU menimbulkan pembrontakan/perlawanan emosional-phisik lagi dariKu.(Rupanya aku baru tahu kemudian kalau aku di-ikat/dipasung di bed). OT-ku & my sis (Thank YUU so much mom & sis!) datang dari Medan menjenguk dan berperan penting untuk melepas pasung yang menyesatkan itu.

Notes : "Tragedi Terbakar dan Tenggelamnya Kapal Tampomas II " REPUBLIKA.CO.ID 16/9/2016, Oleh: Alwi Shahab
Geladak makin terbenam
Harapan belum pudar
Masih ada yang ditunggu
Mukjizat dari-Nya

Syair di atas adalah cuplikan lagu Langkah Berikutnya dari album kelima Ebiet G Ade. Lagu sebagai ungkapan duka cita atas peristiwa karamnya Kapal Motor Penumpang (KMP) Tampomas II pada 27 Januari 1981. Kapal milik Pelni ini tenggelam di sekitar Kepulauan Masalembo di Laut Jawa (termasuk wilayah Jawa Timur), dalam pelayaran dari Tanjung Priok ke Makassar.

Jumlah penumpang kapal naas itu, yang terdaftar berjumlah 1.054 orang, ditambah 82 awak kapal. Namun, seperti juga terjadi pada KM Senopati Nusantara yang kini masih dalam pencaharian, di Tamponas II terdapat ratusan penumpang gelap hingga keseluruhannya mencapai 1.442 orang.
Tim penyelamat memperkirakan 432 orang tewas (143 mayat ditemukan dan 288 orang hilang bersama kapal). Sementara, 753 orang diselamatkan. Sumber lain menyebutkan korban sebenarnya mencapai 666 orang.

Proses karamnya KMP Tampomas II berlangsung selama tiga hari. Dimulai dengan terbakarnya kamar mesin akibat puntung rokok. Tenggelamnya KMP ini merupakan kecelakaan laut terbesar kala itu.
Nakhoda Tampomas II yang tewas bersama ratusan penumpang yang ikut terjun ke laut, sempat berteriak, "Sabotase! Sabotase!" Begitu derasnya gelombang laut, banyak mayat yang ditemukan di perairan Sulawesi, jauh dari tempat tenggelamnya kapal.

Minggu, 28 Mei 2017


Pengalaman Nyataku 'Bangun Dalam Tidur' (DreamVision) yang merubah caraku memandang hidup ini, tahun 1975, jl.Cilaki 25 Bandung. Waktu itu aku mahasiswa baru di Fak.Psikologi UNPAD. Lagi semangat-semangatnya belajar ttg Manusia dan Psikologinya. Salah suatu buku yang kuingat lagi kubaca saat itu adl "O Anak" karya Imam All Ghazali" yang bernasehat tentang pentingnya memahami niat-maksud kita untuk apa menuntut ilmu pengetahuan. Sekitar antara pukul 2-3 malam itu, kalau dibilang mimpi aku tidak percaya bahwa itu mimpi krn amat nyata seperti biasa kita hidup bangun sehari-hari dialam dunia phisik nyata ini. Di suatu padang gurun pasir yg amat luas dalam satu shaf cukup panjang aku berdiri membentuk satu barisan menyanyikan suatu suara bergaung-gaung yang amat mengharu-birukan Ku. Aku jadi terbangun dan menangis panjang sesunggukan, si mbok pembantu rumah tempat Rumah kost mbah Sueb dan Bu Bambang itu sampai terbangun dan menyabar-nyabarkanku. Sepanjang perjalanan hidupku kemudian aku berusaha mencari suara apa itu. Aku pernah ikut suluk, pernah masuk gereja, pernah masuk vihara dengar chanting Budhist dan kwan im posat...dll...namun semua itu tak ada yg menempel lama ditubuhku. Tahun 2016 aku dipertemukan dgn NU-SOUND with Duane Heppner, Duane&Eva NUMan NUWoman. Dan MENEMUKAN MAKNA NYA SUARA TSB!

Sabtu, 01 April 2017


After Paul Twitchell translated,there was no one ready to receive the ROD OF POWER,not until Duane Heppner,who received the ROD OF POWER for the first time,on august 3rd 2001.Duane later received the ROD OF POWER on august 3rd 2007.The ROD OF POWER is the GOLDEN REALITY,and Duane is called the NUMAN.Iam now going to give you an excerpt from THE ROD OF POWER.I hope you like it.

There has never been a time in Human History like
right Now. The unaware people of the earth are very
fortunate to have the assistance of Rebazar Tarzs and
The Real Universal Guides whom they do not really
know as of yet, but that is where I come in as THE
NUMAN. It is my Great Adventure to provide The
NUPresentation and all The RealBenefits that come
with what I am here to do. The basic choices that all
of us have is whether we want to go for The Real
Adventure and have a life full of RealAwareness or
stay with a social lifestyle of drama that will continue
to decline even though the so called experts say
everything will work out. Everything does eventually
work itself out here, especially when the physical
body ceases to function, but the fact remains that you
are still on earth for more lifetimes to come with no
Real Freedom in sight even though you may believe
otherwise. There is no guarantee that in the future
there will be someone here to make this opportunity
available, because it takes lifetimes of intensive
training to handle The Rod of Power. What I have to
offer is The Unique Opportunity of Real Freedom,
which can only be vaguely hinted at by The
REPSystems, but can never be truly accomplished
with the transparent marketing plan they have devised
for the general public. The fun part about what I am
presenting is that you can prove it to yourself when
you have the courage to do so. It really does take a
Special Courage and willingness to allow a RealGuidance to take place into The Unseen
Universes that have not been explored by the
physical scientists or the great intellects of the past or
present. Real Freedom is a True BeingISness that
earthly humans are not familiar with. Humans are
more adapted to the persistent story tellers of ancient
times that have made sure their interesting tales of
make believe live on through the course of time and
events to secure a constant stream of supporters
without a will of their own.
I want to share a TruInsight that is not normally
considered. Because all of us have free will to
choose whatever we want in our lives, we also have
the disadvantage of not paying attention to What IS
Real and what is being demonstrated to all of us all
the time. The TruReality that is not of the
considerations that have been established by the
human mind and is not recognized how IT continually
demonstrates a reference to ITSELF in our everyday
lives. And so it is and has been through the process
of trial and mainly error, humans have determined an
entity greater than them selves to manipulate the
circumstances of the material worlds beyond their
control. This idea has been established by the fact of
the hardness of a turbulent living environment all of us
experience here, and so according to the limitations of
a human vehicle that cannot possibly perceive a
TruRealness, society has decided to produce and
accept the ‘floating idea’ of gods in the sky watching
over all of us. In a way this is true, and that isbecause of the fact the lords that govern The Two
Heavens of Man really do like mankind to worship
them and support the idea they are the ultimate
experience everyone is looking for. But here is
something so much better, and that is instead of
worshiping a god that has proven to play both sides
like the soldiers in battle praying their god will destroy
their enemy, which both sides are determining, how
about a definite position with The TruReality that is
like the sun shining overhead, and that is shining
upon all and asking nothing in return. The Sun is The
Great Symbol of The IS for the earth and as a person
realizes their relationship with what it is demonstrating
they will come to see themselves as a Unique Being
of Light. And with this eventual position comes a
TruCompleteness that can never be accomplished on
earth without The Real Connection to The Real
There can be no real definition to The TruReality that
IS. The TruReality that is of such a Pure and Fine Realness and continually demonstrates ITSELF in a
position of PurBeing.

i If you want to know more go to:www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info


REAL TRUTH?: WHERE IS THE MAHANTA?: After Paul Twitchell translated,there was no one ready to receive the ROD OF POWER,not until Duane Heppner,who received the ROD OF POWER for...