Senin, 30 Desember 2013


Always have be very definite and clear in purpose
About anything you wish to accomplish
and never vague about it.

You will never be able to manifest if you are vague and indecisive.

You must know what you need
and hold that need clearly in your consciousness.

As you do so, it will manifest at the right time.

 I AM - The eternity of Here - Now -
and you are my child, Timeless-State of Being,
Know that if you in hurry 
You are apart of Me.


Minggu, 29 Desember 2013


Kebahagiaan orang Inggris menyebutnya dengan Joyful, beda tipis dengan itu adalah kesenangan/kegembiraan [pleasure/happiness], juga ada kenyamanan dan kepuasan [comfortable dan satisfied]. Kebahagiaan lebih ditentukan oleh faktor internal dalam diri kita dari apa yang ada 'diluar' diri kita. Seorang pelajar Spiritual sadar bahwa yang 'diluar' itu adalah 'perluasan' dari apa yang ada dalam dirinya, bersumber dari proses dalam dirinya sendiri. [The reality is our inner process of creation]. Kita adalah pencipta dunia/realitas/dimensi/ruang-waktu-energy/persepsi/interpretasi kita sendiri.

"KAMU ADALAH DUNIA INI"  ["You Are the World" ~Krishnamurti]

Sabtu, 28 Desember 2013


Once we are awakening to the simple fact that we exist as One Being with an infinite sensory perception and intelligence and yet we remain sovereign and unique within the meshwork of personalities. This uniqueness is found in our vibration just as our Oneness is found in the vibration, the tone of equality, the Symphony of Source. Then we get the highest meaning of responsibilty, is that the respons from our Energetic Heart, from The First Source.



The power of the group goes up much faster than the number of people. I’ve said elsewhere it can be compared to a laser. Ordinary light is called “incoherent,” which means that it is going in all sorts of directions, and the light waves are not in phase with each other so they don’t build up. But a laser produces a very intense beam which is coherent. The light waves build up strength because they are all going in the same direction.

Now, you could say that our ordinary thought in society is incoherent. It is going in all sorts of directions, with thoughts conflicting and canceling each other out. But if people were to think together in a coherent way, it would have tremendous power.


All that is existent in our universe is in motion—an intricate, interwoven web of vibrating energy, rising from the sub-quantum, high frequency levels to don the fabric of spacetime and wear the persona of matter. Whatever the mask, it remains energy, a vibration in dynamic motion, veering off in non-linear, fractal, holographic trajectories that remain un-plotted by our finest minds. 

Here, each of us exists as a vibratory field connected to the One Field in which we dwell permanently. We are awakening to the simple fact that we exist as One Being with an infinite sensory perception and intelligence, and yet, we remain sovereign and unique within this meshwork of personalities. This uniqueness is found in our vibration just as our Oneness is found in the vibration, the tone of equality, the Symphony of Source.

EVT 3: Temple of Spiritual Activism is focused on the activation of our vibration as a source of coherent energy, emanating from our Spiritual Center and quantum community, and flowing amid the greater vibratory fields that interpenetrate all living forms in all spacetime. It is playing in a new field of consciousness—consciously. 

You can think of the master field of vibration, which encompasses all vibratory expressions from the living to the non-living domains, as the coherence meshwork that unites all life in a single domain of expression, and this expression is the highest intelligence we normally confer to First Source, God, or Creator. 

We are actually lifting our gaze to this new field and operating from this domain with a tacit, perhaps ill-defined sense of knowledge, but with our intentions in full command of our purpose. In other words, we each hold coherent intentions to become spiritual activists in our personal domains. 

Thoughts, feelings, words, actions, and emanations of a more subtle kind, are each vibratory in their true nature. They flow in and around each of us, and it is this vibratory field that activates, co-creates, and transforms our world at its core reality, which then cascades outward to our local universe. If these emanations are coherent, they become powerful as facilitators, guides, and co-creators.

Does it mean that if you are coherent and hold only spiritually-minded thoughts that you will live in perfect health, possess wealth and abundance, and live in peace and harmony with others? This is a fallacy of human nature: To identify with the external results as the marker of success and efficacy of one’s spiritual application.

The human life, with its material expression, is not what we are. We are vibratory fields that coalesce and shape-shift in spacetime to play, love, guide, communicate, co-create, and learn. Whatever becomes of our materiality—our successes, our failures—these are perceptual artifacts of social norms of another time. What counts, what unfolds in vitality and splendor, is our vibratory field. This is our magic, and it always precedes, and indeed, supersedes, the past and future processes of cause and effect. 

Our vibratory field can be understood as the essence of our Spiritual Center that diffuses into our local universe, but it is not limited to local space or time. We are emanating our vibratory field through our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual nature, and to the extent these are coherent expressions, our vibratory field is more effective as an activator and facilitator of Oneness across time and space.

This is the result we aspire to. It is not about achieving health, wealth, and happiness in this lifetime, though these are fine qualities to experience. But for those of you who are experiencing less than perfect health, flowing abundance, and utter bliss and happiness, do not fall victim to the attitude that you are somehow “doing it wrong.” Your identity is not material, nor is it bound to only this time and space. You can be a shining example of virtue within yourself, coherent in your expressions, living from the heart with utter beauty, and yet your health can fail you, your money can flow into scarcity, or your happiness can fall prey to misery. 

Are these permanent conditions? Do they prevail over you? Do they control you? No!
You are a vibratory field of energy living within the One Field that is eternal, free, united, and equal to all. 

All material things are like wave forms with crests and valleys. Our human instrument is not a stable field that holds a position. We are dynamic and we are always moving with the life energy that animates us, and these movements, in spacetime, intermingle with higher and lower frequencies. They shift and fluctuate. There is a rhythm in the modulation, and when we are in the midst of the lower frequencies, we know it will soon change to the higher, and vice versa. These rhythms are fractal or harmonic in nature in both space and time. 

The field of vibration that emanates from your Spiritual Center is not subject to the waveform encoding of our material domains. Its experience is pure intelligence unfettered by modulations in duality. This Presence is reaching out as you reach in, and through this process a new realization is born. 

This realization will largely unfold from coherence between your inner and outer domains. In other words, your expressions of the human instrument become aligned to the Presence within you, and you begin to apply this Presence in your daily affairs. I will give but one small example.

Before you drink water, hold the glass or bottle in your hands, and allow your vibration to infuse the water from your entire being (remember, it is not your hands that are the only conduits of your vibration). You don’t need to cling to any particular intention, or impress a thought upon the water, simply infuse your vibration on the water. 

Doing something as simple as this is a way to draw your Presence or Spiritual Center into the material domain, or, more precisely, it is a way for you to recognize that your Presence is a facilitator and co-creator within your local universe. You, and everything else around you, are vibratory energy, which is part of the symphony that we call the universe. When you share your vibration consciously to any person, animal, or object, you are instantly more coherent. Your vibrational consciousness emanates with greater potency, and the carrier signal is Oneness. 

This is important to understand because as spiritual activists we are not trying to use our vibratory consciousness to make change or intervene in the affairs of our planet. It is simply a dance of vibratory Oneness. It is an exchange of co-creation. It is an intermingling of vibratory facilitation. It is a calling of guidance and insight. It is an observance of unity and its perfection. From these perspectives, the journey to Oneness is summoned through the vibratory equivalent of a bell beckoning each one of us to our shared home. 

There will be things to fear in this world, whether it is the elite powers swinging their clubs of greed and power, Earth’s transformations, or the more personal fears of health and abundance. These can become your dark obsession, or your theater of learning. If it is the latter, then you can continue to flow from the inner to the outer realms of matter, aligned to your Spiritual Center and its perspectives. If it is the former, you will constrict this channel and reduce the guidance, facilitation, co-creation, and observance of your Spiritual Center flowing into and through your human instrument.

If you click on the image of the Sovereign Integral (it can be found at you will see a diagram that provides a rough approximation of the relationships between the human instrument, its energy centers, the Spiritual Center, and the Sovereign Integral consciousness. This is the scope and presence of our vibratory field.

Reveal this in your interactions with your local universe, not with mere words or actions, but with the coherence of your vibratory field emanating from the perspectives of your Spiritual Center. 

From my world to yours,


Jumat, 27 Desember 2013


Rather than to be as a "truth teller", I choose to be consciously to be an expert in applied and expressions the genuine feeling of the the six heart's virtues. It's the most coherent  of frequencies to synchronizing all things [all atomic structure of life system] in my life, it is the CEO's band of frequencies based on my emotions.
Thank you James, you showed me the way....

Kamis, 26 Desember 2013


There is no accident in your life
You are a fifth dimensional entity,
that is walking to passage time-space in third dimensional reality.
In your moment of crossing, meeting with another personality,
or anything that make your/our Heart are resonancing and blooming
see it as a soul connecting event.
The fusion of compassion ligth is emerging, brightening 
It is co-incident, co-operation, synergy, synchronize,
Is that the profound time that 'the event string' has work on you,
it is the behavioral intelligence.
So remember always :
1. Knowing your position/perspective view as a personality
2. Stay in our/your heart-breathing
3. Let's the Spirit/the Soul actions.


Rabu, 25 Desember 2013


Our mission is to bring our inner STAR SEED light out and assist Mother Earth in her Ascension Process ! Pinoys People gising !

January 24, 2011 at 8:41pm
Our mission is to spiritually ascend, all Pinoys and all the people of the world. We are the answers to our prayers. We are all one. Realize who we really are and stop the control on humanity by the 33 bloodlines (reptilians - off world). We are being invaded by off-world entities (reptilians, draconis, greys,etc.) They will not win. The LIGHT and LOVE will always prevail. WE MUST ALL UNITE and SPIRITUALLY ASCEND. EDUCATE YOURSELF.. GISING MGA KAPATID !!!!! WE ARE MANY and THEY ARE FEW !!! PEACE Love and LIGHT to ALL !!

Our job here is to bring out our inner organic STAR SEED lightout to assist Mother Earth towards her ascension process ( raising her frequency ). Mother Earth will give birth to a race of full blown light beings. And it is us all who will stay with her and assist her. She has sacrificed a lot for us so we may experience 3rd density realites for our own soul expansion, it is time to return the favor for all the suffering she has endured.

There are inter dimensional dark forces ( demigods of relgions ) working to impede the ascension process. The Galactic Federation of False Light ( Bromoki here in Manila ) are their cosmic dark cabal, earth based dark cabal are the Vatican Jesuits, Freemaons, NWO, IMF World Bank, Federal Reserve, Bilderberg Bohemian group, Religions. The CHAKRA Kundalinin system is a biological implant by the Orion Empire (GFoL) to stop or impede the ascension process. The demigods that created religions across the universe are energetic vampires, they feed on religion worship and negative energies ( conflicts, terrorism and wars ). The Chakra system is being controlled by the Saturn's rings. They will congregrate on Mother Earth's laylines to infuse poison false light into her, do not be used by these dark forces, we all have our inner organic STARSEED  light in our hearts. By bringing in the false light of these ascended masters you are also destroying your own ascension process for you are a part of Mother Earth also. We are the word/vibration of God, we are creator Gods of the universe, we agreed to forget everything to experience what we saw and created. Our media, schools, governments are all controlled by them, it is time to unlearn what we have been forced to learn. It is time to WAKE up ! AWAKEN ! Gising mga KAPATID !

Shine your inner STARSEED Light out !
Shine your inner STARSEED Light out !

Selasa, 24 Desember 2013


I am [WE ARE] making a simple ritual/procession this morning from 8.00 pm to 9.00 pm, to inaugurate and gratitude my/our "beautiful mystic wingmakers garden", near my home at Kelurahan Baru Ladang Bambu Kecamatan Medan Tuntungan  Provinsi Sumatera Utara Indonesia.

"Let's This Garden Be the Altar upon which the Spirit can descend"

This is also to celebrate and gratitude of my destiny to find wingmakers website at 23 October 2011, thank you James/Mahu Nahi and all the staff of wingmakers website.

"If you visualize that you are completely One entity, all you are doing is interacting with yourself with no agenda. It is synergy you are embracing yourself"   

[~Interview session with james, Mark Hempel]

Senin, 23 Desember 2013


     I am a simple man who lives for a singular mission, and the First Source discs are the fruits of this mission...For reason I'm certain you understand, my identity will be purposely clouded, and I encourage you to not worry about who I am, who I have been or what my role is.
     I have been here many times before with names you would recognize, but this incarnation is different, and I vow to remain unknown, event fictional. My soul is no different in nature than yours, I have a body, and therefore, I have my frailties---in some ways, just like you. I am not someone to worship, and I am purposely intangible to ensure this will not occur because it will only stand in the way of our mission.
    The First Source discs will impact on all people; even those who will never read, look or listen, and these will be in the majority I assure you. These teachings are designed for the entire planet despite the relative small number who will actively immerse within the story and utilize this portal.
   While my personality will always seem intangible, known that I am in this disc more vividly than any teacher that has come before to your planet. It is my nature to live in the universal mystery and personal clarity of my Self. When you are in accord, you will find me with you.  

Notes : CD-ROM entitled, "The First Source Disc" became available for sale at the WingMakers site, in March 2001. This CD-ROM contained a letter from James. There are the excerpts from his letter, keep in mind that James' references to this disc (and future discs) as platform for delivering his teachings has been overtaken by advances Internet technology.

~Collective Works of the Wingmakers Vol.I p 9


Sejauh yang saya alami dan ketahui...
tai chi mengaktifkan element angin dan mengikuti geraknya
kung fu mengaktifkan element api dan mengikuti tegaknya
silat (sebagai contoh : merpati putih) mengaktifkan element tanah dan menjaga keutuhannya.
dan wu dang mengaktifkan element air dan mengikuti alirannya..." Nuriza Aulia
"Karena pikiran-dan emosi kita [tought form and emotions] menstimulasi/berpengaruh kepada semua elemental yang membangun tubuh kita. Elemental tanah-air-api-angin adalah unsur-unsur atomic dan sub-atomic yang terdapat/terstruktur pada badan physical-etheric kita, dan pada gilirannya menstimulasi keseluruhan elemental pada pada lingkungan 'luar' [your outer reality] kita--dengan demikian kita menciptakan reaalitas kita/dunia kita/ruang-waktu personal/individual kita. Pada skala ideal dari mereka yang mencapai 'Kesadaran Tuhan/Divine Spirit" kesemuanya akan tersinkronisasi harmonis secara seimbang, menciptakan realitas dunia 3 D dari perspektif "Satu dalam Semua - Semua dalam yang Satu".

Minggu, 22 Desember 2013


Merry Christmas. Some infomation to ponder during coming vacation.

The Grand Cycle is designed to activate you as an "dynamical systems attractor".Please ponder on this.....

Those who have been through the Great Cycle at least once is pathfinders and pieces on a chess board in the ongoing work with the "shift". We are attractors that are orchestrated by the Lyricus & WingMakers community. This is done by redesigning the parameters of the attractor field that we are living within. Some calls this field the "aura", but that's not true, it is a field that are designed by mathematics that are updated by the WingMakers / Lyricus when they read the collective CHEF. By the redesign of our vortices/attractors we are living within, we are set as attractors and producers of moving forces in the planetary fields. James has been into this when talking about that it is NOT the NUMBERS that counts. Here is a clue into what he has talked about.

I have more on this and on other stuff coming soon at a new blogg. I will be back posting the link to the blogg when the first posts has been made.

Feel your attractor field and befriend it, we are all experts on what we do, even if we are not conscious of all we do, we are really part of the shift in a strange way. Feel safe whatever!

Gallagher Zelathiel

Jumat, 20 Desember 2013


 im not really like that.. Im not really into conspiracy stuff.. Im more into the energetic changes.. My angle of intent is really based apon The permutations of Matter, energy, space and time as forces we are all subject to in the now.. But which alsochange over TIME as we age and develop... Of course bolted onto this work is also a study of archetypes as "equalising" factors.. WE are each physicly as tall as the top of our own head..(x).. however people are different heights (XY)... i.e. I believe all the wingmakers materials are permutations of (x).. and that access to the esoteric or proximity to withheld or secret materials is manipulation of (Xy).Permutations of (x) occur within MEST (matter, energy, space and time) we are all as tall as the top of our own head but we have done different things over time....some run, some shout, some dance, some use the language of externals...the important thing however is that we are all equal within the archetypes.. but that the archetype are also extremly deep.. and so our orientation to the archetypes can change individually dependant apon path. there are a few thousand followers of wingmakers.. and not all are still alive, not all are non violent, not all are artistic, not all musical etc.. there is a great diversity amongst those immersed. the COMMON factors however (x) are shared with those who have never seen the wingmaker materials...
the illuminati would have all the power held in autopsy clinics, in blood banks, in dna labs, in gm tech.. in space tech and in deep earth minerals.. the illuminati would have all spiritual power held in the objects accessible by either the super rich or objects accessible by those in the pay of the superrich i.e. the governments and employees... Many of us will never see or touch an exposed piruitary gland.. or hold a patients heart in our hand, a kadavers intestines, a piece of moon rock, father 500 children through AI.. OUR world is partially ruled by the esoterica that exists on its fringes.. WINGMAKERS although alien is not in the same league as stemcells and autopsy ritual.. in many ways the artist ruins the work for himself by building in a secret... the wingmakers operates within a shared truth.. this means that holding 25 pituitary glands from automobile crash victims will not gift additional power over the "eye of horus"etc.... etc.. fringe activity is not power!, it is placement...ergo-our world is partially ruled by placement... although the wrestle continues.

From "WingMakers" face book group Dec 15, Dec 20, 2013

Harley Nihilist Cameron's photo.

Senin, 09 Desember 2013

The Formation of a New Society - David and Goliath

We are all going to be on a rollercoaster ride. Sometimes we are on top of the world, thinking we are invincible, and then we're going to deep dive again; up and down. This is what we could call probable realities fusing together as timelines are merging. Are you starting to see how big this all is? Probable timelines will join and then take off again; back and forth. In the long run we are going to branch off from the realities that do not match the higher vibration we are creating. This is what the rollercoaster ride is all about. To understand this, you need to know and really grasp the following:
1. There is an Earth which contains our current collective consciousness, and our collective consciousness determines which density we live in. This Earth is the one the astronauts see when they are in space, and the Earth they take photographs of. It's the 3rd Density Earth.
2. You, and everybody in the world, are all creating your own reality.
3. Your own reality is forming your own, personal Earth and local universe. Everything you experience first hand is your own Earth/local universe. You can expand it as much as you want.
4. You will create the New Earth firstly in your own local environment after first have visualized it inside. These visions will then project in your environment by thought, emotion, and action, which raise the frequency.
5. When enough people are branching off from the current low frequency collective Earth consciousness, the lower frequencies no longer match these people's higher frequency, and there will eventually be a split where people are going to live in their own local, higher density Earth, and the Earth that we see from space, which is our collective consciousness (collective energies) will now branch off and split, so a New Collective Earth can emerge. This new, collective consciousness will be our new shared Earth, vibrating on a higher frequency; in a higher density.
6. People who vibrate on this frequency will now create the new collective reality on the New Earth, and because the frequency is higher than that of the Collective Earth we are now living on, the choices we make will be based much more on love and understanding, which is the 4th Density.
7. Everything is fluid; this is important to understand. Nothing is solid, but is basically metaphysical and subquantum physical in nature. We form apparent solidity out of fluidity with our thoughts and emotions, which are projected from inside ourselves via our senses to the outside world. You are the creator, which starts the film projector inside yourself and projects the film on the apparent outside. The film you start is both your genuine projection and that of the collective consciousness; the program that is implemented for us to experience on this particular planet. The film (collective consciousness) will not be the same on another planet in the Universe.
I hope these seven points will help the reader make sense of what is happening. Because you are moving into a higher, more harmonious inner state of being, you may experience that more and more people are doing the same thing. This is due to that frequency looks for similar frequency. Those who are on a lower vibration will not experience this, but think that those who are "spiritual" are just a few New Agers in a world full of people who are not into "that stuff".
We need to understand how many versions of Earth there is; it should be mind-boggling if you start thinking about it. There are endless probabilities, because we are all creating several probable worlds every day with our thoughts. This is why it's very important to be clear of what you really want. Your vision of your own future needs to be crystal clear, because this is the Earth you will create. If what you create doesn't match the higher vibration, you can't enter the higher density Earth. On the other hand, devastating wars and terror will not be part of this new, higher form of frequency because it's not going to match the higher vibrations. It's going to be a leap in consciousness that is hard to imagine until it really happens. You can create it on a local level, but when you see it's starting to happen on a global scale, and things begin to get easier and everything is less solid, people become friendlier, calmer, more loving, and honest in their feelings and actions, it's going to be mind-boggling. All the work you put into this will pay off a thousand times. The world will suddenly seem to be a much friendlier place to live in!
This is why we can't "fight" things. What we fight, we create (the Global Elite knows this), and that will be the reality we get. If you want to fight the Global Elite, you're going to have to stay in a possible reality where you fight the Global Elite for at least another 26,000 years or so. If that's the reality you want, there is no problem to get it; just continue doing what the majority does. However, if you instead learn about that they exist and get a grasp of how this world in 3-D reality is set up, you can then ignore the PTB, deceitful aliens or whatnot, and create the reality you want instead of fighting the one you don't want. In a sense, you will then get a reality where you did defeat them, because they are no longer in your reality. It doesn't mean the Global Elite stop to exist, but it means you are no longer available for them and as your frequency increases together with others of your kind, the Global Elite will no longer be a problem.
In Summary: it's extremely important that we keep focused in these times. Don't get involved in, and part of other people's dramas; realize that what you read in the papers happening somewhere else in the word are still always "local events" wherever they happen, and part of a local consciousness that is not yours, only something you hear or read about. If it's a bad thing happening and you feel empathy for people, animals, plants, or whatever is involved, send good energies to that place, but don't get involved, unless you feel that's you mission, your goal in this lifetime. Instead, create the local reality you want to experience. This is not "selfish" or service-to-self; it's imperative for us to be able to create the New World. If all of us got involved in other people's negativities over and over, we miss the chance. We are not here to get involved in dramas; we are here to raise the frequency. That is far more important. The dramas will be taken care of in that local universe; it's not in your reality, unless you created the drama in the first place. We need to look at things from this perspective, or we'll lose our chance.
We are the "System Busters". We came here to deplete the vampires of their food! Energy and consciousness can also be a food source for some. We know how certain entities feed out of fear. Once we have taken their food source away, they have no choice "but to change their diet or leave the planet."[27] Our new collective version of the planet, that is...8.5 2015-2024; the Formation of a New Society

The Era of Worship has to stop. Worshipping Gods have been one of the roots to all evil. There is no God to worship; the only God there is, is us and our unity and ONENESS with cosmos, the Multiverse and the Prime Creator, of whom we are extensions. Is there something bigger than the Prime Creator? Actually, there probably is. The Prime Creator, as we see IT, is still learning. Even IT (and we) may be part of something even bigger, which in its turn is part of something bigger and so on. It's logical, because that's how everything seems to be structured in the Multiverse. We are now able to perceive an All That Is, whom we are part of, but if we can perceive it, it's not big enough. There is most certainly something bigger than the Prime Creator, which we can't understand on our level of consciousness.
Our task now is to build our reality from Inside, and not as receptors of the outside reality; the hologram created by other-selves, by agreements and deception. The truth is Inside and always has been. Once you have been able to consciously build your Inner World, you will find happiness in yourself and excitement, hope, unconditional love, light and understanding. Then use your insights when you are operating in the Outer World, and you will inspire others. This is the ultimate service-to-others! Why? Because of the ripple effect. You will spread your energies exponentially, and many will pick up on them, consciously or subconsciously, but you will be the spark to their own awakening.
Be the Keeper of Frequency, the stable rock in the stormy ocean no matter what is happening in the outside world. This is extremely important. Don't let bad news bring you down! It is part of the initiation not to take in negativity that is manufactured to bring you down, and it's crucial for ascension that you learn this. Train yourself to do it every hour of the day! To be able to, you first need to have confidence in yourself and what it is you're building. While you learn, you will be operating more on light and love; light being the frequency of information and love that of creation. You achieve stability in this by knowing and understanding who you are, and that you are capable of creating worlds and realities inside yourself, and these images and energies can be shared with others by you just being yourself. This is not science fiction; it's how we build a New World!

~  “The Wes Penre Papers – A Journey through the Multiverse” (First Level of Learning)

Kamis, 05 Desember 2013


Since he was young child, James knew that he was part of another group and operating in two or more worlds simultaneously....

Mark : Would you like to share any details of this dream?

James: No, it'd be difficult to express it in a way that would add value to this conversation, Mark. Suffice to say it made a singular impression on me because I knew, even at that age, that I was part of another group, if you will, or tribe on the other side. I knew I was operating in two or more worlds simultaneously and my education was being directed as much from within, as it was in the schools of our world.

~Interview Session with James April 5, 2008 Part 3 by Mark Hempel.

Selasa, 03 Desember 2013


"My anonymity is not an expression of hiding from Powers that be. I am infinite being just as you and everyone else. My reason for anonymity is due to my desire to let the works stand on their own, without the handiwork of personality or image, as I am not an image or personality. Besides, the powers that Be know who I am and how to find me if they are ever inclined to do so".

~Project Camelot Interview James

Minggu, 01 Desember 2013


Who is James ? I like to quote all issuing about that ! What's James ever been said about who is himself. I think it is important to have a closer image/right understanding about Him, for one day we are coming to the Truth about who He is, as equal as the Truth of who we are all.

This is the 1st quote :

"Like everyone else embodied in human instrument,
living in these times,
I am both my Sovereign Self
I am First Source.
I am more aware of this state than some,
but this is the only difference.
I am one of those who has been exposed to life outside the prison,
and I have returned not with description of the "other side"
but with encoded works, techniques, and behavioral systems
that can be help people form alignments with their preternatural Self,
and move into the new era of transparency and expansion
with greater ease.

James, answer interview with Project Camelot.