Jumat, 18 November 2016


While we are living on the earth and trying to figure out our
DreamVisions, all of us have lives and bodies on other levels most of
us are not aware of. These bodies align themselves with the same
faculties all of us use for our survival here. The Five Bodies of Man
are first, the physical, which is mainly the human brain as a receiver,
along with the five senses. Our second body corresponds to our
invisible emotions, which is located in a section of the Astral Worlds,
The First Heaven of Man. The third body is our memory vehicle, and
has a life of its own in certain parts of the Mental Worlds. Next, is the
mental body, which is the upper mind of each of us and resides in an
area know as The Second Heaven of Man. The last sheath is the
etheric body and the subconscious, the upper most part of the mind,
where our intuition works with our RealAwareness. These areas so
mentioned exist in the PsycRealms that are below The Deep Dark
Border, which is the dividing line between The Real UNUverses and
the Created Realms. The earth and all The RoundWorlds are at the
bottom of Life, so to speak, which are made up of dust, rock and dirt.
~Duane & Eva, STEPS TO WAKING UP NOW 2016, NUBOOKS p.413
Sementara kita hidup di bumi ini mari kita pahami apa Dream Visions itu, sebagian besar diantara kita tidak menyadari bahwa kita hidup dalam  tubuh yang berlapis-lima.  Kesemua tubuh ini dirancang dalam  survival sistem kehidupan untuk menyelaraskan dan mempertahankan kehidupannya . Yang pertama dari kelima lapis tubuh itu adalah tubuh phisik dengan lima indera dan otak. Tubuh lapis kedua berkoresponden dengan gelombang emosi yang tidak kelihatan, di lapis Wilayah Astral, inilah Sorga Pertama Manusia. Tubuh yang ketiga sebagai tubuh kenderaan memory kita, lapis khusus personalitas-individualitas kita yang mempunyai kehidupannya sendiri sebagai bagian tertentu dari Alam Mental. Berikut adalah Tubuh Mental , ialah bagian tertinggi dari  pikiran-pikiran (mulia) kita sebagai Tempat  Surga kedua Manusia. Bungkus atau lapis terakhir adalah Tubuh Etherik kita berada dialam pikiran yang kita tak sadari (Our unconscious mind). Semua lapians tersebut berada dalam Alam Pisik dibungkus atau dibatasi oleh suatu Kegelapan yang Dalam (The Deep Dark Border). inilah batas pemisah antara Kasunyataan Hidup Semesta (The Real UNUverses) dan Realitas yang Diciptakan. Bumi, dunia ini dengan keseluruhan lingkung hidupnya adalah berada pada daerah bagian paling bawah/dasar ciptaan yang terbuat dari debu dan bebatuan.

Senin, 14 November 2016


Above the fourth level of the Mental Regions is the Etheric Plane.           
This realm is for the fifth body of man, his subconscious, the primitive self. It is in this particular area that one's dreams play a huge role, because the subconscious is an endless storehouse full of everything a person has decided and imagined. It is this subconscious arena that mainly reflects back to the personal self in dreams. Until one has the protection of The RealGuides, they are mainly at the mercy of this realm and the Gods of Man. It is true that there are many so-called 'blessing' from this area, as the GodLord wants to keep as many unaware souls with him as possible. As one ascends into the higher positions of this region, at some point they drop all the lower bodies and behold themselves as a Being of Light. I would say that this is where a TruSpiritual Position is, and not at all on any of the lower realms of Spiritual Marketing Tactics. It is here, The RealU is realized and experienced, and all the knowledge of the lower realms is
revealed and PerSeeved. From this fifth level, one then enters The
Deep Dark Border of the Sixth Level. Through the vast darkness, this special journey finally takes one into The Seventh Level, The First Real UNUverse of Sound and ALL Light of THE ALLIS. It is here that one experiences a joy and happiness beyond anything conceivable from that of the lower mind and bodies. Here, one is a Magnificent Being of RealLight, and not the secondary light like that of the Astral and Mental Worlds. There are endless positions of BeingReal on The Seventh Level, as one positions themselves among others who are equal in light, strength and BeingISness. Upon this level there are vast oceans and rivers that contain The Real Fountain of Youth. There exists here an awesome brilliance of silvery light, with Giant Golden Castles that cover the endless vastness and into a foreverness sky. From the lower levels to this one and above, there is always a Great Sun in the endless skies, which represents THE ALLIS, that is everywhere and supports all things and Beings.

Anything one wants is already available here, as The Seventh Level is The First Real UNUverse of THE ALLISNISS of The TruReality, THE ALLIS. The RealBeings of Light are countless in numbers here and there is no darkness, pollution, or any type of discordance, but only a RealLife. As one establishes themselves here, they no longer have to return to the lower PsycRealms and take on any more unconscious bodies. Here is where The RealU shines brighter than a hundred suns, as there is only PurJoy and PurHappiness beyond any belief or imagination a person can consider. When The RealU is ready, The RealGuide will then escort one into The Higher UNUverses, to where one eventually is positioned in the most hidden and secret of all places, that of The TruSource of ALLLife, THE ALLIS.

Script from : Duane&Eva STEPS TO WAKING UP NOW 2016, NUBOOKS p.654-655

Rabu, 26 Oktober 2016


 ~Duane The Great Writer is here to Share his RealExperiences from his life and providing RealGuidance and a RealEducation for What IS Real Now.

Each person has their own experiences and is on their own journey with Life. On the earth many people have created businesses, and this is what Duane is doing with The NUPresentation Foundation, a California Nonprofit Community Organization for 'YOUR OCEANS NOW' www.TheNUPresentation.info

The Natural Environment for ALL, is more than just 'Nature' and what is found on the earth. The ALLNatural Environment IS what each person is experiencing with Your RealAwareniss, The RealU. Duane IS rewriting Human History and that is there is so much more than what has become known with all the Invented REPSystems (Religious, Educational, Political, Social / Scientific)

As we are each born on the earth, this becomes our life Now. We have all been here before and on many other worlds and other dimensions and Levels of Life. We are here to gain more experience and to Become MoreAware of who we really are. Thousands and millions of lifetimes is a huge journey, but not as huge as The Whole of Life. We are here to sort out 'what is not real' and to learn to Become MoreAware of What IS Real Now. ALLife IS Now, and from this RealPosition we each decide our own Journey to RealTruth & RealFreedom.

What has taken place in the past can only be a 'Reference' to What IS Real Now. Life will always Make Sense, and Being Now makes more sense than dragging old ideas and drama from the past into The TruReality of Being Now. When a person can Objectively See what they have been thru and then compare it with Being Now, then they will begin to 'Recognize' the difference with their own life and journey. LifeIS not about all the information and knowledge we create and collect, but moreso about The RealU and when the moment comes when YU 'Recognize' The TruReality LifeIS, THE ALLIS.

Most of this world and the many other RoundWorlds are Very Kontrolled by unseen forces that the general public is mostly unaware of. Some people want to stay asleep to what is taking place with where they are at, and then there are those like Duane who LUV The RealAdventure & Challenge of Seeing More than what is being presented by others who are unaware of The Whole of Life.

LifeIS The Great Adventure, moreso than just sitting in a classroom and learning second-hand created things. LifeIS moreso than listening to the Religious and Political Kontrollers manipulating their audiences to agree to what they are creating for themselves and using others to build their fortunes with. What is taking place on the earth is what each person decides for themselves. Very few people will explore past what they can see here and what they have been taught. Those that do are The Real RiskTakers. ~LIFEIS THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT WITH ALL THE LEVELS LIFEIS~ As we each look upon the earth and experience The TruNatural Reality of it, we can learn to See there is so much more than what our Personal Senses can take in and register. What we call Nature truly does provide for itself in so many different ways. In today's world, it is more than evident that The Natural Environment is in second place to Destroying IT. As we each 'Recognize' what The Natural Environment is here, we can then better understand our own TruNature, that of Your RealAwareniss, The RealU. Many have taken for granted what is here and IS More Wonderful than they can imagine. It is for sure that everything we survive with is from The Natural Environment.

We each have a physical body on the earth and so do other creatures of many different types. Each of us IS The RealAwareniss, no matter what type of body we have, such as a human, Alien, bird, fish, insect, tree or plant. All of this and so much more IS The RealAwareniss operating their own vehicle to gain their own experiences, which eventually equals a RealComparison with The Whole of Life, then to 'Recognize & PerSeeve' The TruReality LifeIS, THE ALLIS.

The Biggest Challenge for ALL of US is to survive this place and maintain our personal sanity at the same time. To first of all gain the experiences we need to Recognize The TruReality LifeIS, we have to always be up for the adventure and challenges that are constantly showing up. The Heavily marketed masses will usually go with what is created from those who want to Kontrol them, and then there are the very few who See Thru all the ploy of others and decide to explore and discover a better way for themselves. The Physical Senses can only know so much, and this is where The RealU begins to investigate Your DreamVisions.

Your DreamVisions is the next step to RealWorlds and Real UNUverses that are unseen and mostly unknown by the REPSystems and those who follow such creations. As YU become familiar with Your UNUverse, YU start to See there really is so much more to Life than what YU have known on the earth alone. Here is where the fun begins as YU discover Becoming MoreAware with The Whole of Life and that YU are a Free Being of Light and YU are Wonderful! From the Physical Realm, YU Become Aware that YU can Recognize the Astral Realm, which is the Second Level. This is the first step in Your DreamVisions, The RealSide LifeIS. This IS The Natural Environment for Your Emotional Body. The Astral Realm with its many different levels is not a Round World like the earth, it is a 'Plane' as has been termed in so many writings from those who are aware of this Heaven of Man. The Astral Realm is a fun and interesting place and each person relates to it mainly with their emotions, as this is the faculty we each experience in the Physical Vehicle. This is home base of the Kontrolling Earthly Korporations, as they have employees, followers and membershrimps who usually pray, worship and look to the Gods of Man. There is a Governor Lord on this level of PsycLife and he is looked to as the Known God of Man.

The Natural Environment then extends into the Causal Realm where YU have another vehicle which relates to the faculty of Your Memory. This NaturalRealm in Creation IS with YU Now, and YU simply learn to 'Recognize' it. This Level or Plane has a lot more going on than the Physical and Astral Realm, as it is so vast and incredible, yet still limited to the senses and mind. The beauty here is wonderful and there are many GovernorLords who are looked to and worshiped by the unaware earthlings. ALLLife IS RealExperience, and to BE Aware of the Causal Realm is part of Your RealJourney and what YU decide. 

The next Level LifeIS becomes the Mental Realm, where YU have your body and vehicle known as Your Mind. In this position YU Become Aware of worlds and states of consciousness that are not seen with what YU experience on the earth. This arena of the mind is enormous compared to the Levels below it. For most people of the earth, they have been taught that the 'Mind' is the ultimate and this is why people consider Creation to be all there is in Life. The Mental Realm is basically the Top of Creation, as most people have been educated to 'Think' and Literally Consider what LifeIS, moreso than having RealExperiences that definitely expose The TruReality LifeIS. This is where the Religious and Political Regimes of the earth have taken Kontrol of people's minds and senses. Here is where the Lord God has his home, also known as the Kalaum God with so many religious and Spiritual Belief Systems. Because The Kalaum God has a Dualistic Nature, there is always that side of him that creates Maya and the illusions that appear in time and space. This then become a RealTest for Your RealAwareniss to Recognize that is more than just limited embodiments.

As YU Become MoreAware, YU will See the Etheric Realm, where YU have Your Fifth Body, which is the Unconscious Mind and also Your Intuition. The vast beauty and reality of this wondrous realm is like a Fairy Land for those who can Become Aware and See for themselves they are more than just a physical body. When YU leave this are YU will leave behind your mind and emotions. The Sixth Level IS the Deep Dark Border. This is the vast uncharted area that surrounds the Five PsycRealms of Creation. This 'Place in Life' is very unknown by most, as many will determine this is the end of Life as is known on the earth, but it is actually The Beginning of The RealAdventure LifeIS. From here with RealGuidance YU will step into and Recognize The SoundLight Reality of...

The Seventh Level of THE ALLIS. It IS Here & Now that The RealU IS a Magnificent Free Being of Light. YU have Now returned to Your TruBeing. Each of us will have our own RealExperience of this TruLevel LifeIS, as ALLife IS an ISNISS, Always Here & Now. We never really 'travel' anywhere, as we are Always Here & Now with ALLife, and it is simply for YU to 'Recognize' this. On the earth the idea of 'Belief' has been mainly that of a Marketing Ploy to get people to 'Chase Something' outside of themselves, just as they have been taught to 'Look to The Sky ' for their gods. ALLife IS... This IS Real Now!

From this Magnificent Pure & Real UNUverse, YU Now have the opportunity to have 'A RealAdventure Like No Other' as YU decide to 'Recognize & PerSeeve' The TruReality LifeIS, THE ALLIS, as There IS Endliss UNUverses Beyond The Seventh Level to be discovered by YU. ALLIS HERE & NOW with this RealPosition like no other. YU are Now Beyond the Restricting Gods of Man and the Authoritarians of the RoundWorlds and all those who would Kontrol and have your obedience to them. YU are a Free Being of Light and YU do not need the 'Self-Appointed Authorities' who claim to be kings, queens, presidents and masters. The Whole of Life IS Always like The Sun Shining Upon ALL.~This IS a brief Explanation of the Natural Environment that supports ALL of US. Duane The Great Writer will continue to add to this and update and Share his RealAdventures with ALL. For those who have The RealCourage to do so, they can Test The NU-U Sessions and have RealGuidance and a RealEducation with Rebazar Tarzs & The Real UNUversal Guides in Your DreamVisions. ~SEE US ON FACEBOOK & YOUTUBE



We have all been brought up with Personal Love. Personal Love is the Love that is compassionate and caring and with our feelings involved. This is the Warm Love most of us survive with and search for from lifetime to lifetime and always want to hold close to ourselves. Personal Love is mainly from the Astral Realm, which is perfectly fine, as everything we experience in Life IS Okay. But here is the difference... Personal Love will not take a person to The Real UNUverses, only Being Bold, Brave, Creative & Adventuresome will. This is where THE NUMAN enters this arena to provide what no one else will...REALLUV. The Political and Religious Spiritual Systems and the Belief Systems, have convinced the masses that Personal Love is the ultimate love that a person can experience and that they will take care of all those who 'Believe' in their Fake Gods. They have proclaimed that their gods and deities want the Personal Love from their servants, slaves and followers, which are really all the same idea. The Belief Systems have misused Personal Love to the point where the masses are TapLined by the Alien Reptilian Influence that Rules the earth from Ratican City, Rome. As I have written before, if we take a look at Human History it is more than evident that the Gods of Man and their Earthly Authorities have created all the intimidation, wars and fear on the earth. It is very obvious as we follow the time line from centuries ago, The Natural Environment and the attitude of certain people here has not changed over the course of many lifetimes, but has actually gotten worse, and especially with the technology that spies on everyone.

YU can 'Think' of the Six PsycRealms as a giant egg that each unaware soul has to break out from, just like a little chick from its shell. The whole idea of Creation from THE ALLIS, is for the purpose of YU learning to Recognize The TruReality LifeIS, THE ALLIS. Everything we do that is always right in front of us is for the sole purpose of this RealRecognition. Some people still 'Think' that they are here to party and have a good time ruining themselves and The Natural Environment that supports All of US. Each and every person anywhere in the Six PsycRealms can do whatever they want for as long as they want to, and they can also 'Believe' whatever they want to, but all of what they are doing according to their personal life and how they Personally Love their body types and all the thrills they are getting here has nothing to do with The Whole of Life and Recognizing THE ALLIS, no matter what a person 'Thinks and Believes.' The Six PsycRealms are a speck of dust compared to The Real UNUverses, so this should give YU a little idea of how important what YU are doing here with your Personal Physical Life is. Personal Love is a small 'Part' of what we are experiencing here and not The Whole Picture. When people keep putting out the idea of 'Love this and Love that and all is Love' this does sound good and fine, but there is a lot more most people are actually Too Afraid to See. If YU take a close look at how the Ruling Systems work, YU will begin to See they constantly use the 'Personal Love' idea with whatever they market to the unsuspecting masses to seduce them. What they are doing and have done for centuries while they have also setup all their Subliminal Kontrol and physical borders and barriers to restrict people, the DarkBrats have been very creative with creating a Huge Deception that is right in front of everyone, yet most people cannot See it. It has always been the Certain Few, the DarkBrats, who have planned and created all the wars for their Continuous Takeovers, which is still going on Right Now, but it is all disguised with Fake Patriotism to fool YU. It has all been right in front of us, but because we always bought into their Marketing Ploy to bow to their Invented Gods and to pray and worship them, the Certain Few have taken a Huge Advantage over everyone they can. They have also taken for granted the Personal Love that many people have given them over the centuries and built up their arsenals to finally eradicate most of the humans on the planet with their ChemTrails, HARRP, Vaccines, Viruses, microwaves and so much more to keep people Dumbed Down and unaware for lifetimes to come.

Free Will IS The TruReality LifeIS, but what is not understood from the minute human consciousness is that just because a person can 'do and think' whatever they want to, that it will lead them to their Promised Land. A person can 'Believe' all they want to, and they will get a few little miracles from the gods, but they will never have the RealFreedom they have been searching for. It takes so much more than just 'Loving the World' and everyone on it to accomplish Your Journey to RealFreedom. If YU want to 'Think and Believe' it will happen for YU with the Gods of Man and all the Personal Love YU give to them, that is your right to do so, but LifeIS so much bigger and better. What we have all come thru with the different paths and teaching has led us to this very moment to finally have the opportunity to Recognize THE ALLIS. The idea is to use what we have already come thru and realized, and then start to compare it with what we can Recognize Now. When we See what is not real and not part of what we need for The RealJourney, this also is what we do need to RecognizeTHE ALLIS, as we need to See and Recognize What IS Real Now. In other words, when YU are Completely Focused on Your Journey to RealFreedom, YU will Recognize that everything YU have come thru is for One Purpose Only, and that IS to Fully Recognize & PerSeeve The TruReality, THE ALLIS. What Paul Twitchell did was to 'Start' the process of breaking thru the PsycRealm Shell, and Now it is up to YU to decide if YU are going all the way or just part way with Personal Love.

Those who keep promoting the Gods of Man, and it does not matter how holy or ancient the ideas are from Buddhism, Christianity, Islam or whatever Political Religious or Spiritual Path and teaching a person wants to adore and worship, they all lead to the Authoritarians of the Earthly Korporations who created them and the Kontrolling Kalaum God who loves the unaware to bow and kneel to him. The Krone Korporations of this world and their Presidents, Kings and Queens, also with their TapLining Masters and Gurus, have been an experience for us all to learn from, but they have nothing to do with Rebazar Tarzs and The Real UNUversal Guides, RealGuidance and a RealEducation, and most of all The Real UNUverses of THE ALLIS. So, for those of YU that want to keep promoting the 'Love Idea of The Gods' to the unaware on this planet, then YU are adding to their unconsciousness and eventual demise, as Human History up to this very moment is the witness!
Duane The Great Writer & Miss Eva Shari only promote REALLUV, Rebazar Tarzs & The RealGuides & THE ALLIS.

REALLUV IS A PURE FOCUS WITH THE ALLIS. It is fine if YU want to add the Personal Love YU have known, because then it makes sense as it becomes a TruReality with Your Journey to RealFreedom. For those who only want their Personal Love for their personal life alone, then that is all they will have as they once again grow old and forget they were here. What THE NUMAN IS presenting is The Golden Opportunity like never before on this planet. If YU take What IS Real Now for granted and do not in some way become involved with what Duane & The RealGuides have created for everyone, then YU have already decided Your Fate, as each of us must earn our own way. The Real Guidance is always here for YU, just like your teachers were in school, but YU had to do all the studying and homework to complete your education. YU do not have to do anything and nothing is required of YU. YU always have the right to have any lifestyle YU want, and what YU decide will be your life, until YU have The RealCourage to face this world head on and make The Journey to RealFreedom your whole life. YU are always the Decider.
For those who 'Think' that just because they have been on 'this path and that path' they have accomplished a lot, they have Seen nothing yet! The PsycRealms always create the illusion we are completing something here, when in fact we are not! Only until we have RealGuidance and a RealEducation on how to Recognize & PerSeeve THE ALLIS, then we are just running around Creation 'Thinking' we are getting somewhere. The Five Bodies of Man have nothing to do with The RealU, Your RealAwareniss, accept to act as a go-between comparison for YU to WakeUp and first See YourSelf as a Being of Light, and then Recognize THE ALLIS. What YU have learned from all the 'God Paths' has been a preparation for The NUNowniss of THE ALLIS, and nothing more. YU 'Thought ' they were the real thing and Now YU know they are not! So, do YU want to keep promoting the TapLining Gods and their Earthly Korporations with all their 'Sound-Goodness' or do YU want to develop Your RealCourage and BE Free in The Real UNUverses?
YU Decide!

Minggu, 04 September 2016


And so, a Great Study of The Real Levels of Life must apply if one is
to begin to understand the endless steps of Becoming MoreAware
with The TruSource, THE ALLISNESS. This True Journey is not for
everyone at this time, even though it is here for everyone. All things
leave their mark, so to speak, and what I am Presenting Now will be
around for a long time, and very few will catch on to it. To start with,
the physical realm with its solidness, has become home to a lot of
humans who keep returning here. From this 'Place in Life,' one
usually goes somewhere familiar, such as the next level, which is
termed the Astral Worlds. Depending upon the awareness and
circumstances surrounding each person, their experience in the next
world will be according to their ideas, beliefs, karma, and attitudes of
acceptance, as examples. All of us are very complex while residing
in, and carrying all the lower bodies of the mind and emotions, along
with a lot of past life memories. These things that I have just
mentioned are a mystery to most people, as they have been taught
that certain things are to be a mystery and not at all understood,
of the so-called 'beliefs' a person has become accustomed to, and
therefore, how is it they can surpass themselves when they hold
themselves to what they have decided? The mere acceptance of an
authority figure, such as a god, a deity that rules over others, is
already a decided confinement, and no matter how much emotional
creativeness a person puts into the idealism of their worshiped effigy,
it all equals the same to where a person limits their understanding
from What IS Real Now. LifeIS Always Now and never in the past.
Within the Astral Worlds, which would seem like science fiction to the
hard-headedness of humans, there are many wonderful places to visit
and reside. This is also know as the First Heaven of Man. From the
sometimes cruel world of humans, a place that is a lot nicer and
without all the pollution and many times the down right stupidness of
earth, is actually hard to 'believe.' There are thousands upon
thousands of possibilities in the Astral Worlds, and again, it is all about
the individual and how they are setup with their decided confined
consciousness. Each of us already has an Astral Body that exist on
this level, and when the physical body is worn out, like an old car, The
RealU simply transfers over to a place best suited for it. The idea of
there being some sort of 'death' with all of this is not at all so, because
The RealU never dies or disappears, but merely transfers to another
position. Those who do not know of the many other dimensions and
worlds have termed a person's passing as 'death.' Just like Forest
Gump has said, “Stupid is as stupid does!” Humans seem to like to
put themselves in the worst conditions, and with the worst ideas, then
whine and complain about what they have done to themselves. In
the movie, 'Flatliners,' several Med School doctors experimented with
a complicated way to die, and then return to their physical life tell
about their experience of death. They went to a lot of trouble for
nothing with all their complicated equipment and procedure to try and
find what they wanted to be the answer to Life, when they are already
doing the same thing every night in their DreamVisions. Again,
Forest Gump seems to know a lot more as he said so... Ha ha

Beyond the Astral Worlds, there is the Causal and Mental Worlds.
These are the Heavens of Man, places one can go after the physical
body wears out. They're beauty is beyond belief. These vast and
seemingly endless regions that have so many amazing sights and
places to experience. Even when a person is in these wondrous
areas, they may still feel a pull to their earthly existence, because they
haven't as yet learned to let go of what they have already
experienced. Life is an endless journey into even great positions
beyond any belief or consideration. The beautiful Mental Worlds are
a huge and alluring consideration to anyone who visits them, and so it
is best to have a RealGuide with one to assist, so as not to be left in
this place, or it is likely one will return to the lowest of worlds and
reincarnate unconsciously again. Life will always make sense,
because it IS Real, and it is up to each of us to continually explore and
discover how it makes sense for ourselves. It is this arena of
experience, the Mental Worlds that the Gods of Man reside. Again,
most people will have a hard time accepting the simple fact they can
visit their appointed deity at any time, but of course, the GodLord is
going to play his own role with each person, making them think he is
the ultimate and there is no life or existence past him. The GodLord,
is one who wants to be worshiped and adored, as do the Elites and
Royalty on the earth world. The GodLord is just as political as The
Authoritarians with their contrived laws and regulations of officialness.
Souls of the RoundWorlds have been cleverly marketed with fear, as
their gods have taken Kontrol of their lower bodies.

Above the fourth level of the Mental Regions is the Etheric Plane.
This realm is for the fifth body of man, his subconscious, the primitive
self. It is in this particular area that one's dreams play a huge role,
because the subconscious is an endless storehouse full of everything
a person has decided and imagined. It is this subconscious arena
that mainly reflects back to the personal self in dreams. Until one has
the protection of The RealGuides, they are mainly at the mercy of this
realm and the Gods of Man. It is true that there are many so-called
'blessing' from this area, as the GodLord wants to keep as many
unaware souls with him as possible. As one ascends into the higher
positions of this region, at some point they drop all the lower bodies

and behold themselves as a Being of Light. I would say that this is
where a TruSpiritual Position is, and not at all on any of the lower
realms of Spiritual Marketing Tactics. It is here, The RealU is realized
and experienced, and all the knowledge of the lower realms is
revealed and PerSeeved. From this fifth level, one then enters The
Deep Dark Border of the Sixth Level. Through the vast darkness, this
special journey finally takes one into The Seventh Level, The First
Real UNUverse of Sound and ALL Light of THE ALLIS. It is here that
one experiences a joy and happiness beyond anything conceivable
from that of the lower mind and bodies. Here, one is a Magnificent
Being of RealLight, and not the secondary light like that of the Astral
and Mental Worlds. There are endless positions of BeingReal on The
Seventh Level, as one positions themselves among others who are
equal in light, strength and BeingISness. Upon this level there are
vast oceans and rivers that contain The Real Fountain of Youth.
There exists here an awesome brilliance of silvery light, with Giant
Golden Castles that cover the endless vastness and into a
foreverness sky. From the lower levels to this one and above, there
is always a Great Sun in the endless skies, which represents THE
ALLIS, that is everywhere and supports all things and Beings.
Anything one wants is already available here, as The Seventh Level is
The First Real UNUverse of THE ALLISNISS of The TruReality, THE
ALLIS. The RealBeings of Light are countless in numbers here and
there is no darkness, pollution, or any type of discordance, but only a
RealLife. As one establishes themselves here, they no longer have to
return to the lower PsycRealms and take on any more unconscious
bodies. Here is where The RealU shines brighter than a hundred
suns, as there is only PurJoy and PurHappiness beyond any belief or
imagination a person can consider. When The RealU is ready, The
RealGuide will then escort one into The Higher UNUverses, to where
one eventually is positioned in the most hidden and secret of all
places, that of The TruSource of ALLLife, THE ALLIS. So wondrous
and unapproachable in any mental sense is this PurReality, as there
are no words to describe IT. It is here that one PerSeeves Reality with
their Being, as nothing of a Literal Sense can exist here. THE ALLIS,

IS Perfection beyond anything, and there are no rules, regulations and
control here, only Radiant RealTruth and Endless RealFreedom.
On The Seventh Level, one is a PurRadiant Being. From The
Seventh Level and beyond, one is more like a ball of light, PerSeeving
ALL That IS, and seemingly moving with the brilliant dazzling lighted
UNUverses, ever onward to The TruSource, THE ALLIS. There is no
actual movement in The Real UNUverses, as everything is a
PURISNESS. From the PsycRealms with its defined Literal Senses
of existence, The Real UNUverses are especially unique for their
PurQuality of Clear and Clean Realness. This is why it is hard for
anyone to imagine Reality, because IT IS far too Real and Wonderful.
The best advice I can give to a person who wants to experience The
TruReality, is to first imagine themselves like the sun in the sky, to
where they are shining upon all, and with no attitudes, but Just Being
like the sun it is. This is how THE ALLIS, IS. Once people understand
how Pure and Wonderful THE ALLIS, IS, they will no longer have to
grovel to the Gods of Man, and especially to the Contrived Marketing
Tactics and Intimidation of the Authoritarians and their malicious
armies. Again, The Whole of Life is about Becoming MoreAware and
once a person decides this, The RealGuides can assist one into The
RealLight of Life, far beyond all the secondary thrills of the lower Mind
Realms. It takes Great Courage for a person to See Thru their
conditioning, and once they do, they can PerSeeve The TruReality.

@Duane The Great Writer UNUVERSALSEER 2016 NUBOOK p.645-649

accept by the mysterious gods mankind looks to. Here is an example

Selasa, 24 Mei 2016

The Sun, Central Sun and Greater Central Sun

Arise children of the Sun. Awaken to the Song of your Celestial Heart of all there is. Embrace the Sun within your heart and shine it forth for all to see. Dance in the Golden Rays of Liquid Light. Be free. Be Joyful for Now is the Time.

The Sun is at the centre of our Solar System and is the centre of Light, the intelligence that governs this Solar System. The Sun is connected to every aspect of life and creates the world as we live in it. The Sun is not just a gaseous ball but very highly evolved worlds and Beings, they illuminate direct to us and at night through the Moon. The Sun is a great place of learning and wisdom, also a stage of initiation for those who choose to go through the Sun and beyond. The Sun is connected to the Central Suns. Our own Central Sun is Alcyone, from the Pleiadian System that we are part of. There are many Suns and Central Suns and it is through these Suns that all worlds are governed. The Sun reads the vibrations and helps us to grow, if it feels our Love it feeds that Love, if it feels our fear it creates experiences for us to open up more fully to Love. The Sun is Light, and the Light allows us to see the mirror.

The Sun is changing, its vibrations are heightening as we open up to the Sun within our Hearts. We are aligning also with the Central Sun as our journey back into alignment with the Sun is a cyclic completion. We are completing not only a 26,000 year cycle but also a 500,000, and 2,000,000 year cycles as we return to our source back to God Creator. We have breathed out into creation through the Goddess, and the creation experience, and are now breathing in and back to God/Source. The Sun gives us life and the Golden Rays of the Sun are the highest vibrations of Divine Love energy, its higher expression is a mass of Divine Light Beings. Intelligence designs itself as Light, and it is the intelligence of the Sun that holds the solar system in its energetic field.

As we also align with our Sun, other Suns are sending their cosmic rays, these cosmic rays are solar flares from our Central Sun that are aligning on the Earth as we star map the grid with the solar system in harmony once more. The last time we were aligned to the Sun and Central Sun was in the last Golden Age. At that time we created the pyramids, stone circles, standing stones in alignment with different stars in our solar system. These stars are Suns and Central Suns. The Greater Central Sun is now aligning with us also which means all these high frequencies of Source energy are creating a shift in consciousness, and it is a graduation party for everyone. We become our Light Body and Solar Self, God I Am, the Earth becomes a Sun, the Sun a Central Sun, the Central Sun becomes a Greater Central Sun, the Greater Central Sun becomes are ever greater Sun back to Source. The Pleadians are joyously awaiting the Second Sun, which will manifest as we merge. The Central Sun Alcyone is in alignment on the 21st May, with the Wesak Full Moon and the Shamballa force on May 18th. The Central Sun Aldebaran, the eye of the bull, in Taurus will be aligned on 31st of May. Almach of the Andromedan Galaxy is right on the big alignment May 4th. The Andromedan galaxy is in alignment with Divine Will and this galaxy is merging with us, this is a multi-dimensional experience grounded through the Taurus alignment. The birthing of the new creation, the Golden Age.

In a 26,000 year cycle, which takes in the full cycle of the zodiac, we have four main stages. The first being the Golden Age where we are in full conscious connection to Divinity, Prime Creator, God is within. Where we live in a state of harmony with all life, Peace and Love are the energy we work with. We are aligned through the Sun and Central Sun, and core of the Earth. Then we have a Silver Age, where we start to need ritual to keep our connection. Next the Bronze Age where the Creator losses itself in Creation, and we start to experience separation. Then the Iron Age or Kali/Dark Age where we totally lose our connection and there is chaos, the energy we run on is Fear. We are now just about to move out of the Dark Age and into the Golden Age, and new cycle.
Halfway through this 26,000 year cycle we go into the Photon Belt. The Photon Belt is a band of Light Photons that runs through the Central Sun of the Pleiadian System.

This Sun is called Alcyone and our Solar System is in an outer orbit from Alcyone and the Belt. The Mayans, who are master mathematicians and time keepers came to Earth and left us with the Calender and Glyphs of the Cyclic flows of our Universe. They come from a Star that is in close orbit to Alcyone and always within the Photon Belt of Light. Our Solar System will be fully in the Belt in 2012 for 2,000 years, then out again for another 11,000 years. The year 2012 was the estimated end of the Mayan Calender, this may have come forward in time with new, recent revelations of the calender and the powerful shifts we are experiencing. As there is No Time and all is Now, to be at peace with this shift is to be surrendered into Divine Will, and being our connection to Source through our Heart.

The last time we went in the belt was in the Age of Leo, when Atlantis was at its peak, and then experienced the cataclysm as we hit the Belt. As we were not in harmony with the higher octaves of Light. But at that time in our learning we were also going into denser vibrations, from the Silver into the Bronze Age. Now we are about to come into the Photon Belt again, into the Age of Aquarius, which is opposite Leo, and we are having to make a great leap in consciousness, out of fear and into Love. If we can do this then it will be a harmonious transition. In Leo we had to learn about Gods Will and our Will, and we went out of alignment with Divine Will and into our own. In Aquarius we are learning to align our will to Divine Will, and so come from our Heart, Solar Self which is our Divine Connection. Learning to live in harmony and cooperation with each other.

Much of humanity still has the fear of destruction as the only way we change. As the memories of Atlantis still operate in the control and power dramas that run with fear, as full on as ever on this planet. The Earth Changes are the changes in us. If we keep abusing and disregarding the sacredness of all life, then we will create great chaos as a means of release from it. For when we are so separate from Love we create destruction and annihilation. But we have the opportunity to change this if we choose Love. The solar energy is creating a new vibration with which disturbing and disruptive energies will not be able to live. The vibration of Love is coming in so strongly now, the Sun is ready to complete and move into higher octaves and we are going too, as we are one with the Sun and in her Solar System, we are coming back into alignment. By being clear in our mind, emotions and body we will be able to cope with and enjoy these Golden Rays of Love and Joy, high Light energies. 
With the shift in axis last time our hearts were closed through fear and frozen, just like the formation of the Ice Poles at that time. As we melt the ice in our hearts, the ice melts at the poles which is now happening. We are the Earth Changes, as we are one with the Earth and all Creation. The fear of prophecies of doom, tidal waves, volcanoes, earthquakes is the fear within us. If we can Love and transmute the inner tidal wave of emotions or earthquake within ourselves we are free of the fear in the physical world. By practising this we open the doorway of the heart, the Unconditional Love, and so move into higher dimensions were fear does not exist. Our world changes to one of harmony and peace.

All ancient civilisations honoured the Sun as the symbol of Source, the giver of life. They used gold as the metal that symbolised the Sun and Divine energy, one example of the use of Gold and its divine connection is with the Incas. In Peru there is a Golden Solar Disc, this had come from Lemuria just before the cataclysm that erased that amazing civilisation. A master was guardian of this Disc for along time, and the Incas used it as they were aligned with its energy through the Central Sun, and worthy to use it. It was at the Temple of the Sun in Cusco. Cusco, 4,000 meters up in the Andes, itself being a sacred place, for after the great flood that submerged most of the earth, two starry beings came down to the Islands of the Sun and Moon in Lake Titicaca. They had a golden rod, and wherever it could be put into the earth would be sacred, and the beginnings of a new expression of humanity on earth.

This place was Cusco which thought of by the Incas as the umbilical cord of Earth. When the Spanish invaded in their lust for gold and power, they plundered the temple of incredible gold and silver sacred objects. Melting them down, and destroying the great temple and other buildings, to build their churches and town. They never found the Golden Disc, and to this day it has never been found. Some think it is under Cusco, in a network of tunnels that the Incas made from the Temple to Sacsayhuaman in the hill above Cusco, and other such places. There is even mention of a tunnel all the way to Ecuador which was in their Kingdom. On the 24th June each year a luminous glow is seen from the tunnels beneath Cusco, as presence of the Central Suns glow for humanity.

Now that Lemuria is once again rising, and all the cycles and civilisations merging, we are awakening to the presence of the Golden Discs through the Central Sun and our Solar selves. The discs are becoming once again free to vibrate in divine love and light, as their energy pluses through the network of light around, and through the Earth. There are other Golden Discs that are now being activated at the Island of the Sun, Lake Titicaca, Bolivia, in Egypt the Golden Solar Disc there at the temple of Horus, the RA connection, in the Himalayas at Himachal Pradesh and Tibet, in the south England, and other locations. Some of these have been dormant along time, others were always active, like in the Himalayas, being in their energy field creates great shifts in consciousness.

We are one with the Sun and have within us the Golden Solar Disc as well. We can anchor our own Golden Disc within our Hearts and bring in that energy at any sacred place. Which also means our own backyard or home as all the earth is sacred. We are now able to not just travel to these power sites but anchor that energy wherever we are. As we connect through our own inner Sun in our Heart, the Earth as it becomes a Sun, our Sun, the Central Sun and Greater Central Sun. Just allow yourself to be in this energy, in your true presence.

There are twenty Golden Discs that are physical, and were used in other cycles to keep the Divine energy aligned with the third density of the Earth. Twenty is the number of the marriage of Heaven and Earth,Spirit and Matter. Where we can be in the world of form and non form as one, in the world but not of it. We are now entering the 2000's and this vibration.Our Sun in this Solar System is also vibrating at the number twenty,as it operates at the twentieth plane.The Sun is also the merged God/Goddess,male/female and not just male,there is a Sun Goddess called Sol in mythology also. The Sun is beyond Duality, male/female and is unified energy. The Moon is a satellite that reflects the Sun at night, notice how Golden the Moon is now days.
It is now time for us to connect within to our source and Solar Self. Become aware of the Sun within our heart, a radiant Golden Ball of Divine Light. Feel and sense and be open to its love, joy and warmth. As we are now about to enter the Golden Cycle and into alignment with our Solar Selves once more, we are now becoming conscious of the Golden Solar Discs, and the energy they emanate, we are a Golden Solar Disc. Their full activation is to assist in a transition of cycles, this time without fear, but in Divine Love and into the 5th Dimension. We are at the precipice of a galactic change in cycle that is far greater than just the new birth of the Sun in our Solar System.

The Sun and Solar energy is radiating to and through Earth like never before as our Sun aligns with our Central Sun, and through to the Greater Central Sun in alignment with all. This is a major event and the reason why so many of us who are taking responsibility, and honouring and trusting our heart, are following our calling. Our Solar self illuminates us and transmutes our pain, and fear, our separation conscoiusness into unity conscoiusness as we to reunite us with our Source.

Author of an article and the photography: Martina Atiriamin Christová
This article can be not commercially shared in its original form with the disclosure of an author and active link www.slunecnabrana.eu and with all other posted active links including this comment.

Rabu, 16 Maret 2016


by James
from WingMakers Website
 Music is a language that directly communicates what cannot be said with words. When you encounter rhythm, melody, timbre, tone, harmony – the components of music – your first instinct is to surrender to their language. You crossover into the mysterious world of their creative presence where a bridge can be built and integration between these two worlds can be formed. 

The human instrument absorbs the sounds present in music and can, if the music is properly tuned, form a sympathetic resonance with the music. Similar to two tuning forks that resonate on the same frequency when only one is struck, the human instrument can be a resonant system in which its cellular and atomic structure is entrained by the music – or more specifically – the vibratory frequencies contained in the harmonics of the music.

The atomic structure of the human instrument is a vibrating harmonic system. The nuclei vibrate, and the electrons in their orbits vibrate in resonance to their nuclei, but to what does the nuclei resonate with? What is the primal vibration that establishes the vibratory expression of a human instrument? And can this vibration change and adapt – in a sense migrate to new levels of vibration that are more aligned and supportive to the spiritual purpose in which the human soul chose to incarnate?

Modern humanity has been deluded by sound and music – in effect, sung to sleep. The material world of sonic vibration has ensnared the human instrument, keeping the primal vibration of the human soul suppressed and diminished. This condition creates a heightened sense of separation, which in turn creates an unspecified, broad-spectrum anxiety that is difficult to identify, and, consequently, to resolve.

It is to this vibration of separation and anxiety that most humans submit, and as resonant systems, unwittingly nourish and promote. But the truth is that life is encapsulated spirit, and all life is part of a unified creative presence that lives underneath the material world like a waterway of motion lives beneath the solid, opaque ice of a river.

Using this analogy, music can break through the ice and enable the individual to thrust their hands into the water and feel this motion – this current of universal life that surges undeniably just below the surface of the material world. This is the re-connective experience that heals the sense of separation so powerfully woven into the human condition. The music of Hakomi Chambers 4-6 (now playing) is intended to restore and support this sense of reconnection.

Within the esoteric fields of study, it has long been known that sound is the most effective way to move beyond separation and rekindle the sense of integration between the heart-mind-body-soul system. Music, properly tuned and orchestrated, is like a needle and thread that stitches these component parts of the human entity together not in permanent union, but in manageable alignment and coherence.

It is this alignment and coherence that enables your spiritual work to surface and bloom, and sound is the bridge that connects the “archipelago” of the heart-mind-body-soul system, uniting them as a singular “geography” or system in service to the native, original purpose of the individuated consciousness. (See Fig. 1 below.)
This does not mean that you necessarily become a healer or a teacher of spiritual works. The original purpose of the human instrument and soul – as a unified team – is to harmonize consciousness from the density of material survival to the highest vibration of love. This harmonization is not ruled by human definitions of good and evil or right and wrong. It is exclusively about bringing disparate vibrations into harmony and building coherence between the two poles of survival and divine love.

Spirit becomes matter through the vibration of sound, and similarly, matter becomes spirit through the harmonics of sound. It is a reciprocal energy transfer – one in which science is only now beginning to understand. Since prehistoric times, humans have known that music modifies the environment and our relationship to time and space, but now science is revealing that music also modifies our cellular structure, energy centers (chakras), and the coherence between our total selfhood (heart-mind-body-soul system).

In the study of wave phenomenon known as the science of cymatics, sound waves produce an effect on inert matter, structuring it into geometric, even archetypal forms. This same cause and effect relationship of sound waves on matter is what produces the effect at the atomic and cellular levels of the human instrument. However, it is more than mere physical impressions of the sound waves. There are harmonics within the sound that extend into higher and lower frequencies than the audible range of the human ear, but nonetheless impact on the vibrational structure of the human instrument’s DNA, mind-brain structure, and central nervous system.

The vibratory structure of the human instrument, which includes the body, emotions, and mind structures, is an object lesson in non-aligned frequencies. The vibrations of one organ are different than another – say the stomach when compared to the heart. The vibration of the higher mind is different than the emotions; the crown chakra different than the vibration of the pituitary gland. The human instrument is a vast collection of vibratory systems, each operating in service to a functional outcome that serves the material needs of the human instrument to survive in the physical world and evolve towards the spiritual worlds of First Source. These competing vibrational currents create the condition of floating intentionality – which results in the diffusion of the intention and will of the individual.

Because the vibratory structure of the human instrument is unaligned and asymmetrical, it is a collection of vibrations operating in a multiplicity of resonant systems. There are root sounds that are primal and, because of their primal stature, causal. These root sounds are inaudible, but nevertheless provide an orchestrating frequency that brings a degree of coherence to the human instrument.

Mantras, particularly as they were applied in the esoteric schools of sound and light, were designed to strengthen the root frequencies or source vibration that establishes the unifying vibration of each human instrument. It is this unifying Source Vibration that generally defines the descending form in which the human instrument manifests in the physical domain, as well as the ascension path upon which it evolves.

The Source Vibration of the individual is intermixed with the world of forms as the human instrument manifests. This is the “vibratory soup” of the external world that impacts on, and influences, the human instrument. This vibratory soup, particularly as it pertains to technology, acts to diminish the Source Vibration in the space of human consciousness. This Source Vibration is analogous to what is – in esoteric schools – referred to as the soul’s heartbeat.

Figure 2 below, depicts this overall relationship between the inward connectivity of the individuated consciousness to First Source (God), and its interface with the external world of form and vibratory density. Spiritual sound helps to create an Interface Zone between the human instrument and the vibratory soup of the world of forms. This Interface Zone supports the human instrument’s mission and purpose, preventing its vibratory contamination as a vessel for the human soul and an outlet of First Source’s expression of Sound and Light, or what is sometimes referred to as Para Vach.
Para Vach is the primordial, causal Sound and Light that transcends both manifestation and non-manifestation. It is the Breath of First Source beyond the cosmos that creates, vitalizes, and sets in motion the vibratory substance of matter. It transcends the manifestation of light and sound even as it exists in its most pure and luminous state.

There are references in virtually all religious texts, as well as physics and cosmology that describe – however obliquely – the Para Vach.
  • in the Bible it is the Word made flesh
  • it is the Nada of the Upanishads
  • the Kalma-I-ilahi or inner sound of the Koran
  • the HU of the Sufi
  • the music of the spheres in Pythagorean philosophy
  • it is Fohat in Buddhism
  • the Kwan-Yin-Tien in Chinese mysticism.
Regardless of its name or precise definition, it is the fundamental cause of all sound and light within the Grand Universe, which in turn is the fundamental cause of all manifestation.

It is this connection that is embedded within each of us. It is our source of the pure vibration that we live upon as endless beings. In the book, Liminal Cosmogony, it is stated as follows:
From the Hidden Father originate the Light and Sound harmonics – the universal codes of unity – that are distilled into his Brilliant Children in the worlds of form.
However, it is the worlds of form that can defile and contaminate this connection and subtle vibration, hence the Interface Zone is an essential concept to understand.

Harmony is the ruling principle of the Interface Zone, and music – properly tuned – can help to create, direct, and uphold this sense of harmony. If the Interface Zone is rightfully managed, it will provide a buffer between the human soul and the worlds of form that bear down upon it. This is a result of the density of vibration within the worlds of form that inadvertently, and, in some instances, purposely, diminish the vibratory state of the human soul’s vessel – the human instrument – to the vibratory rate of matter.

Sacred music, chants, mantras, and harmonic vibrations are the countervailing effect of this vibratory density, and it is the most potent way in which to direct and uphold the inherent harmony of the Interface Zone that surrounds each of us. In a meditative state, the sound of one’s voice chanting a mantra or the sacred name of First Source is very powerful, particularly if one is actively visualizing and imagining a harmonious Interface Zone.

There are melody lines embedded within the music of Hakomi Chambers 4-6 that can be internalized and used as a harmonic “broom” to sweep the denser vibrations that may have accumulated within your Interface Zone. This procedure does not require a good voice, and indeed, can be more potent if given expression within your consciousness instead of through your vocal chords and mouth.

There will be a Lyricus discourse released in the next month that will provide more background depth and practical applications related to the Interface Zone and its role in supporting and facilitating the evolutionary consciousness.

From my world to yours,


Senin, 29 Februari 2016


Kitab/Kisah kehidupan manusia planet Bumi dapat dibagi dalam 3 Bab besar : 

  1. Manusia generasi Awal [ Man Gen A1]
  2. Manusia generasi Antara [Man Gen A2]
  3. Manusia generasi Akhir [Man gen A3]
Abad mileneum ini [Abad 2000 keatas] sedang terbentuk/berproses Manusia Generasi A3, ditandai dengan tumbuhnya Sensor Persepsi Indera ke-6 [Quantum Six Heart's Virtue/Equality-Oneness vibration] dan Sensor Persepsi Indera ke-7 [Higher Mind/Quantum Brain]


The Founders on Earth History--parts 1-5
Received by Sal Rachele--www.salrachele.com

Part 1:
This Universe you find yourselves in began about 20 billion years ago as a point of light within the Mind of God. This point of light was contained within a greater point of light, which was contained within a greater point, etc., into infinity. There is an aspect of the Godhead that has always existed and that expands and contracts an infinite number of times. All of life is continually expanding and contracting, much like that device you look through with the colored glass - the kaleidoscope.

During one of the expansion phases, approximately 4.5 billion years ago, your world you call Earth was formed out of primordial dust and gas. Like all newly formed worlds, it was mostly hydrogen and a few other gases, not containing the kind of life you know. Throughout this physical chemical process, the Godhead, in an expansion phase, differentiated itself into units of consciousness, which later became known as "souls". These original souls, called the Founders, are what we represent to you. We were the original sparks of light that were showered out from the Infinite Source during this expansion. Our individuality began approximately one billion years ago, and we went forth to explore the creation.

We found millions of planets in their early stages of development, including your world, and we remained in the form of sparks, although actually to you we look like large blue-white stars. Due to our relatively rarified level of vibration (compared to the vibratory states of these worlds), we were unable to experience life directly on any of these worlds, so we would simply overlight, or hover above the atmosphere of these worlds and observe the chemical processes taking place.

At some point in the distorted time-space continuum, we decided to imbed a tiny part of ourselves into the evolving worlds in order to experience them more directly. To do this, we created a multitude of energy patterns, precursors to what you call the DNA molecule. You would call these precursors, "light packets" of conscious energy. These light packets were able to descend in vibration down to what you would call the 9th or 10th density. At that point, we were able to create intricate configurations of light codes, which you now call DNA keys. These DNA keys were the actual building blocks of life as you know it. We then densified these keys down to what you call 7th density, the first level of the actual DNA codes. As 7th density beings, we were finally able to experience this expanding Universe directly as inhabitants of evolving worlds.

We scattered our seed throughout the Universe, going to many regions of the ever-expanding galactic clusters. As the clusters differentiated further into individual galaxies, we began the process described above and "incarnated" into several regions of each galaxy. Your galaxy, the one you call the Milky Way, was seeded in several quadrants. Your quadrant began in what you call the Lyra/Vega region. It is here that the first 7th density forms were manifested, through manipulating and permutating the DNA codes. It took us nearly 900 million years to perfect this process, and it is only within the last 100 million years that we were able to create life forms in all the densities down to 3rd density.

The process of differentiation is difficult for most Earth souls to comprehend. The best analogy we can give is that of cellular division. Each cell that divides from a parent cell becomes an individual cell in its own right, just as powerful and creative as the parent cell (if not more so). Each 3D, 4D, 5D, 6D or 7D being that fragmented off from our parent Selves (our 12th density core) became a sovereign being, or whole and complete soul, as it grew and evolved through time and space. At the same time, each fragment, as it becomes aware of its higher aspects, is able to align, or connect with, those higher aspects, and thereby remember what the state of undifferentiated Source energy is like. In essence, each fragment of ourselves is intimately connected to our core, and our core is intimately connected to the Godhead (the undifferentiated Infinite Source).

The process of descending into form is called devolution. An aspect of the Godhead (us) becomes more and more differentiated and extends itself outward into lower and lower densities (actually becoming more and more dense) until it reaches the level of simple existence. In other words, a part of ourselves extended outward all the way to the level of pure elemental awareness, or first density. This is the density of what you call non-organic existence, the simplest manifestation of which is the hydrogen element. Once hydrogen is imbued with consciousness, the process of evolution begins. Of course, your scientists cannot measure the level of consciousness in first density because it is minute in comparison to third density. However, your scientists have discovered what you call the "quark" and you have a measurement you call "Planck's constant". These units are aspects of first density consciousness, and are the means to measure the forces behind quantum fluctuations.

Part 2:
Yesterday we began a discourse on the true
history of your planet, but we didn't get very far - only to the point where the humanoid form began propagating throughout the
Universe. This form you have come to know so well, with its arms, legs, torso, head, etc., was the result of genetic experimentation
and research comprising a very long period of time - about 900 million of your Earth years. During that time, all manner of exotic
life forms were created by permutating the DNA strands and structures. Most of the animal life you are familiar with was
brought forth as a side-effect of this research.

Forgive us but we are going to back up a bit. This is a vast subject to most of your peoples and we do not want to leave anything out.
Life exists in many forms, some of which you would not even recognize if it were right in front of you. There are carbon-based
life forms, silicon-based life forms, and even lithium-based life forms. These are sentient beings with at least a rudimentary
understanding and awareness of their presence and the Love of the Creator.

All life began in the simplest of states. As we mentioned briefly in Part 1, even hydrogen has a level of awareness. The Creator, in the
form of us, began experimenting with different life forms. We found we could take the rudimentary consciousness of a hydrogen atom, or a
heavier metallic element, and permutate the atomic structure, thus creating new and varying forms of life. All life forms we created
had a natural tendency to become more organized over time, and more sophisticated, gradually growing in self-awareness. The natural
evolution of life forms followed what you call the Darwinian evolutionary model. All of our experiments, and the experiments of
other groups like us, were represented by mutations or periods punctuated with intense growth and alteration of form and structure.
Your scientists do not understand why there are so many mutations and alterations in living organisms. We are offering an explanation.

As life began evolving from first density up through the various mineral and plant stages, there eventually came a level of
sophistication and awareness, known as the animal stage, wherein it became possible for the higher-density souls to incarnate directly
into the flesh and blood of these evolving life forms. This is the part that is hard to understand for most of you, but it is as if a
tiny fragment of yourself (the animal consciousness) was reunited with the larger part of yourself (your 7D consciousness). To
incarnate into an animal form, the tiny aspect (the consciousness of the animal) would have to merge with the larger aspect (the
consciousness of the incarnating soul). The cosmic inbreath involves the merging and assimilating of soul fragments into larger and
larger conglomerations of consciousness. Incarnation is one way this process is accomplished. The pinnacle of this evolutionary process
is the humanoid form.

This humanoid form you find yourselves embodying was originally designed to be capable of experiencing seven different dimensions
simultaneously. It had the capability to sit, stand, walk, run, leap, fly, and teleport itself from one place to another. All of
these were considered valuable experiences of physicality and ethereality, for this body you inhabit was quasi-physical in the
sense that it could be made translucent and fluid, or it could be as solid as you experience it now. This body was designed specifically
to work with the gravitational and electromagnetic fields of evolving planets, and its density could be shifted at will from the
first through seventh level.

During the 900 million year period of experimentation, there were many strange and exotic forms walking upon your planet. You are
familiar with some of them, including the dinosaurs. These DNA forms were created as byproducts of our research, and the research of
other groups who worked with us. There was a period known in your mythology as the Land of Pan. This civilization took place near the
beginning of the 100 million year cycle, which is, incidentally, about one-half of a revolution of your sun around the central sun of
your galaxy.

During the time of Pan, or Pangaea, as it is sometimes called, the DNA experimentation was still going on, and there were no safeguards
built into the "Earth laboratory." This meant that various life forms could interbreed and create other exotic blends and hybrids.
You are perhaps familiar with the Pegasis and Centaur and other creatures resembling a cross between horses and man, or horses and
angels. There were many bizarre creatures roaming your world, all a product of genetic experimentation and interspecies breeding.

Embedded within the genetic codes of every species was the Infinite Creator's plan of evolution, known as the inbreath of Creation. The
inbreath of Creation issues forth the universal law of increasing intelligence and self-awareness. All life forms during the inbreath
have a blueprint of ascension along the evolutionary spiral, and so as the bizarre lifeforms of Pan began to grow in awareness, they
developed various levels of judgment and discernment, through various mental and emotional faculties. They began to become aware
of their Creator, and they also began to become aware that they were spirits embedded in various physical and etheric forms. As sparks of
the original undifferentiated Source energy, they felt a longing to return to that Source. They began to realize that a part of that
Source had split off from the vastness of Love and Light, and was going through this outer experience of embodiment. This is the
allegorical reference to the tree of knowledge of good and evil in your religious teachings.

These life forms were given a realm of Creation in which to learn how to become Gods in their own right. This realm is known as the
fourth dimension, or the realm of mind and knowledge and imagination. Within the blueprint of every life form is the desire
to create like the Creator, just as within every child born of a human parent are the potentialities, hopes and desires of the
parents. Every spark of divinity, as it experienced the various physical embodiments and species, was also developing its desire to
become a Creator.

The Infinite Creator made a decision, a long time ago in Earthly terms, to place no limits on what could be created by its fledgling
children. This was known as the Law of Free Will, and this Law has been the source of all pain and misery upon your world and countless
others. The Creator gave each one of you the ability to create unlike the perfect blueprint. Within your fourth dimensional canvas,
you could paint any picture you desired, from the lovely to the grotesque. The Creator wanted to experience every conceivable idea
and see it manifest on the canvas of the imagination. And so it is that many of the Creator's flegling life forms experimented with
their own DNA to the point of creating mishapen, malformed and convoluted creatures, with similar convoluted mental processes.

Many of the sparks of divinity (souls) who ventured into these uncharted realms became so mesmerized by their own creations that
they forgot they were seventh density beings of the Creator's light and love. As they became more and more immersed in these lower
densities, they became identified with the physicality and ethereality of these realms. This is referred to in your religious
teachings as the "original fall from grace." A popular present-day analogy on your world would be the experience of going into a movie
theatre. When you are deeply engrossed in the movie, you forget about the outside world, until the movie is over, and then you
wander, dazed and confused, out of the movie theatre, slowly piecing together the reality you left just two hours earlier. However, in
the case of your "fall", the two hours is more like 100 million years.

So, beloveds, we have two processes unfolding here. The first is the process of evolution, from a tiny spark of divinity that begins as
inanimate objects of first density and slowly evolves through more and more sophisticated levels of genetic configurations, eventually
making its way back to the Godhead. Then, at the same time, we have the process of devolution, wherein souls differentiate out of the
Godhead as 12th density beings of light and gradually drop their vibration down until they reach the 7th density, wherein they take
the form of luminous beings of light. It is at that point that they then differentiate further through the process of incarnation, until
they are able to experience all the levels of evolution, from a grain of sand to the Source from whence they came.

In future segments of this discussion, we will examine how evolution and devolution are intertwined and how souls possessing free will
have the capabilities of entering into any level or dimension of creation and experiencing that level or levels. We will also
continue with the history of your Earth, examining the civilizations that have come and gone from your world over time, and we will
explore the various star races that have incarnated and invaded your world and influenced the life forms evolving on Earth.

Part 3:
There are multiple energy streams happening simultaneously - evolution, devolution and constancy (at very high levels).

Today we will actually get down to the historical events of your timeline. As we and the channel have mentioned many times previously, time is fluid and not "set in stone" as your rational minds would have you believe. Therefore, much of what we chronicle for you is subject to change. Although the physical events have Akashic imprints and will continue to exist on one of your past timelines, you as a species have the capabilities of changing your timelines to better suit your evolution. We will address that subject in greater depth at another time.

We are not fond of issuing disclaimers in our communications because we want our words and ideas to stand simply as they are, without embellishment or compromise. However, it might be useful to point out that some of the ideas presented herein will echo what has been brought forth in your mythological and religious teachings, and some of it will likely contradict the writings and teachings you are already familiar with. We are not here to convert anyone to a particular way of thinking, or convince you of anything. We ask that you remain open to our viewpoint of Creation, perhaps realizing that we have a broader perception than most entities that have visited your world. How's that for a modest disclaimer?

There have been four major civilizations (and a lot of minor ones) on your planet since the grand experiment began unfolding here. (1) Pangaea, (2) Lemuria, (3) Atlantis, and (4) the present. In addition, there have been two major events in your solar system that dramatically impacted the history of your world. (A) The destruction of Maldek; and (B) The destruction of the surface of Mars. We are simplifying the story considerably, because there were numerous other events, some of which we will be going into in detail. These would include what your religious writings call the "Luciferian Rebellion" (which we refer to as the Orion invasion), the infusion of the Alpha Draconians (Reptilians), the reign of the Sirians (your Biblical and pre-Biblical times) and the quiet invasion of the Zeta Reticulins (greys). Keep in mind that these are only the major ET infusions; there were MANY others, including input from certain Andromedan sectors, various levels and dimensions of Pleiadean groups, Venusians, Arcturians, Antareans, and others from Polaris, Alpha Centauri, and many other regions. Add to this the overseeing of your progress by the Councils of Alcyone (the Great White Brotherhood), the Confederations of Light and their offshoots (Ashtar, Solar Cross, etc.), and the many interplanetary priesthoods (Melchizedek, Metatron, Enoch, etc.), and you have quite a bowl of porridge on the cosmic stove!

Well, as you say, let's get on with it. Let's start with Pangaea. We briefly talked about this civilization yesterday in Part 2, but let's put it into the historic timeline. The Land of Pan was the pinnacle of success regarding the experimentation and interbreeding of various DNA strains. This was the paradise, or "Garden of Eden" written about in your religious books. Most of the Earth was tropical jungle during the period from 200 million to 20 million years ago. You can see evidence of this by examining the geological formations, particularly in your desert areas. For example, the barren desert area known as the Petrified Forest in Northeastern Arizona was once dense jungle. Many areas, including your favorite hot spot, Sedona, was under water for much of that time. In other words, your world was bathed in water and dense vegetation, in most areas. Even the polar regions were teeming with life.

The humanoid form was seeded on your planet approximately 100 million years ago, right in the middle of this jungle period. There were small groups of humanoids confined to relatively small areas of your world. These humanoids were seventh density beings with wings and highly developed telepathic and psychic abilities. They lived in paradise. They were loving and cooperative and communicated with the exotic plant and animal life that abounded everywhere. They extracted their food directly from sunlight, and assimilated water through their pores. They had need of nothing but each other. This is a rough equivalent of what you call the Garden of Eden in your religious writings.

The life forms during that time were varied and plentiful. About 60 million years ago, the dinosaurs were killed off when the comet Arunhatak made it's 10,500 year cycle and came too close to Earth on this particular pass. The resulting cool-down destroyed a large part of the vegetation, but the Earth, in her amazing regenerative ways, was able to bounce back, and another fertile period ensued. There were only a few hundred thousand humanoid forms on Earth at that time and most of them retreated underground, and with the help of various Pleiadean factions, created a subterranean world of great beauty and intricacy. This is where the legends of an "inner earth" came from. We will talk about that at a later time.

Most of the life forms of Pan were exotic and do not exist today. There are legends of a few of them, including the Pegasus and Centaur (no relation to Alpha Centaurians), and some of the creatures were descendents of the dinosaurs and early reptiles. The dragons got their folklore from two sources - Pangaea and the Draconian invasion. The early dragons were reptilian creatures that evolved along with the dinosaurs and were genetically manipulated by us and other ET groups. Later, the Draconians came to Earth with their own reptilian form and began interbreeding and creating exotic dragon forms. But we are getting ahead of ourselves.

The Fall of Pangaea was the original "fall from grace" as chronicled in your writings. This occurred when the "Sons of God" (the seventh density Pleiadeans) incarnated into the humanoid forms evolving on Earth and forgot their divine connection. The humanoid forms, before the incarnation of the seventh density Pleiadeans, had a rudimentary consciousness somewhere between second and third density. Your evolutionary scientists see the change brought about by the Pleiadean incarnations as an unexplained mutation that marks the difference between apes and humans.

The incarnated Pleiadean humans interbred with the various creatures; hence the half-horse half-man and many others. The faerie kingdom was one of the offshoots of this interbreeding. Seventh density souls took on a humanoid form that had wings. When they interbred with the four-legged creatures, one of the results was the Pegasus, or winged horse. As the humanoid Pleiadean souls dropped in vibration, their wings became atrophied, along with their telepathic and other abilities. They became more and more like the creatures evolving on Earth - more animalistic in nature and less able to formulate higher intellectual reasoning abilities.

All this continued until approximately 10 million years ago, when the end of the cosmic cycle occurred and the electromagnetic polarities shifted. At that time, great storms raged across the Earth, as a result of the changing EM frequencies, a flood wiped out most of the creatures residing on Earth. This is referred to in your religious writings as the "great flood." At that time, most of the Earth became covered in water, with a few remnants of land and life remaining here and there.

Part 4:
We will now examine the major wars and infusions of souls onto your world that marked the beginning of what you call violence and conflict. For many of you, this will not be a pretty picture, but I suspect most of you are mature souls now and can handle a little unpleasantry amidst all the glorious Creation.

Your Earth was not the only planet in your system that received ET attention. Ten million years ago there were three planets that harbored life forms – Earth, Mars and Maldek. These were the third, fourth and fifth planets from your sun at the time. Yes, the environment on the fourth and fifth planets was colder and less hospitable than on Earth, but that did not stop the ETs from colonizing these worlds. Those that came to Mars and Maldek were adventurous sorts, willing to endure the harsh winters and barren landscapes that dotted these planets – although there were forests and plant life in the equatorial regions, and plenty of water and ice in the polar regions.

Many of those souls that perished during the great flood of Earth reincarnated on Mars and Maldek. The civilizations already developing on those worlds were from many different star systems, and now the Pleiadean root race joined the mix. As you can imagine, the beings now residing on those worlds had dropped in vibration to the fourth density. Souls born into a fourth density world did not receive the same kind of loving attention that souls in seventh density experience. These outer planets were therefore a repository for a bizarre array of thought forms and thought creations, thereby resulting in a rich and varied astral realm – the realm of thought creation, imagination and the dream state.

Throughout this period, many beings from across the galaxy had taken notice of the Earth experiment and its neighboring planets. A group of souls from the Draco star system sent scout craft to Earth about 40 million years ago, and again roughly one or two million years before the great flood (about 12 million years ago). Although they did not settle en masse, their reports back to the Draconian councils put Earth, Mars and Maldek “on the map” for exploration and possible conquest.

Another group, from the constellation of Orion, also took notice of the fledgling Earth souls and their compatriots on Mars and Maldek. We of the 7th and 12th densities were still monitoring the Earth experiment closely, and these less than savory civilizations from Orion and Draco were not able to gain a foothold on Earth due to our careful observation. It would have like marching into our laboratory and announcing they were taking over the experiment. We had a protective vibration around Earth and things like this didn’t happen – at least not at that time. However, the same protections were not afforded Mars and Maldek because, quite frankly, that was not our terrain. These planets were more of a “free-for-all.” And so come they did, in small numbers at first, as scouts and small settlements amidst the existing communities. Once interbreeding began to occur, the souls from Orion and Draco began incarnating as well. The Draco reptilian form found it hard to adapt to the Mars and Maldek environments, and reincarnation became the preferred method of infusing oneself into these worlds.

Both the Orion and Draco systems had a wide variety of conscious beings, and the explorers who settled on Mars and Maldek were quite aggressive and warrior-like in their mentality. Their main purpose in coming to Earth’s solar system was conquest and mining of natural resources. Basically, anything that would give them power and prestige. These souls had long ago forgotten their connection to Source, and felt they needed to take from others in order to feel whole and complete.

It was not long before war started to break out on Mars and Maldek. Due to Mars’ proximity to Earth, and the watchful gaze of our members, the Orions and Draconians were less willing to reincarnate in mass numbers on Mars. They preferred the relative distance of Maldek. They began coming in record numbers and pretty soon the Maldekian civilization numbered in the millions of souls. They built great cities out of stone, and in matching their consciousness, these cities had great fortresses and towers to afford protection from attack.

At some point, the Maldekian peoples discovered neutron technology and began manufacturing bombs and wartime implements. At that time (several million years ago) there were no safeguards in place to prevent the runaway consequences of this technology. Although the Maldekian civilization began over ten million years ago in Earth time, it continued to evolve into a series of warring factions. This warring attracted the attention of both benevolent and malevolent ET groups from various systems around the galaxy, but because of the non-interference agreement and protection of free will, little was done to intervene.

About 3,200,000 years ago, the conflicts escalated and the neutron weapons were deployed. It was supposed to be a “limited nuclear exchange” between two of the warring factions. At this point the DNA of the souls were a mixture of Draconian and Orion strands, both of which contained the aggressive genes. Each side in this conflict (although both sides had similar DNA) wanted to outdo the other, and the weapons grew increasingly larger and more numerous. The first exchange only destroyed a few thousand humanoids. The side most damaged would rebuild and retaliate, each time with greater devastation. Although it seemed to be discovered by accident, a particularly powerful neutron bomb was developed using a rare combination of elemental catalysts. The scientists involved in its development did not realize the extent of its destructive capabilities. This weapon was fired at a military base hidden underground in enemy territory. Within this base were hundreds of neutron weapons. The enemy, realizing the bomb was coming, attempted to get their base weapons airborne. Several dozen of the several hundred weapons were launched and exploded in the sky, creating a brilliant flash. However, they were unable to intercept the oncoming more powerful weapon and it entered the silos of the enemy and simultaneously ignited over 200 weapons buried in the ground. The combination of the explosion of the more powerful weapon and the 200 conventional nuclear weapons resulted in a powerful earthquake that tore apart the planet of Maldek and eventually broke it into hundreds of fragments, which became the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.

Over ten million souls perished in the blast, and these souls later reincarnated on Mars. We and the other benevolent groups were horrified at what happened and petitioned the Godhead for a greater level of intervention to prevent this from ever happening again. The resulting blast altered the orbits of Mars and Earth and severely disrupted the etheric bases on Jupiter and Saturn. A wave of electromagnetic disruption went out from the solar system and beings from all over the galaxy took notice. A council was convened in the Alcyone system, home of the Great White Brotherhood, and it was established that no more complete planetary destruction would be allowed anywhere in the galaxy.

Part 5:
Some of you have been asking about the Orions and Draconians (Dracos). We have not gone into detail on these groups because it is not necessary. Suffice to say, our original DNA experiment sort of went astray, to use your Earthly language. Other laboratory technicians and inventors came into the lab in the middle of the night and trashed our equipment and stole our samples and did their own experiments on them and started their own laboratories.

Do you like our analogy? We have studied your language and customs for a long time and seem to know how to use the vernacular of your time to make our points. The Earth experiment can be best understood, however, if we continue our saga back in time to just after the destruction of Maldek.

Over ten million souls lost their bodies during the destruction of Maldek. Most of these souls took up residence on Mars, where a civilization was already in progress. The souls on Mars at that time were a product of our experimentation, along with groups from many different systems, including Orion and Alpha Draconis. Those groups left their mark many times along your evolutionary spiral, but never to a sufficient degree as to seriously alter your DNA blueprint - at least not yet. 

The souls from Maldek incarnated in the usual manner through breeding among the Pleiadean, Orion and Draconian lineage of Mars. The civilization on Mars grew significantly in numbers, until there were over 100 million souls. We will not go into the principles of soul fragmentation at this time, but suffice to say, that the 10 million souls from Maldek fragmented into approximately 50% of the Mars population within a period of only a few thousand years. As the population grew on Mars, the fragile atmosphere became strained. Due to their distance from the sun, both Mars and Maldek had thin and delicate atmospheres that could not take the strain of large populations (not to mention nuclear weapons).

As the Mars civilization continued to grow, unrest between the various factions grew, especially since many of the Maldekian souls had not learned the lessons of war and had left their bodies suddenly during the catastrophic events there. Although most souls are counseled in-between lifetimes, there was still a policy of non-interference, except to prevent another planetary explosion, and so Mars' inhabitants were pretty much left on their own as long as they did not develop weapons sufficient to destroy the entire planet. The explosion of Maldek had altered the orbit of Mars and changed the EM frequency band significantly. The climate changed and great canals were built to transport water from the tropical and polar regions into the desert intermediate zones. As the climate continued to become more unstable, wars broke out over water rights and eventually conventional weapons began proliferating.

A form of dirty atomic bombs were developed, using heavy metals (Uranium, Plutonium, etc.) and a war broke out using these weapons. Many souls were warned by members of the Brotherhood of Light (later the Confederation of Planets) and were assisted in building underground shelters and eventually underground cities. The Brotherhood and its related organizations neutralized many of the weapons to prevent a repeat of the Maldek experience. Nevertheless, the Martians blew holes in their atmosphere and severely disrupted the ecological balance to the point of rendering most surface life forms extinct. Some survivors of the atomic bomb blasts made their way underground and joined those already there. Once underground, they continued to rebuild their civilization, until a new level of order emerged. Of the approximately 100 million surface souls, about 10 million survived and went underground.

To prevent further attacks, the underground cities of Mars were sealed off from the outside world and scientists managed to create an artificial environment capable of sustaining up to 20 million souls. Over time, great dust storms spread across the surface of Mars and eroded most of the cities and their architecture. Remaining to this day are a few pyramids and rectangular buildings - enough to remind your scientists that there was once life there - although such information has been suppressed from the populace.

As for the underground cities, they still exist and are still inhabited to this day, but have evolved into fourth density and are not visible to most who enquire.

Your scientists will discover some radioactivity on Mars that cannot be explained solely by natural rock formations - this is the residue of the atomic explosions, since some of the elements used have a half-life of millions of years.

What happened to the 90 million or so souls that did not go underground? You guessed it - they migrated to Earth and reincarnated into the melting pot of Pleiadean, Orion, Draconian and other groups that had reorganized since the destruction of Pan.

~Via Scott Maurer