Rabu, 31 Juli 2013


Pikiran yang melihat/mempersepsikan dirinya [aku-nya] dengan suatu bentuk-nama-rupa materi padat akan terpengaruh dengan sistem kepercayaan berbasiskan "cari aman/cari selamat" [survival based mind-body energy system] dengan berbagai variantnya antara lain :

  • Fight or run [serang/pukul atau lari] energy system
  • The concept of Hell or heaven [konsep neraka atau surga] 
  • Saviour-ship model of humanity  [Model juru selamat manusia]
Kita, manusia adalah sebuah perjalanan sejarah panjang, hidup diplanet Bumi sudah lebih dari 10 ribu generasi. Otak/pikiran, sains dan teknologi sudah demikian maju berkembang, sudah tidak lagi mempersepsikan dirinya sebagai materi padat, nama, bentuk dan rupa 3 dimensi, melainkan sebagai suatu phenomena sistem hidup yang tersusun dari sesuatu yang sangat sangat halus [sub-sub atomik struktur] dimana materi terlihat sebagai lompatan-lompatan cahaya. Manusia kini terlihat bagai bentukan dari "Cahaya yang memadat atau kepadatan yang terbentuk dari cahaya" [Energetic light body]. Hal ini, sebenarnya bukanlah suatu penemuan baru umat manusia, jauh dari abad ke abad sebelumnya dalam tradisi sistem kepercayaan dikenal terminalogy :

  • Kriya Yoga menyebutnya "Body of Bliss"
  • The Kabala menyebutnya "Merkabah"
  • The Vedanta menyebutnya "Super-conductive Body"
  • Tibetan Buddhists nenyebutnya "Light Body"
  • Taoism menyebutnya "Diamond/Jade Body"
  • Tantra menyebutnya "Adamantine Body"
  • Christianity menyebutnya "Glorified Body'
  • Sufism menyebutnya "Supercelestial Body"
  • Neo Platonism menyebutnya "Radiant Body"
  • Catholics menyebutnya "Holy Flesh"
  • Hermeticsm menyebutnya "Immortal Body"
  • The Emerald Tablets menyebutnya "Golden Body"
Sains kini menyebutnya dengan "Bio-electric-magnetic Light Body".
[Secara lebih lengkap susunan/artisektur kesadaran individu manusia dapat dilihat di www.wingmakers.com/anatomyofindividuatedconsciousness.html]

Ini adalah  masa transisi dimana  umat manusia berubah secara kolektif dari "survival based mind-body energy system" ke paradigma "soul-mind energy system" [the wholeness paradigm of life], dimensi kesadaran dimana setiap individu menghayati hidup dan lingkungannya sebagai suatu kesatuan yang tak terpisahkan,yaitu sebagai suatu sistem aliran kesadaran yang memeluk semuanya dalan keterpaduan[coherency] dan harmoni. Hal ini bukanlah sebagai abstraksi atau konsep dari pikiran, tapi sungguh sebagai suatu yang alami/nyata. Pribadi yang hidup dan menghidupi lingkungannya pada posisi ini oleh Lyricus Teaching Order disebut orang yang telah hidup/dihidupi dan menghidupi lingkungannya dengan cahayaNya Sendiri [Living fromThe Rising/Energetic Heart  or Quantum field/light within], menjadikan dia sebagai "satu sosok makhluk  yang satu dalam semua, semua dalam yang satu" [to be One Entity or an Sovereign Integral Being].

Selasa, 30 Juli 2013


The heart is dimensional and multi-faceted. It express emotional currents; regulates physiological functions; activates certain brain chemistry; communicates throughout the body and mind; recives precognitive impressions from your future environments; connects you to all other state of being. The heart is also the gateway to the compassion frequency of love ~the purest force of the multiverse.


Like the universe, the heart is multi-leveled. The heart of which I speak is adept at expressing intuitive intelligence in the spirit of compassion and understanding. When you hear a voice within that strikes this balance, you have found your inner voice.

Lyricus 6. pdf


So when you think you can feel something that hasn't happened yet, your heart is actually reacting to it prior to it's  happening, in a way we can scientifically measure. Don't forget to feel.

Spirit Science and Metaphysics.


The heart anchors the higher frequencies of the Quantum Presence within the sphere of your local multiverse. In fact, if you drew a dot in the exact epicenter of this sphere, it would led you to your heart--the focal point of your human self and spiritual consciousness, and its every heartbeat since its very first vibration, before you were even a human form, was activated by the Presence of your immortal self. So you see the Quantum Presence -- in a sense -- created you and it is the true intelligence within your local multiverse. It is the holder of omniscience and omnipotence -- relative to your local multiverse.

Mark Hempel, Interview Session with James April 5, 2008 Part 3

Senin, 22 Juli 2013



                    With the realization of one’s own potential
       and self confidence in one’s ability, one can build a better world.
                                                                      Dalai Lama                
Chakra is a Sanskrit word and it means "Wheel" or "Vortex" because that is what it looks like when we look at it. Each Chakra is like a solid ball of energy interpenetrating the physical body, in the same way that a magnetic field can interpenetrate the physical body.
The Chakras are not physical, they are the aspects of consciousness in the same way that the Auras are aspects of consciousness. The Chakras are more dense than the Auras but not as dense as the physical body.
Chakras interact with the physical body through two major vehicles, the endocrine system and the nervous system. Each of the seven main Chakras discussed here are associated with one of the seven endocrine glands and also with a particular group of nerves called a Plexus.
Thus, each of these Chakra's can be associated with particular parts of the body and particular functions within the body controlled by that Plexus or that endocrine gland associated with that Chakra.
Each of the Chakra's or Energy Centres has Governance over particular areas of your body.

One of the strongest associations to affect your health and well-being is that formed with your Endocrine system.

The endocrine system is part of the body's main control mechanism.

It comprises of a number of ductless glands that produce the hormones, acting as chemical messengers, that are secreted into the bloodstream from particular organs to stimulate or inhibit physical processes. By adjusting the hormone levels, the endocrine system works to maintain the body in a state of optimum health.
The Chakra's are linked with the glands responsible for creating the hormones.
Unsurprisingly, the positions of the Chakra's, correspond to the positions of the glands in the endocrine system and have an effect on their functioning.

The link between the Chakra's and the glands emphasises the holistic nature of health and demonstrates that you need to maintain a balance in your emotional and mental activities as well as your physical diet and exercise, as they are all deeply interrelated.

The Chakras located on the lower part of our body are our instinctual side, the highest ones our mental side. The Chakras can have various levels of activity. When they are open they are considered operative in a normal fashion.

Ideally, all Chakras would contribute to our being. Our instincts would work together with our feelings and thinking. However, this usually is not the case. Some Chakras are not open enough (being under-active) and to compensate, other chakras are over-active. The ideal state is where the Chakras are balanced.

It makes no sense to try to make over-active Chakras less active, as they are compensating for other Chakras which are under-active. To restore the compensation they would be over-active again in no time.

To stop them from compensating, the Chakras they are compensating for must be opened. Then all Chakras will be in balance.

Chakra System Imbalances
A variety of health problems may be caused by Chakra Imbalances affecting the associated Endocrine Gland and resulting in illness.

By receiving Energy Healing you can help keep yourself more healthy by taking the Holistic approach. Here are a few brief examples of each energy centre and its associated symptoms and issues.

BASE/ROOT CHAKRA, (Base of the spine, energy colour Red) POSSIBLE PHYSICAL AREAS AFFECTED BY AN OUT OF BALANCE CHAKRA:               Anorexia, Obesity, Osteoarthritis, Auto-Immune Disease, Arthritis, Cancer, AIDS, Fatigue, Kidney, Spinal Column, Issues are: security and survival.

The Root Chakra is associated with the reproductive glands. It is the centre of physical energy, grounding and self-preservation. The Root Chakra governs the back, feet, hips, spine and legs.

The Root Chakra is about being physically there and feeling at home in situations. If it is open, you feel grounded, stable and secure. You don't unnecessarily distrust people. You feel present in the here and now and connected to your physical body. You feel you have sufficient territory.

If you tend to be fearful or nervous, your Root Chakra is probably under-active. You would easily feel unwelcome. If this Chakra is over-active, you may be very materialistic and greedy. You are probably obsessed with being secure and resist change

SACRAL CHAKRA, (3" Below the navel, energy colour orange)

Bladder problems, Frigidity, Gall and Kidney Stones, Reproductive Organs, Vaginal Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Pelvic Disease, issues are - physical and material desires.

The Sacral Chakra governs the sexual organs, bladder, bowel and lower intestine.
This Chakra is about feeling and sexuality. When it is open, your feelings flow freely and are expressed without you being over emotional.

You are open to intimacy and you can be passionate and lively. You have no problems dealing with your sexuality.

If you tend to be stiff and unemotional or have a poker face, the Sacral Chakra is under-active. You are not very open to people.

If this Chakra is over active, you tend to be emotional all the time. You will feel emotionally attached to people and can be very sexual. 

STOMACH/NAVEL/SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA, (above the navel, colour  yellow)
Diabetes, Digestive / Adrenal organ illness, Hypoglycaemia, issues are - power and control.

The Navel Chakra governs the stomach, upper intestines, upper back and upper spine.

This Chakra is about asserting yourself in a group. When it is open, you feel in control and you have sufficient self esteem. When this Chakra is under-active you tend to be passive and indecisive.

You are probably timid and don't get what you want. If this Chakra is over active you are domineering and probably even aggressive.

HEART CHAKRA, (Heart region, energy colour green)
Cancer, High Blood Pressure, Heart Problems, Thymus, Blood, Circulatory System, Involuntary Muscles. Issues are - Love.

The Heart Chakra is associated with the circulatory System and thymus Gland. It is the centre of Compassion, Love, Group Consciousness and Spirituality.

The Heart Chakra governs the heart, lungs, blood and circulation.
As the Heart Chakra is about Love, kindness and affection, when it is open, you are compassionate and friendly, you work at harmonious relationships.

When your Heart Chakra is under-active, you are cold and distant. If this Chakra is over-active, you are suffocating people with your Love and your Love probably has quite selfish reasons.

THROAT CHAKRA, (Adam's apple area, Blue / Light blue energy colour)
Asthma, Neck Problems, Lungs, Hypoactive Thyroid, Throat, Jaw, Alimentary Canal, Vocal Cords. Issues are - communication.

The Throat Chakra is associated with the Respiratory System/Thyroid Gland. It is the centre for sound, communication, speech, writing and thought expression.

The Throat Chakra governs the throat, thyroid, mouth, teeth, tongue and jaw.
This Chakra is about self expression and talking. When it is open, you have no problems expressing yourself and you might be doing so in a creative way.

When this Chakra is under-active, you tend to not speak as much and you probably are introverted and shy. Not speaking the truth may block this Chakra.

If this Chakra is over-active, you tend to speak to much, usually to domineer and keep people at a distance. You are a bad listener if this is the case.
BROW OR THIRD EYE CHAKRA, (Between both eyes, Dark blue/Indigo colour)
Glaucoma, Headaches, Neurological problems, Cerebellum, Nose, Pituitary, Central Nervous System, Left Eye. Issues are - clairvoyance.

The Third Eye Chakra is associated with the Autonomic Nervous System/Pituitary Gland. It is the centre of psychic power, spirit energies, higher intuition and light.

The Third Eye Chakra governs the pituitary gland, pineal gland, skull, eyes, brain, nervous system and the senses.

This Chakra is about insight and visualisation. When it is open, you have a good intuition. You may tend to fantasise.

If it is under-active you are not very good at thinking for yourself and you may tend to rely on authoritive people. You may be rigid in your thinking, relying on beliefs too much. You might even get confused easily.

If this Chakra is over-active, you may live in a world of fantasy too much. In excessive cases hallucinations are possible.
CROWN CHAKRA, (Top of head, Purple / violet energy colour)
Exhaustion, Epilepsy, Cerebrum, Pineal Gland, Right Eye. Issues are - Spiritual Wisdom.

The Crown Chakra is associated with the central nervous system/Pineal gland. It is the centre of enlightenment, dynamic thought, truth and oneness.

The Crown Chakra governs the top of the spinal cord, brain stem, pain centre and nerves.

This Chakra is about wisdom and being one with the world. When this Chakra is open, you are unprejudiced and quite aware of the world and yourself.
If it is under-active, you are not very aware spiritually.

You are probably quite rigid in your thinking. If this Chakra is over-active, you are probably intellectualising things too much. You may be addicted to spirituality and probably ignoring your bodily needs.


Gland                                        Secretion                                      Governing

Adrenal's                            Epinephrine                              Actions
Ovaries/Testicles                 Oestrogen/Testosterone             Development
Thyroid                              Thyroxine                                 Metabolism
Pancreas                            Insulin                                     Digestion
Thymus                              Lymphocytes                            Immunity
Pituitary                             Somatotrophin                          Growth
Pineal                                 Melatonin                                Body rhythm 

BASE/ROOT CHAKRAAt the top of the kidneys are the adrenal's that produce several hormones including adrenalin, which stimulates the "fight or flight" response and ties directly to the Base Chakra's survival drive.

This Chakra is related to the gonads in males.

SACRAL CHAKRAThe ovaries control sexual development and egg creation as well as controlling the levels of oestrogen and progesterone.

The potential for life in the ovaries is mirrored in the drives of the Sacral Chakra.

The energies of the ovaries link with the Sacral Chakra.

STOMACH/NAVEL/SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRAThe pancreas secretes substances for the digestion of food, such as insulin.

When this Chakra is over stimulated it can cause problems with excess blood sugar, the major cause of diabetes.

An under stimulated stomach Chakra can lead to ulcers.

HEART CHAKRAThe thymus is located above the heart and produces lymphocytes, which form a vital part of the body's immune response.

This quality relates the thymus to the healing properties of the Heart Chakra.

The healing promoted by this Chakra links it to the thymus.

THROAT CHAKRAOn either side of the larynx is the thyroid, producing thyroxine, which controls the rate at which the body converts food into useful energy.

This is the area over which the Throat Chakra has dominance.

The thyroid governs the rate of metabolism in the body.

BROW/THIRD EYE CHAKRANear the base of the skull is the pituitary gland, which releases hormones influencing body chemistry.

The spiritual energies of the Brow Chakra are reflected in the pituitary's influence on the whole body.

This Chakra works with the pituitary gland in the body.

CROWN CHAKRAThe pineal gland lies deep within the brain and produces melatonin.

This hormone affects the other glands in the endocrine system and mirrors the Crown Chakra's relationship with the other Chakra's.

This gland and Chakra hold sway over the entire system.

By understanding the association between the Chakra's and the glands you can see how Healing can benefit a multitude of illnesses affecting your  mental, emotional, physical and spiritual well-being.

The image on the left is showing how the chakras are like the petals of flowers that open and close.

Your consciousness, your experience of being, represents everything it is possible for you to experience. All of your senses, all of your perceptions, all of your possible states of awareness, can be divided into seven categories and each of these categories can be associated with a particular Chakra.

Thus, the Chakras represent not only particular parts of your physical body but also particular parts of your consciousness. When you feel tension in your consciousness, you feel it in the Chakra associated with the part of your consciousness experiencing the stress and in the parts of the physical body associated with that Chakra.
When there is tension in a particular part of your consciousness and therefore in the Chakra associated with that part of your consciousness, the tension is detected by the nerves of the plexus associated with that Chakra and communicated to the parts of the body controlled by that Plexus.

When the tension continues over a period of time or reaches a particular degree of intensity, the person creates a symptom on the physical level. Again, the symptom serves to communicate to the person through their body what they have been doing to themselves in their consciousness. 
When the person changes something about their way of being, they are able to release the stress that had been creating the symptom and they are then able to return to their natural state of balance and good health.

Everything begins with your consciousness. Everything that happens in your life and everything that happens in your body, begins with something happening in your consciousness. 
Your consciousness, your experience of being, who you really are, is energy. We can call it "life energy" for now. This energy does not just live in your brain, it fills your entire body. Your consciousness is connected to every cell in your body.

Through your consciousness, you can communicate with every cell in your body. Through your consciousness you can communicate with every organ and every tissue.  A number of therapies are based on this communication with the organs which have been affected by some kind of symptom or disorder.
This energy which is your consciousness and which reflects your state of consciousness, can be measured through the process known as Kirlian Photography.
(see additional help page).
When you take a Kirlian Photograph of your hand, it shows a certain pattern of energy. If you take a second photograph while imagining that you are sending Love and energy to someone you know, there will be a different pattern of energy shown on the Kirlian Photograph.
Thus, we can see that a change in your consciousness creates a change in the energy field that is being photographed, which we call the Aura.

This energy field shown in the Kirlian Photographs has been quantified, so that when there are "holes" in particular parts of the energy field, these are said to correspond to particular weaknesses in specific parts of the physical body.

The interesting thing about this is that the weakness shows up in the energy field before there is ever any evidence of it on the physical level.
Thus, we have an interesting direction of manifestation shown through what we have described:

a/ A change of consciousness creates a change in the energy field.
b/ A change in the energy field happens before a change in the physical body.
The direction of manifestation is from the consciousness, through the energy field to the physical body.

When we look at things this way, we see that it is not the physical body creating the energy field, the Aura, but rather the Aura or energy field that is creating the physical body. What we see as the physical body is the end result of a process that begins with the consciousness.
Energy Healing can Realign, unblock and balance your Chakras. This provides Healing on an emotional, physical and spiritual level which ultimately leads to better health, a better state of well being. 
Try the Chakra Test site below to see how your energy centres are presently functioning.
Have a try of this meditation video to clear and balance the Chakras.

"Please take the time to watch the moving, educational and inspirational video clips available at the bottom of most of the web site pages...................................................................................................................
Permission is granted to copy & redistribute the non © written information on this web-site on condition that the content remains complete, full credit is given to the author(s) that it is distributed freely and also that Logos connected to Healing from the Heart & My Circle of Light are not used for business purposes, as they are under ©.
                               © 2004 Healing from the Heart
              Graphics and Images may not be used without permission.


Minggu, 21 Juli 2013


from the 
Diamond Light Workbook by Soluntra King

  dnaemtionalt   dnamentalt     dnaspiritt   
Physical Body
Etheric Body
Emotional Bodies
Mental Bodies
Spiritual Bodies

     Once the Diamond Light Body has been activated and integrated within us, the DNA light codes of our Divine Blueprint can be fully restored. At the March Equinox 2010 which was a huge shift for Earth and us, the Light Cities anchored through the Inner Earth and created travel freely through the dimensional realms of Earth once more. The dimensional worlds merged with the physical realm and the Ancient Ones who hold the energies through all the dimensions and who are us in more unified light, awakened in us as we birthed our new Iridescent Light Body. This happened in the Bigger Picture and in those receptive at the time, and is now here for everyone who chooses as the Equinox blessings in March 2010 assisted us to shine Light through the lower worlds to allow this to happen in our physical bodies.
      Since that Equinox there have been many more shifts and awakening levels of consciousness as the collective unconscious is being released of the old stuck patterns from separation in cultures, race, religion, colour and greed that has driven divisions in us for so long from the false God of war and fighting for God. Now as this energy has been transmuted in the inner planes and the Lizzies and others who have had big agendas on keeping fear and fight going to feed off, are either embracing the light within themselves and awakening to their connection to the source and no longer need to create a world to feed off. Or those not prepared to move with the shift are leaving this zone of the incoming Light and harmonious, abundant,
loving creation for all who share equally.
     The shifts are great and the time is Now, no longer sitting on the fence but taking the opportunities to Be in your full presence
on Earth in a body, your Body of Light.
     In order to fully appreciate the shifts that are taking place and to integrate the light codes within us, then this is one way that can assist this process,
by being consciously aware of the light coded strands of DNA within you.
     The integration of DNA has come about after many years of working with the DNA activations in the early 1990’s where we worked with 12, then 20, then 64 strands. Then aware of up to 40,000 strands at the level of ourself as a Creator Goddess God.
     Aware also that we have levels of Light Body, from the Blue Light Body at 64 strands of DNA and good health and flow within us, to 5000 strands, awakened at the level of the Violet Light Body. As we awaken to the guide, guardian master within, no longer without, and listen to our inner voice, becoming fifth dimensional while still in a body, unlike the old paradigm when fifth dimensional beings were not physical. To 15,000 strands at the level of our White Light Body where we are master of ourself and molecules and to 40,000 strands at the level of the Gold Light Body, one with the Central Sun, holder of the Living Library of Light and Creator Goddess God creating Heaven on Earth.
     In 2006 as the Earth opened sixth dimensionally for us to awakened through the Inner Earth Sun, the Present Light Body was awakened as we come more into full presence. With the March Equinox 2010 the Iridescent Light Body was gifted at 33.000 strands that awakens powerful creative energies as all is manifest from a state of stillness and allowing. The Light Streams Light Body that is at 40,000 strands and assists the flow of light codes to be more easily assimilated. As we are all levels of Light Body at once, one Body of Light and becoming our Diamond Light Body at 144,000 strands of DNA/Light Codes.

     The standard medical belief is that we have two strands of DNA, you will have learnt that at school, or you can look it up in an anatomy and physiology book. These two strands with all their complex amino acids and with the RNA hold the codings and genetic material that makes us who we are. Or so we thought; only having two strands is actually very limiting and keeps us trapped in the third dimension and the illusion of separation. Believing all we are is our body, believing God is out there somewhere, and that we are worker ants, or slaves that have to work hard just to survive on this planet. Locked into death, decay and being hooked up to survival, being controlled by and slaves to time. Cut off from the unlimited abundance of all there is, and with the DNA only partially activated. Our multi-dimensional selves have been trapped in a prison of experience that repeats itself over and over again, as though the entire planet was playing a stuck record. Humanity has been famous for their inability to learn from their own adventures; tyrants and wars have come and gone, and none seemed the wiser for it until now. This is where it all lightens up; as we wake up we start to empower ourselves, awakening our Divinity, Light Body and Multi-dimensional Self.

      We are unifying through the Galactic Centre right now, it is a change over point into multi-dimensional universes and worlds; where we are the light being, goddesses/ gods we are. As we open to the new paradigm and our unified matrix of light, what is happening to us in our bodies is also happening in the Galaxy; double Helix DNA at the Galactic Centre. The macro and micro cosmos are doing their thing as we open up to the multi-prismed, multi-dimensional being we are; so too is this happening in the heavens, DNA-shaped nebula and human DNA all one. As we come to the end of the Mayan Calendar and spiral through the Galactic Centre in alignment with the Sun, Central Sun and Greater Central Sun we all
expand and graduate into the next state of being.

     The extra strands you are opening up to are in the etheric and subtle bodies, but babies born in more recent years are sometimes
now found to have 3 strands of physical DNA.
     Twelve strands are activated at the level of the physical body and related to the twelve chakras and planets.
These can be read in the iris and reveal the genetic codes of purpose stored in the blood.
    Sixty-Four strands are activated when our Etheric Blueprint is clear and we are at the level of the Blue Light Body, a state of health,
vitality and flow in life. We no longer manifest illness or accidents to unify.
     5,000 strands are activated at the level of our Violet Light Body, when most aspects of duality are fully transmuted in the emotional and mental bodies. We can still be manifesting annoying little things as catalysts to transmute energies now in our subtle bodies.
    15,000 strands are activated at the level of our White Light Body, where we are learning to be master of our molecules, a Christed Light Being.
    33, 000 strands are activated with the new Iridescent Light Body that has now awakened within us as the multi-dimensional worlds
have merged on the March Equinox 2010.
   40,000 strands are activated at the level of our Gold Light Body, one with Source in unified essences at the level of the Central Sun, as we remember our purpose and are now fully awakened as a Creator Goddess/God creating Heaven on Earth.
The Light Streams flow fully through us connecting us to the Light Matrix.
     144,000 strands for our full multi-dimensional self as the Diamond of Light we are in our Diamond Light Body.
     Please see Light Code Activations book for the activations of Light and Sound of the DNA strands to the Gold Light Body.

Copyright © 2009 2010   Soluntra King PO Box 11 Whakatane, Bay of Plenty. 3158 New Zealand.
 email soluntra@evenstarcreations.com  Web site www.evenstarcreations.com

Jumat, 19 Juli 2013


5 December 2008
• We are delighted to announce the release of our recent written interview with JAMES from WingMakers.com. For those of you who are unfamiliar with this website, we highly recommend it. WingMakers is a fabulous and profound science fiction story deeply anchored in truth - featuring over a thousand pages of the highest quality music, paintings and teachings.
This is a highly unusual move for James of WingMakers. In the past, the only other interview he has done was with his trusted webmaster, Mark Hempel. We are extremely excited to have been able to present this amazing set of answers - extending to over 20,000 words - to our penetrating questions to James on all aspects of the Great Game or the Big Picture.

There are few living today who in our estimation could approach his degree of clarity and vision into truth and the nature of what it means to be human.

~Thank you to Kerry Cassidy [Project Camelot] 

Minggu, 14 Juli 2013


The Central Sun Alcyone

The Central Sun Alcyone
by Soluntra King 

The Central Sun Alcyone is really a level of consciousness we attain and at this level we are a Creator Goddess God creating Heaven on Earth. 
In the physical realm our Sun is connected to the Central Suns, our own Central Sun is Alcyone, from the Pleiadian Star System that we are part of. 
There are many Suns and Central Suns, it is through these Suns that all worlds are created and aligned. The Sun illuminates the vibrations that help us to grow, if it feels our Love it feeds that Love, if it feels our fear it creates experiences for us to open up more fully to Love. 
The Central Sun we open up to once we have reached a higher light vibration in our being through purification of our lower self and moved out of the lower astral world. 
We get to a point where we become a Central Sun and our light illuminates brightly as we hold the beam for all humanity and the upliftment in consciousness. 
We have great responsibility at this level and work in the Councils of Light where there are twelve of us in unified consciousness. 
The Golden Solar Discs are at this level and the Central Sun holds the living library of Light at the realm of creation we operate in. 
The Golden Solar Discs were used by the ancients to keep the alignment of the Suns in balance and we were totally connected to our Solar Self at that time, the last Golden Cycle .
As we progress in our awakening through our initiations and transcend the lower realms of desires and attachments we become the Greater Central Sun where we work in the Council of Four. 
With even more awareness of the bigger picture and our part in it, that it is not us but all of us and the ego plays no part in the work.
Our Sun and Solar System cycles around the Central Sun in a cycle of 26,000 years that we are completing now.  
There are photons of Light that illuminate from the Central Sun that we pass through half way through this cycle and then again now at the end of the cycle. 
The Central Sun, Sun and Greater Central Sun are also aligned to the Galactic Centre at this time, the Black Hole that we move through as we transform into Star Walkers, Shinning Ones, Goddesses and Gods, our Divine Self, Physically Immortal, Body of Light.
This is  what we are preparing for now and have been all our lives and for aeons of time. What makes it special is that we are not dying and doing this, but doing it in our body, or those who chose are; to be the Sun of our true self the Son of God, Christed One.
The Mayans who come from the planet Maya which is a lot closer in orbit to the Central Sun Alcyone and thereby illuminated with Photon Belt Light to a lot greater degree than our Solar System, understood the cycles and the role of the Central Sun and Photo Belt. 
They built the Pyramids aligned to Alycone when it would align with the Sun and Central Sun and we move through the Galactic Centre. 
The Ball Court was our Galaxy and at t its centre the inter- stellar dust cloud, the centre of our Galaxy where we move through, this time in our bodies and on our Earth who is us and we her all one.
I have had initiations in the Pyramid of the Sun at Becan and moved into my full body of Light as a man went to kill me with a machete me and understand what they were built for. 
As we move beyond physical death when we have no fear and our hearts are open. At the Pyramid of the Jaguar at Tikal in Guatemala in June 2008 at the small ball Court beside it I was told the Mayan Calendar would finish in November 2009 in the sixth dimension, this was the 13:13 13th Gate and the doorway is now open in the oneness of our divine self for all to move through. 
It will take a couple more years to filter into the lower dimensions and fully integrate in our physical bodies, but in the greater reality it has already happened and we are through.
See under COSMIC EVENTS about the Galactic Centre, 13th Gate and Mayan Calendar. Under NEW EARTH, PHOTOS of Mayan Pyramids and about the initiation under MULTI-DIMENSIONAL  
Your Gold Light Body is the level of harmony you achieve when you are in harmony with Source, as you know it at the level of the Central Sun. Once you have aligned with the Central Sun you have fully anchored the Divine principle in matter as the connector vehicle that you are. 
You then move through the Central Sun into wholeness, Nirvana, unified essence, the Seventh Dimension and flow outwards once more creating new worlds. You create these worlds at this level as you are the Creator Goddess/God at this vibration in alignment with Source. You are not Source but at the level of full creative principle in action. 
So you become true essence, your Solar Self, Golden Being, home through the Central Sun, your connection to source, your God I Am/We are presence. We are becoming our Gold Light Body for the first time ever as we are, still in a body on the Earth plane. 
It is the state of being that we are, as we shift into the Golden cycle and align fully with the Sun, 

Central Sun and Greater Central Sun
This is the time of the completion of all these great cycles as we move through the Photon Belt and into our home Solar System and the Second Sun. The Earth herself is becoming a Sun, as our Sun becomes a Central Sun and the Central Sun becomes a Greater Central Sun. 
This state is a blessing that has not occurred before in full embodiment. We have the opportunity to fully marry spirit and matter and create Heaven on Earth as the God Creators that we are. Please see the introduction for more information on the Sun, Central Sun and Greater Central Sun. We have always been Goddess/God Creators but abused the power previously that is why we are all here in our creation frantically trying to get it together. 
We are healing our power plays and control dramas in the great Cosmic play by becoming that which we created without full consciousness. 
So the only way to resolve this was to come back into our past, which is now on Earth and heal from within, becoming fully conscious. 
That way we create the doorway for our future life in alignment with Divine Will, otherwise we continue duality and destroy our future.

* Being your Solar Self, I am/We are. 
* Resolved Cosmic karma and great power plays that have kept this world trapped in duality and in the belief that the body is a limitation and not Divine. 
* Awareness of yourself as a Creator Goddess/God and the responsibility of co-creating worlds in alignment with Divine Will, being the Divine in all creation, Divine Right Action. 
* Through Being, allowing the transmutation of duality consciousness into Unity/God consciousness. 
* Instrumental in the great change of cycle through the Central Sun and fulfilling your destiny in loving service, at the completion of the duality drama as you create the New Earth and Heaven on Earth. 
* You are now ready to move into the black hole, fully back with Source, the void in total surrender and then you will create new worlds to play in. The Central Sun is also at the level where you work consciously with the Councils of Light and also anchoring or activating the Golden Solar Discs. Working at this level is not something you can just do, you will know if you do it as you will be conscious of your meetings with the Councils of Light and what is being activated, aligned, anchored for the shift in cycle and merging of the Suns. 

You are a member of the Council of Light whether you know it or not, it is a more unified aspect of yourself. When you separated from Source you became Founder Gods creating whole Universes. Then separating again you became Creator Gods and Goddesses creating whole worlds, then members of the Councils of Light overseeing whole Solar Systems. 
As a member of the Council of Light you kept separating to be in the many Stars, Planets and Dimensional Worlds until you separated to be a human on Earth. As you unify you become conscious of these multi-dimensional aspects of self. There are many of Councils of Light, each anchored in a certain dimension and from different civilisations, these civilisations existed once on Earth and as the cycle changed they shifted dimensions. This is happening to Earth again now but in a grand way because not only are we coming to the end of this cycle and into a Golden Age on the 26,000 year cycle, but the 500,000 year and 2 million year cycle. 
All moving into the Golden Age, this is a grand celebration for this influence is felt throughout the universe and beyond, all are graduating or no longer tying those down who choose to radiate. 
The merging is taking place in all aspects of all dimensions but most noticeably in the 3rd Dimension as that is the blending of matter and density until all shifts beyond the dream of separation, becoming 5th Dimensional in the physical and fully merging on the 7th Dimension. 
All is moving in accordance with Divine Will and plan and is in accordance with all beings working with this. Shamballa is one ancient civilisation from the Gobi Desert in Tibet that has a Council of Light that is very active with the Earth and Lord Maitreya operates through there. 
There is the Council of the An a tar Ra situated from the Andes and working with the Golden Solar Discs. There is a Council connected to Antarctica and to other worlds on Earth in higher dimensions. 
Some of you may have heard of the Council of Twelve, the Council of Nine, the Brotherhood of Light, these are all Councils of Light. 
They all work in unison with each other in Divine Will but operate at different frequencies in their service. 
The sort of work that is done by the Council of Light is that they observe what is taking place and higher frequencies of Light onto the Earth plane, this is always done in Divine Will and with much awareness of what is happening, being done usually at Cosmic times such as Solstices, Equinoxes, Eclipses or planetary alignments. 
For example on the Solar Eclipse 24th October 1995 I was at the Island of the Sun in Lake Titicaca, working with the Council there. A decision had to be made about bringing in very high frequencies from the Central Sun to assist with the activation of the Solar Grid, which happened at Tiwanaku nearby two years later. 
There was the probable future of humanity destructing, with China nuclear bombing America, holding much hatred unresolved. 
Or otherwise the higher energies brought in, knowing that some of humanity would not be able to hold the frequencies and would have to step out. The decision was made to bring in the higher energy, there have been many more decisions made since to bring in the higher octaves of Light to awaken the consciousness of humanity. 
As you unify you merge with the Sun, a place you go in your sleep for learning, the doorway is open for all souls to be in this level if they choose Love. 
As you unify more fully on every level and through your cellular memory you merge with the Central Sun and become the Creator Goddess/God you are.
You hold the creation story within you and the living library of Light, you become the radiant being you truly are illuminating Light/Life by simply being. For more on the Second Sun, RA Light, being the Creator Goddess/God you are, working with your Holograms and Golden Solar Discs.

Copyright © 2001, 2009 Soluntra King PO Box 11 Whakatane, 3158 Bay of Plenty, New Zealand 
Web site www.evenstarcreations.com
Permission is given to copy and redistribute this article on the trust that the contents remain complete, all credit is given to the author and it is freely distributed.