Selasa, 27 Agustus 2013


Susan Jasmine Zulkifli, adalah lurah Lenteng Agung yang digugat oleh sebagian orang untuk dilengserkan dari jabatannya hanya karena berbeda agama.

Lurah Susan adalah lurah yang rajin, ia datang pagi hari dan mengharuskan seluruh bawahannya disiplin, ia rajin melihat lingkungan, tiap masuk ruangan kantornya yang pertama kali diliat adalah laporan dari bawahannya tentang kemajuan lingkungan, diatas jam 9 pagi ia sudah keliling mengontrol kemajuan itu. Dia berprinsip kantor lurah tidak boleh dibiarkan kosong, harus ada kegiatan bahkan di hari minggu atau libur Susan kerap masuk kantor, beda sekali dengan kebanyakan lurah di Jakarta yang kerap datang terlambat ke kantor.

Agenda penting dalam pemerintahannya di kelurahan Lenteng Agung adalah Kesehatan Masyarakat. Ia menaruh perhatian yang besar pada kesehatan perempuan hamil dan bayi-bayi. "Karena kesehatan perempuan adalah hal paling pokok bila kita bicara kesehatan publik, perempuanlah yang menguasai hal-hal domestik, bila perempuan sadar soal kesehatan publik maka lingkungan otomatis bersih".

Lurah Susan juga mengadakan program posyandu, bayi-bayi dikontrol kesehatannya, selain kesehatan publik Susan juga menggalakkan keguyuban masyarakat. Salah satu kerjaan penting Susan adalah menciptakan pelayanan yang ramah tapi cepat kepada masyarakat, fungsi birokrasi yang utama adalah melakukan pelayanan bukan dilayani, itu prinsip Susan yang segaris dengan Boss-nya Jokowi.

Jokowi dan Ahok dengan agenda lelang lurah telah berhasil menempatkan manusia berdasarkan kemampuannya dan kapabilitasnya, sementara Ahok juga mengajarkan kepada kita "Orang menganut agama lain bukan sebuah kesalahan publik, bahkan itu dijamin konstitusi, kalau mencuri baru itu kesalahan".

Kita tersentak oleh ucapan Ahok, begitu banyak masyarakat kita belum sadar bagaimana berkonstitusi dan bernegara.......

Terima Kasih Jokowi, Terima Kasih Ahok, Terima Susan, kalian adalah generasi baru yang mengajari pada masyarakat bagaimana cara memimpin bukan memprovokasi apalagi mencuri.......

Selamat datang generasi Indonesia Baru

(Anton DH Nugrahanto) ~Kumpulan Dongeng & Cerita Rakyat

~Sony H,Waluyo     


The world will try to convince you that you can be poor by coincidence, that you need schools for real intelligence, that you must work hard to become something that they define as 'good, better or best'.... the new world of awakening people will convince you with their example, that you ARE the creator of your world, that the world is a reactive model of your beliefs and heart, that the power of the cosmos is within you and that it works through self-love, balance, inner strength and connection of worthiness and energy.... welcome to the new world... you find evidence of this new world all over the planet these days... so now, you are a cosmic being and you know you can create wonders and thrills.... go forth and meet your family, that family is growing by the second, and I am honored to have met such beautiful, empowered and lovely friends [also on facebook !!] ~JK [please feel invited to tag yourself here] — 

Zen Walker Komaya

Kamis, 22 Agustus 2013

Rabu, 21 Agustus 2013


There is an ocean of pure, vibrant consciousness inside all of us! Matter does not exist. All solidity is a mirage. All physical matter is the result of a frequency. As we change the frequency, we change the matter. When a system becomes highly destabilized there will be random higher shifts that suddenly organize into higher complexity.

On a sub-atomic level reality behaves in accordance with the expectations of the observer. Everything in the Universe is composed of sub-atomic particles. When we change the mind field of the atom, we change the atom.  Therefore, when we have feelings in your hearts we change the mind field to alter the physical world.

Once we establish the reality we live in and the nature of our physical bodies, which is our biological computer, the nature of our consciousness influences what we perceive. However, what we perceive with our physical senses is just a tiny range within an infinite energy field of infinite ranges.

We are in a holographic TV show, and it is the act of our consciousness perceiving reality that creates the building blocks of our Universe. There may well be no universe without us as it is the act of us observing the world that is allowing us to create reality as we go. Everywhere we look with the power of our expectation something will be there. We are building the Universe as we go in a participatory universe. The act of our exploration is what creates that which we see.

Consciousness is the programing language of the universe. If we turn our brain’s off and hook into the mainstream media we become manipulated in a certain way; then our creation becomes not ours, but someone else’s. Therefore, we must take control of ourselves from the quantum, molecular level up.

Some people can remember that our reality is just a ride. These people tell us,
“Do not be afraid ever, as the universe is just a ride.

Qouted from  ~thank you sue....