Rabu, 26 Oktober 2016


 ~Duane The Great Writer is here to Share his RealExperiences from his life and providing RealGuidance and a RealEducation for What IS Real Now.

Each person has their own experiences and is on their own journey with Life. On the earth many people have created businesses, and this is what Duane is doing with The NUPresentation Foundation, a California Nonprofit Community Organization for 'YOUR OCEANS NOW' www.TheNUPresentation.info

The Natural Environment for ALL, is more than just 'Nature' and what is found on the earth. The ALLNatural Environment IS what each person is experiencing with Your RealAwareniss, The RealU. Duane IS rewriting Human History and that is there is so much more than what has become known with all the Invented REPSystems (Religious, Educational, Political, Social / Scientific)

As we are each born on the earth, this becomes our life Now. We have all been here before and on many other worlds and other dimensions and Levels of Life. We are here to gain more experience and to Become MoreAware of who we really are. Thousands and millions of lifetimes is a huge journey, but not as huge as The Whole of Life. We are here to sort out 'what is not real' and to learn to Become MoreAware of What IS Real Now. ALLife IS Now, and from this RealPosition we each decide our own Journey to RealTruth & RealFreedom.

What has taken place in the past can only be a 'Reference' to What IS Real Now. Life will always Make Sense, and Being Now makes more sense than dragging old ideas and drama from the past into The TruReality of Being Now. When a person can Objectively See what they have been thru and then compare it with Being Now, then they will begin to 'Recognize' the difference with their own life and journey. LifeIS not about all the information and knowledge we create and collect, but moreso about The RealU and when the moment comes when YU 'Recognize' The TruReality LifeIS, THE ALLIS.

Most of this world and the many other RoundWorlds are Very Kontrolled by unseen forces that the general public is mostly unaware of. Some people want to stay asleep to what is taking place with where they are at, and then there are those like Duane who LUV The RealAdventure & Challenge of Seeing More than what is being presented by others who are unaware of The Whole of Life.

LifeIS The Great Adventure, moreso than just sitting in a classroom and learning second-hand created things. LifeIS moreso than listening to the Religious and Political Kontrollers manipulating their audiences to agree to what they are creating for themselves and using others to build their fortunes with. What is taking place on the earth is what each person decides for themselves. Very few people will explore past what they can see here and what they have been taught. Those that do are The Real RiskTakers. ~LIFEIS THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT WITH ALL THE LEVELS LIFEIS~ As we each look upon the earth and experience The TruNatural Reality of it, we can learn to See there is so much more than what our Personal Senses can take in and register. What we call Nature truly does provide for itself in so many different ways. In today's world, it is more than evident that The Natural Environment is in second place to Destroying IT. As we each 'Recognize' what The Natural Environment is here, we can then better understand our own TruNature, that of Your RealAwareniss, The RealU. Many have taken for granted what is here and IS More Wonderful than they can imagine. It is for sure that everything we survive with is from The Natural Environment.

We each have a physical body on the earth and so do other creatures of many different types. Each of us IS The RealAwareniss, no matter what type of body we have, such as a human, Alien, bird, fish, insect, tree or plant. All of this and so much more IS The RealAwareniss operating their own vehicle to gain their own experiences, which eventually equals a RealComparison with The Whole of Life, then to 'Recognize & PerSeeve' The TruReality LifeIS, THE ALLIS.

The Biggest Challenge for ALL of US is to survive this place and maintain our personal sanity at the same time. To first of all gain the experiences we need to Recognize The TruReality LifeIS, we have to always be up for the adventure and challenges that are constantly showing up. The Heavily marketed masses will usually go with what is created from those who want to Kontrol them, and then there are the very few who See Thru all the ploy of others and decide to explore and discover a better way for themselves. The Physical Senses can only know so much, and this is where The RealU begins to investigate Your DreamVisions.

Your DreamVisions is the next step to RealWorlds and Real UNUverses that are unseen and mostly unknown by the REPSystems and those who follow such creations. As YU become familiar with Your UNUverse, YU start to See there really is so much more to Life than what YU have known on the earth alone. Here is where the fun begins as YU discover Becoming MoreAware with The Whole of Life and that YU are a Free Being of Light and YU are Wonderful! From the Physical Realm, YU Become Aware that YU can Recognize the Astral Realm, which is the Second Level. This is the first step in Your DreamVisions, The RealSide LifeIS. This IS The Natural Environment for Your Emotional Body. The Astral Realm with its many different levels is not a Round World like the earth, it is a 'Plane' as has been termed in so many writings from those who are aware of this Heaven of Man. The Astral Realm is a fun and interesting place and each person relates to it mainly with their emotions, as this is the faculty we each experience in the Physical Vehicle. This is home base of the Kontrolling Earthly Korporations, as they have employees, followers and membershrimps who usually pray, worship and look to the Gods of Man. There is a Governor Lord on this level of PsycLife and he is looked to as the Known God of Man.

The Natural Environment then extends into the Causal Realm where YU have another vehicle which relates to the faculty of Your Memory. This NaturalRealm in Creation IS with YU Now, and YU simply learn to 'Recognize' it. This Level or Plane has a lot more going on than the Physical and Astral Realm, as it is so vast and incredible, yet still limited to the senses and mind. The beauty here is wonderful and there are many GovernorLords who are looked to and worshiped by the unaware earthlings. ALLLife IS RealExperience, and to BE Aware of the Causal Realm is part of Your RealJourney and what YU decide. 

The next Level LifeIS becomes the Mental Realm, where YU have your body and vehicle known as Your Mind. In this position YU Become Aware of worlds and states of consciousness that are not seen with what YU experience on the earth. This arena of the mind is enormous compared to the Levels below it. For most people of the earth, they have been taught that the 'Mind' is the ultimate and this is why people consider Creation to be all there is in Life. The Mental Realm is basically the Top of Creation, as most people have been educated to 'Think' and Literally Consider what LifeIS, moreso than having RealExperiences that definitely expose The TruReality LifeIS. This is where the Religious and Political Regimes of the earth have taken Kontrol of people's minds and senses. Here is where the Lord God has his home, also known as the Kalaum God with so many religious and Spiritual Belief Systems. Because The Kalaum God has a Dualistic Nature, there is always that side of him that creates Maya and the illusions that appear in time and space. This then become a RealTest for Your RealAwareniss to Recognize that is more than just limited embodiments.

As YU Become MoreAware, YU will See the Etheric Realm, where YU have Your Fifth Body, which is the Unconscious Mind and also Your Intuition. The vast beauty and reality of this wondrous realm is like a Fairy Land for those who can Become Aware and See for themselves they are more than just a physical body. When YU leave this are YU will leave behind your mind and emotions. The Sixth Level IS the Deep Dark Border. This is the vast uncharted area that surrounds the Five PsycRealms of Creation. This 'Place in Life' is very unknown by most, as many will determine this is the end of Life as is known on the earth, but it is actually The Beginning of The RealAdventure LifeIS. From here with RealGuidance YU will step into and Recognize The SoundLight Reality of...

The Seventh Level of THE ALLIS. It IS Here & Now that The RealU IS a Magnificent Free Being of Light. YU have Now returned to Your TruBeing. Each of us will have our own RealExperience of this TruLevel LifeIS, as ALLife IS an ISNISS, Always Here & Now. We never really 'travel' anywhere, as we are Always Here & Now with ALLife, and it is simply for YU to 'Recognize' this. On the earth the idea of 'Belief' has been mainly that of a Marketing Ploy to get people to 'Chase Something' outside of themselves, just as they have been taught to 'Look to The Sky ' for their gods. ALLife IS... This IS Real Now!

From this Magnificent Pure & Real UNUverse, YU Now have the opportunity to have 'A RealAdventure Like No Other' as YU decide to 'Recognize & PerSeeve' The TruReality LifeIS, THE ALLIS, as There IS Endliss UNUverses Beyond The Seventh Level to be discovered by YU. ALLIS HERE & NOW with this RealPosition like no other. YU are Now Beyond the Restricting Gods of Man and the Authoritarians of the RoundWorlds and all those who would Kontrol and have your obedience to them. YU are a Free Being of Light and YU do not need the 'Self-Appointed Authorities' who claim to be kings, queens, presidents and masters. The Whole of Life IS Always like The Sun Shining Upon ALL.~This IS a brief Explanation of the Natural Environment that supports ALL of US. Duane The Great Writer will continue to add to this and update and Share his RealAdventures with ALL. For those who have The RealCourage to do so, they can Test The NU-U Sessions and have RealGuidance and a RealEducation with Rebazar Tarzs & The Real UNUversal Guides in Your DreamVisions. ~SEE US ON FACEBOOK & YOUTUBE



We have all been brought up with Personal Love. Personal Love is the Love that is compassionate and caring and with our feelings involved. This is the Warm Love most of us survive with and search for from lifetime to lifetime and always want to hold close to ourselves. Personal Love is mainly from the Astral Realm, which is perfectly fine, as everything we experience in Life IS Okay. But here is the difference... Personal Love will not take a person to The Real UNUverses, only Being Bold, Brave, Creative & Adventuresome will. This is where THE NUMAN enters this arena to provide what no one else will...REALLUV. The Political and Religious Spiritual Systems and the Belief Systems, have convinced the masses that Personal Love is the ultimate love that a person can experience and that they will take care of all those who 'Believe' in their Fake Gods. They have proclaimed that their gods and deities want the Personal Love from their servants, slaves and followers, which are really all the same idea. The Belief Systems have misused Personal Love to the point where the masses are TapLined by the Alien Reptilian Influence that Rules the earth from Ratican City, Rome. As I have written before, if we take a look at Human History it is more than evident that the Gods of Man and their Earthly Authorities have created all the intimidation, wars and fear on the earth. It is very obvious as we follow the time line from centuries ago, The Natural Environment and the attitude of certain people here has not changed over the course of many lifetimes, but has actually gotten worse, and especially with the technology that spies on everyone.

YU can 'Think' of the Six PsycRealms as a giant egg that each unaware soul has to break out from, just like a little chick from its shell. The whole idea of Creation from THE ALLIS, is for the purpose of YU learning to Recognize The TruReality LifeIS, THE ALLIS. Everything we do that is always right in front of us is for the sole purpose of this RealRecognition. Some people still 'Think' that they are here to party and have a good time ruining themselves and The Natural Environment that supports All of US. Each and every person anywhere in the Six PsycRealms can do whatever they want for as long as they want to, and they can also 'Believe' whatever they want to, but all of what they are doing according to their personal life and how they Personally Love their body types and all the thrills they are getting here has nothing to do with The Whole of Life and Recognizing THE ALLIS, no matter what a person 'Thinks and Believes.' The Six PsycRealms are a speck of dust compared to The Real UNUverses, so this should give YU a little idea of how important what YU are doing here with your Personal Physical Life is. Personal Love is a small 'Part' of what we are experiencing here and not The Whole Picture. When people keep putting out the idea of 'Love this and Love that and all is Love' this does sound good and fine, but there is a lot more most people are actually Too Afraid to See. If YU take a close look at how the Ruling Systems work, YU will begin to See they constantly use the 'Personal Love' idea with whatever they market to the unsuspecting masses to seduce them. What they are doing and have done for centuries while they have also setup all their Subliminal Kontrol and physical borders and barriers to restrict people, the DarkBrats have been very creative with creating a Huge Deception that is right in front of everyone, yet most people cannot See it. It has always been the Certain Few, the DarkBrats, who have planned and created all the wars for their Continuous Takeovers, which is still going on Right Now, but it is all disguised with Fake Patriotism to fool YU. It has all been right in front of us, but because we always bought into their Marketing Ploy to bow to their Invented Gods and to pray and worship them, the Certain Few have taken a Huge Advantage over everyone they can. They have also taken for granted the Personal Love that many people have given them over the centuries and built up their arsenals to finally eradicate most of the humans on the planet with their ChemTrails, HARRP, Vaccines, Viruses, microwaves and so much more to keep people Dumbed Down and unaware for lifetimes to come.

Free Will IS The TruReality LifeIS, but what is not understood from the minute human consciousness is that just because a person can 'do and think' whatever they want to, that it will lead them to their Promised Land. A person can 'Believe' all they want to, and they will get a few little miracles from the gods, but they will never have the RealFreedom they have been searching for. It takes so much more than just 'Loving the World' and everyone on it to accomplish Your Journey to RealFreedom. If YU want to 'Think and Believe' it will happen for YU with the Gods of Man and all the Personal Love YU give to them, that is your right to do so, but LifeIS so much bigger and better. What we have all come thru with the different paths and teaching has led us to this very moment to finally have the opportunity to Recognize THE ALLIS. The idea is to use what we have already come thru and realized, and then start to compare it with what we can Recognize Now. When we See what is not real and not part of what we need for The RealJourney, this also is what we do need to RecognizeTHE ALLIS, as we need to See and Recognize What IS Real Now. In other words, when YU are Completely Focused on Your Journey to RealFreedom, YU will Recognize that everything YU have come thru is for One Purpose Only, and that IS to Fully Recognize & PerSeeve The TruReality, THE ALLIS. What Paul Twitchell did was to 'Start' the process of breaking thru the PsycRealm Shell, and Now it is up to YU to decide if YU are going all the way or just part way with Personal Love.

Those who keep promoting the Gods of Man, and it does not matter how holy or ancient the ideas are from Buddhism, Christianity, Islam or whatever Political Religious or Spiritual Path and teaching a person wants to adore and worship, they all lead to the Authoritarians of the Earthly Korporations who created them and the Kontrolling Kalaum God who loves the unaware to bow and kneel to him. The Krone Korporations of this world and their Presidents, Kings and Queens, also with their TapLining Masters and Gurus, have been an experience for us all to learn from, but they have nothing to do with Rebazar Tarzs and The Real UNUversal Guides, RealGuidance and a RealEducation, and most of all The Real UNUverses of THE ALLIS. So, for those of YU that want to keep promoting the 'Love Idea of The Gods' to the unaware on this planet, then YU are adding to their unconsciousness and eventual demise, as Human History up to this very moment is the witness!
Duane The Great Writer & Miss Eva Shari only promote REALLUV, Rebazar Tarzs & The RealGuides & THE ALLIS.

REALLUV IS A PURE FOCUS WITH THE ALLIS. It is fine if YU want to add the Personal Love YU have known, because then it makes sense as it becomes a TruReality with Your Journey to RealFreedom. For those who only want their Personal Love for their personal life alone, then that is all they will have as they once again grow old and forget they were here. What THE NUMAN IS presenting is The Golden Opportunity like never before on this planet. If YU take What IS Real Now for granted and do not in some way become involved with what Duane & The RealGuides have created for everyone, then YU have already decided Your Fate, as each of us must earn our own way. The Real Guidance is always here for YU, just like your teachers were in school, but YU had to do all the studying and homework to complete your education. YU do not have to do anything and nothing is required of YU. YU always have the right to have any lifestyle YU want, and what YU decide will be your life, until YU have The RealCourage to face this world head on and make The Journey to RealFreedom your whole life. YU are always the Decider.
For those who 'Think' that just because they have been on 'this path and that path' they have accomplished a lot, they have Seen nothing yet! The PsycRealms always create the illusion we are completing something here, when in fact we are not! Only until we have RealGuidance and a RealEducation on how to Recognize & PerSeeve THE ALLIS, then we are just running around Creation 'Thinking' we are getting somewhere. The Five Bodies of Man have nothing to do with The RealU, Your RealAwareniss, accept to act as a go-between comparison for YU to WakeUp and first See YourSelf as a Being of Light, and then Recognize THE ALLIS. What YU have learned from all the 'God Paths' has been a preparation for The NUNowniss of THE ALLIS, and nothing more. YU 'Thought ' they were the real thing and Now YU know they are not! So, do YU want to keep promoting the TapLining Gods and their Earthly Korporations with all their 'Sound-Goodness' or do YU want to develop Your RealCourage and BE Free in The Real UNUverses?
YU Decide!