“Over the course of your journey you will find that – if you are willing to do the practice and follow this path – you will become very, very powerful people. Power, in the sense of openness; power, in the sense of love for other people; power, in the sense of creativity. You will become a volcano of creativity and of creating new life and bringing life to other people. But to do it, you’ve got to stay home, and you’ve got to stay grounded in the infinity of your own being, which means letting go of the surface fixations on our story, our narrative, our version of everything. We have to let that go by staying – as much as possible – in touch with the depths, and being willing to do the practices that bring us there.” – Reggie Ray, Dathün 2009-10 ~ www.dharmaocean.org
Minggu, 28 April 2013
Jumat, 05 April 2013
“There is a difference between spiritual time, spiritual space and spiritual energy and physical time, physical space and physical energy. Physical time is linear and measured by vibrations or movements of atoms or the rotations of heavenly bodies. Physical space is linear and measured by physical distance. Physical energy is linear and measured by velocity or frequencies or vibration. In order to understand spiritual concepts, we need to understand that there is also psychological time (where events can seem short or long based on our interest), psychological space (where distance can seem near or far based on our awareness) and psychological movement or velocity (where we seem to be moving even if another object of our attention is the one that moves – backwards or forwards – or the reverse where something else seems to be moving – like the sun around the earth – when it is actually we who moved).
The spiritual concept of time, space and energy is similar to the psychological concept of time, space and energy. The spiritual world experiences time through events, experiences space through thoughts and experiences energy through the spiritual life vibrating or pulsating from the spirit heart (which has its life origin from God). All of the Spiritual Universes still experience the concept of time, space and life but not in the same limited earth manner.”
- The Spiritual World (Peter Tan)
The spiritual concept of time, space and energy is similar to the psychological concept of time, space and energy. The spiritual world experiences time through events, experiences space through thoughts and experiences energy through the spiritual life vibrating or pulsating from the spirit heart (which has its life origin from God). All of the Spiritual Universes still experience the concept of time, space and life but not in the same limited earth manner.”
- The Spiritual World (Peter Tan)
Kamis, 04 April 2013
Did you know that the earth’s magnetic resonances vibrate at the same frequency as the human heart?
Scientists at the Institute of HeartMath and Global Coherence Initiative are making exciting discoveries in their exploration of the energetic influences of solar and geomagnetic activity on humans.
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Selasa, 02 April 2013
• There is no space more sacred or powerful than another [Tiada suatu ruang lebih suci atau agung dari ruang yang lainnya]
• There is no being more spiritual than another [Tak ada satu makhluk yang lebih spiritual dari yang lainnya]
• There is no thing more divine than another [Tak ada benda yang lebih suci/ilahiah dari yang lainnya]
• There is no tool or technique that accelerates the unfoldment of consciousness [Tak ada alat atau teknik untuk memicu/mempercepat tersingkapnya kesadaran kemanunggalan]
• There is no truth that can be written, spoken, or thought unless it is conceived and expressed
through the Language of Unity [Tak ada Kebenaran/Dharma/Truth/Kesunyataan yang dapat ditulis, dibicarakan atau dipikirkan kecuali itu dihampiri dan diekspresikan lewat Bahasa Kemanunggalan]
• First Source transcends Wholeness [Sumber Awal mengatasi Keterpaduan dari segala yang ada]
• All the fragments of philosophy, science, and religion, even when unified, represent but a fractional picture of reality [Semua filsafat, semua ilmu pengetahuan, semua religi bilapun digabung menjadi satu-kesatuan tetaplah menampilkan suatu pecahan/fraksi dari realitas kemanunggalan]
• The mysteries of your world will never be understood through inquiries that are based in the language of the mind [Misteri dari duniamu takkan pernah mampu dimengerti melalui pertanyaan/penyelidikan menggunakan/berbasiskan kekuatan pikiran]
• Perfection is a concept of wholeness misunderstood [Kesempurnaan adalah konsep dari keutuhan kemanunggalan hidup yang disalah-mengertikan]
• The conditions of peace, beauty, love, and security are merely signposts to wholeness, as are their counterparts [Kondisi damai, sejahtera, hidup dalam kasih, dan perasaan nyaman adalah petunjuk kearah hidup dalam kemanunggalan sebagai bagian/counterparts/sinyal dari ketunggalanSang maha hidup itu sendiri]
• To live in the Wholeness Perspective is to value all things as they are and to bear witness to the unity of their expression [Menjalani hidup dalam perspektif kemanunggalan yang utuh adalah menghargai semua yang ada sebagaimana adanya ia dan menjadi saksi dari perwujutan kemanunggalan mereka]
• No being requires knowledge other than their unique Wholeness Perspective [Setiap individu adalah unik dalam pengetahuannya/pemahamannya tentang pandangan hidup dalam ketunggalan yang utuh]
• There is no hierarchy. There is only One That Is All [Tak ada jenjang bertingkat. Yang ada hanyalah Dia yang maha Esa/Satu, hanya Dia]
• There is no model of existence outside of the model of self-creation [Tak ada model keberadaan selain dari model kreatif dari diri itu sendiri]
• True Freedom is access to First Source [Kebebasan sejati hanya diperoleh lewat hubungan dengan Sang Sumber Awal]
• A being cannot get closer to First Source than in the existence of a moment [Satu makhluk dalam eksitensinya tidak dapat mendekati Sang Sumber Awal kecuali hanya dalam sekejap moment/waktu/peristiwa]
• The sovereign being and First Source are reality [Makhluk yang berkuasa penuh dalam ketunggalan hidup dan adanya Sang Sumber awal kehidupan adalah kenyataan/Kasunyataan]
• Having a physical body does not limit you, anymore
than having legs on an eagle prevents it from
flying [Berada dalam badan fisik kini tidaklah lagi membatasimu, seperti seekor elang yang mempunyai kaki tidaklah untuk mencegah ia mampu untuk terbang]
• All conditions of existence are facets of the one condition of the reality of unlimited self-creation [Semua kondisi dari keberadaan adalah sisi-sisi terbatas/facet dari satu kondisi keberadaan ciptaan yang maha luas tak terbatas.
• There is no pathway to First Source [Tak ada jalan kecil menuju Sumber Awal]
• Unfoldment, evolution, growth/decay cycles and transformation are all bound to the same premise of separation in linear time [Pengembangan, evolusi, siklus pertumbuhan/pembusukan dan perubahan semuanya adalah berhubungan/bergabung dari primise/dasar sama : keterpisahan dalam perjalanan waktu linier]
• The hidden harmony is found with joy, while the obvious brings indifference [Bathin yang harmoni adalah ia yang senantiasa bahagia, sementara hal-hal yang luar/obvious tidaklah lagi menjadi patokan utama/brings indifference]
• The farther you enter into the Truth the deeper your conviction for truth must be [Semakin dalam engkau menyatu dengan Kebenaran semakin yakin/teguh kamu bahwa Kebenaran itu ada/terjadi/nyata]
• There is understanding of the world precisely to the degree that there is understanding of the Self [Pemahaman kita tentang hidup/dunia ini berbanding selaras dengan pemahaman kita terhadap diri kita sendiri/the Self]
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