Senin, 23 September 2013


Kamu diprogram dengan kode, dan saat ingatanmu muncul, kamu akan merespon rencana yang menyertaimu datang ke sini untuk berpartisipasi mengubah frekuensi. Kamu akan mulai menampung, menyimpan dan memelihara frekuensi tertentu dan lalu menjalani hidup dengan frekuensi itu. Identitas sebagai frekuensi adalah penjumlahan total tubuh-tubuh fisik, mental, emosional dan spiritual yang memancar sebagai denyutan elektronik. Begitu kamu menjalani hidup dengan frekuensi itu. Kamu mempengaruhi setiap orang ke manapun pergi. Inilah yang sedang kamu kerjakan saat ini. Ada banyak di antara kamu yang telah memahami tugas mereka dan ada pula yang ingatannya baru-baru saja mulai aktif.

Ini rencana yang luar biasa besar. Dengan caranya sendiri Bumi membantu evolusi alam semesta. Bumi merupakan wahana yang menampung berlangsungnya berbagai hal, merupakan suatu pusat hunian yang penting. Di mana-mana Keluarga Cahaya mulai bersatu. Kamu sekalian harus berfokus pada kesamaan, bukan pada perbedaan yang kamu miliki. Sebagai anggota Keluarga Cahaya, kamu membawa informasi ke planet ini secara netral untuk menstimulasi pertumbuhan diri sendiri. Kamu perlu melakukan hal ini, sebab pertumbuhanmu mempengaruhi pertumbuhan planet ini.

~Birru Sadhu

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Kamis, 19 September 2013

Learning to communicate with "God" [Belajar Berkomunikasi dengan "Tuhan"]

Yaa Allah//Tuhan/Kekuatan Kebijaksanaan[Ilmu]-Kehendak[Iradah]-Kodrat[Kuasa] yang mensinkronsasikan semua dalam yang Satu, Satu dalam semua. bila hal/pekerjaan ini [sebut dgn jelas apa hal/pekerjaan tsb] baik untuk-ku dan baik untuk semua[sanak sdr/keluarga/family/lingkungan] berilah aku tanda-tanda [petunjuk/arah/jalan] dan bila tidak berilah aku tanda-tanda....hening/camkan mata, arahkan perhatian [pegang dgn tangan kanan juga boleh] ke jantung/qalbu dan perhatikan 'rasa'/sinyal yang muncul disitu, kalo nyaman,enak = OK! kalo timbul perasaan was-was/kurang enak, tunda dulu.....[awak lagi belajar membedakan mana yang namanya keinginan/kehendak ego-personal dan kemauan/kehendak Soul/Jiwa/Tuhan/Spirit, kadang-kadang beda tipis/bercampur-aduk...."seorang pelajar spiritual belajar menyelaraskan kehendaknya dengan kehendak Spirit/Tuhan"...dan "kalo Tuhan berkehendak maka semua terjadi dengan gampang, krn "Tuhan" bekerja dengan seribu/sejuta tangan"......


Dengan belajar cara kita sendiri berkomunikasi/berbicara dengan "Tuhan", kita akan mengerti bahwa tidak ada kebetulan [coincident] dalam hidup ini, kita melihat "keterlibatan Tuhan dalam segala sesuatu yang kita lakukan....dst
"By learning to have your own conversation with God: You'll come to understand that there are no coincidences in life, so you can see the Divine in everything you do: Your relationships will be forever changed to be more connected and affectionate, so you can end regret, guilt and resentment: You'll be able to be creative in life, not reactive, enabling you to feel empowered in life: Happiness will no longer be elusive, or a fleeting experience, but rather, a choice and a decision that you can make not just once but embrace for the rest of your life." ~ Neale Donald Walsch  Love & Talk with God Always! 
"By learning to have your own conversation with God: You'll come to understand that there are no coincidences in life, so you can see the Divine in everything you do: Your relationships will be forever changed to be more connected and affectionate, so you can end regret, guilt and resentment: You'll be able to be creative in life, not reactive, enabling you to feel empowered in life: Happiness will no longer be elusive, or a fleeting experience, but rather, a choice and a decision that you can make not just once but embrace for the rest of your life." ~ Neale Donald Walsch Love & Talk with God Always!

~Spiritual Warrior

Rabu, 18 September 2013

Intra-Laminar Nuclei [ILN] Activation [Brain-Spiritual Functions]

The brain itself is divided into regions, and within the regions they are divided into subsets.
Some subsets interact among themselves more than others, and these are called functional
clusters. The brain is designed to have various circuits, of which contemporary brain researchers have identified three, which they call convergent, divergent, and reverberating circuits.

A functional cluster can have a divergent circuit that conducts neural activity to outlying
regions of the brain or CNS. Sensory information (e.g., sounds, symbols, and images) can be produced that stimulates the temporal formation of just such a functional cluster within the thalamocortical system that catalyzes a pre-designated shift in consciousness.
Whether you can equate this shift in consciousness as inducing an increase in fluid intelligence is dependent on other factors. This is not a singular dynamic core, but rather an integral part of a larger dynamic system that connects the individual not only to their humansoul consciousness, but that also of the Genetic Mind.

Within the thalamic complex is a subset known as the Intra-Laminar Nuclei (ILN).  ILN neurons venture extensively throughout the cortex, enervating every cortical section.
They’re distributed within the central region of each thalamus in a toroidal (doughnutshaped)
mode, enabling widespread influence on the thalamic system.The ILN activation is a significant key to the discovery of the Grand Portal. WingMakers’ music, art, and word symbols are designed to stimulate the ILN region to act as a synchronizing mechanism for human consciousness and the Genetic Mind. [See Ancient Arrow Project Novel section.] I realize this is difficult to comprehend, but as research into this brain function ensues over the next twenty years, it will be proven that the ILN is a key “engine” in synchronizing the human-soul consciousness to the fine-grain consciousness of the Genetic Mind, making the Genetic Mind accessible for short bursts at will. There is within the thalamocortical system what scientists refer to as the reticular thalamic nucleus (nRt). It’s widely accepted by neuroscience that nRt plays a vital role in the judicious regulation of the flow of neural information between the thalamus and cortex. What is not understood is how specific sensory information (light frequencies, sound frequencies, rhythmic synchronization, ULF, symbolic images) can influence how the ILN and nRt systems interoperate to form a hybrid functional cluster that enhances fluid intelligence and accessibility to the Genetic Mind. This discovery is yet twenty years in the making, but it
will occur, and the WingMakers will play a critical role in this discovery.


Senin, 16 September 2013

How are the WingMakers materials connected...

Comparisons to Other Teachings

Question 24-S2 –  How are the WingMakers materials connected to the present-day belief systems on earth? Did they come first, last, or are they somehow inspirational to the other religions of humanity?

A.  One of the most common features of the human mind is to compare one experience to another.
It is reasoned – and rightly so by the mind – that by comparison of an object, experience, event, or person, one can better understand it. However, in the case of the seven Tributary Zones this reasoning does not hold up.
The seven Tributary Zones, which we will call collectively, the WingMakers’ material, are
not philosophical texts. There will be the temptation by some to compare these writings to
the Bible, Koran, The Urantia Book, Ascended Master instructions, and on and on. There
will be others who will compare the information contained in the interviews and book to the
nonfiction works of investigative journalists. Comparison of the WingMakers’ materials will
not necessarily result in understanding, but more likely, confusion.

The WingMakers’ materials are designed in a different way from anything that has ever been manifested on earth. It is a collection of encoded sensory data streams destined for aconsumer technology platform that is just beginning to be incubated within development labs. However, even when experienced without this technology platform, the individual is aware that there is a deep transformation occurring. Something is “reshuffling” their mental “deck”.

I would encourage anyone who is immersing his or her consciousness in these materials to
go without comparison for a period of time as they absorb these materials. The Tributary Zones have more information encoded in them than the human mind can access and comprehend. If an individual is engaged in comparison, they may not be engaged in the deeper meaning of the Tributary Zone, at the level where the encoded information is revealed.
Incidentally, what I’ve just said is not to imply that the encoded information must be
wrested from the Tributary Zone by conscious will and effort. It is a delicate thing to detect
the encoded information. It requires a supple intelligence, open mind, contemplative perspective, and the curiosity of calculated observation. It is not a battle of wills or mind over matter. And it is seldom revealed in the clutter of comparison.
As to the connection of the WingMakers’ material to the present-day belief systems of arth, there is little connection because these materials are not created by earth teachers, nor are they only the words of teachers. They are encoded sensory data stream from an extraterrestrial teaching order that have a very specific purpose. The present-day belief systems of earth serve a different and more general purpose of moral conditioning, community building, and spiritual preparedness. Only in this last element is there any connection.

~Topical Arrangement of WingMakers Q & A, Thank's to John Berges

Rabu, 11 September 2013


Accelerating human awareness as we prepare for ascension of our sun, our earth and ourselves, lightbearers from the ascended Sirian star, Satais, are committed to helping us achieve the awakening of our light bodies, activation of our dormant DNA strands and a greater understanding of what we can expect as we approach the ascension vortex of our passage into the fourth dimension. They provide the Awakening with a greater understanding of the forces behind the global conspiracy to keep us from realizing our starseed legacy: to assist in the re-birthing of Planet Earth, bring the light of truth to those who are still huddled in the darkness and assist those who intend to serve as healers and guides of the ascension, during the great transformation of all life in our quadrant of the three-dimensional galaxy.
Are you torn in the struggle of darkness and light, anxious about what is transpiring in the global theater – or are you one of the Awakening, clear in your resolve and intent … and committed to personal and planetary healing? Now is the time, starseed, to remember who you are. Now is the time to remember.
Aided by extraterrestrial intelligence of the higher dimensions, The Speakers of the Sirian High Council, we, starseed of other worlds, explore our greatest challenges and opportunities – to bring healing, to bring the awakening tools to those lightworkers who are committed to helping prepare the way for our ascension through the clearing station of the fourth dimension and on to our higher destinations.
Our eyes, our hearts, our minds are open and we are empowered by the wisdom and light of the Sirian High Council, who, like the Pleaidian Light Emissaries and Light Ones of higher dimensions, have come to help us understand the conspiracy that has held us in powerlessness, to reveal the secrets and lies that have denied us our true heritage as children of the stars, and to achieve our true destiny as starseed of the Cosmos of Soul.



We are just like you.
In all biological respects, we are human, and most of us have been for a very long time. Through sometimes mundane and other times fantastic circumstances, we remembered that we did not originate on this planet. Since then, most of us have been exploring where we came from, and why Earth was our destination of choice.  In fact, that may also be the very reason that you found this site.


The Arcturians originate from a crystal blue planet orbiting the star Arcturus. Arcturus is a red super-giant located in the constellation Bootes. (Boötes Dwarf Galaxy (Boo I dSph) is a faint, satellite galaxy of the Milky Way located in Boötes about 197 000 light-years (60 kpc) away from Earth.) Arcturus is also the brightest star in that constellation and it lies 36 light years from Earth. The "handle" of the big dipper points to the bright star Arcturus.

Arcturians are the most advanced 5th Dimensional beings in this galaxy. They operate under 5th density mostly. They give us an idea of what our future will be like. They are to us, spiritual, mental, and emotional healers for all of humanity. They believe love is the primary element of life in the 5th density. Their ships are the most advanced in this free-will universe. We have not been hosts to a violent extraterrestrial attack here on Earth because most civilizations fear the advanced Arcturian ships. The Arcturian civilizations are governed by ‘elders’ who are the wisest and highest in the spiritual ladder. Arcturians range from 3 to 4 feet tall and are generally slim. The Arcturians have a greenish hue about their skin and have very pronounced, almond shaped eyes. They have the ability to move objects with their minds and are highly telepathic. Their hands, unlike human hands, have only 3 digits. They have brown and sometimes black eyes, but they rarely use them, they see telepathically. They can live to the age of 350 or even 400 years. They age slowly and do not fall prey to sickness, this was eradicated long, long ago. In the Arcturian civilizations, professions and life’s paths are chosen
 by one’s spirituality level. This is used to decide which female is suited to give birth. The birth process is unlike that of ours, it consists of a female and male mentally bonding and thus a clone of the bond is produced as a result. Arcturus evolution is based on teachings of spirituality, and thus as one evolves, one becomes more spiritual, if one fails to reach his allotted goal, that individual is then tutored more so the individual can succeed. The arcturians ingest energy instead of eating like us. They also live off little sleep, they rest only once a week. They can also ingest knowledge therefore they can intellectually advance faster than any human. They are here on Earth on a mission to educate humans and help us cross over to the 4th

Edgar Cayce has said in his teachings that Arcturus is one of the most advanced civilizations in this galaxy. It is the fifth- dimensional civilization that is a prototype of Earth's future. Its energy works as an emotional, mental, and spiritual healer for humanity. It is also an energy gateway through which humans pass during death and rebirth. It functions as a way station for nonphysical consciousness to become accustomed to physicality. The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch describes it as the mid-way programming center used by the physical brotherhoods in this universe to govern the many rounds of experiments with "physicals" at this end of the galaxy.

Arcturus itself is the brightest star in the Bootes constellation, which is approximately thirty-six light years from Earth.

 The Blue Arcturians are one of many types of Beings on their enormous planet. They live as separate Beings but as a One Consciousness for the betterment of the whole not the individual. They are highly spiritual, telepathic, living in unconditional love in communal type homes. The Arcturians are teachers, coming here to help us in our spiritual ascension during very challenging times. Those who have come to Earth in Human form are here to awaken and activate people to remember who they are – spiritual beings in a human body.

Did you know the Arcturians are closely connected to the VIOLET RAY?!?

"Do not hesitate to call upon the Arcturians ... they are of the Violet Ray and beyond ... Edgar Caycee referred to them as the nost advanced civilization in our Universe ... the most God-like ...

Arcturus is home to the most ascended of beings known as the White Brotherhood of Light ... Its master is Sananda, also known on this Earth Plane as Jesus, the Son ...

... many encounters with angles are encounters with Arcturians ... "


RememberAwareness brings realization.  Realization causes an awakening.  Awakening brings us to an in-Lightened state.  In the Light, you will find your truth....and finally you will know the power is within YOU.

If we are to wake up, it is important to explore the possibilities and reach further to know who we really are.  By exploring and remaining open, it is always possible to reach beyond ourselves for enlightenment, higher wisdom, and guidance.  The Pleiadian Realm is not at the God level, yet it does exist in time beyond the human level.  Ponder for a moment how another system of life might possibly run parallel to our own system of life.
 The Pleiadian Realm operates outside of our normal concept of  linear time.  While it operates in another star system, it also exists outside of our normal ideas of time.  Imagine for a moment that all of time takes place at the same time - both the past, present as well as the future.  If we can tune into a so called past life, then we can also tune into future life - thus the Pleiadian Realm, and beyond.  The idea here is for us now to begin to grasp the concept that time does not really exists.  Neither does time run in a straight line.  The time issue is much more complex than that, so much so that it often completely alludes us. 

As we seek and learn of things unknown, we will walk down many paths in life encountering just what we need to help awaken us to a higher destiny.  Our journey will cover a lifetime as we gather a multitude of experiences that will help us to expand and evolve.  The most important issue to the human condition is not to allow ourselves to become rigid and unyielding in our thinking.  This is a common human affliction and causes many to shut down the gates to further exploration, settling comfortably within the confines of one belief system.  Our universe is expansive, vast and never ending and mostly unknown - anything at all is possible...and all things are possible  

Jumat, 06 September 2013


The paradigm of the SOVEREIGN INTEGRAL is an utterly unfathomably deep ROOT to the deep past of all life in the multiverse! The depth of the remnant imprint found in the sovereign integral litterally STEERS the perception of truthseekers to the GRANDPORTAL. It is like the brave steersman who dips his rudderboard into the water during the storm and with it at the back of his boat (integral) makes his way through the chaosuntil his prow juts into the eye of the storm (grand portal). the two paradigms are not side by side although both their sucess is mutually dpendant apon good use of the other!

The sovereign integral can create intense feelings of loss and dichordancy in individuals as it creates otherwise unseen paths to the grand portal! humanity is already lost in the hurricane.. what it needs is to be brave enough to steer! it does not work to just point at either end of the boat!

~Harley Liquifaction Cameron comments on facebook.


Introduction by James
Over the past two years, the WingMakers' website has elicited a variety of reactions, perhaps none so persistent as to the enigma of its creator, and why I seek anonymity. I invite you to examine the materials contained within this website, less concerned with who created the materials and why, and more focused on how to apply them in your personal life, provided they resonate with your inmost self.
If you read my responses to the questions posed by members of the WingMakers' discussion forum and various students, you will gain insight into my purpose, and if you read carefully,
you will understand why these materials exist as they do. In this short introduction, I will
try to provide additional insight into these materials and their purpose.
Within the last century, contemporary belief systems have rightly placed their focus on love,
and more specifically, love that is divine, unconditional and freely shared among all people
regardless of their place in the social order. The greatest teachers of humanity have professed this same sentiment, but love remains one of the most misunderstood concepts of humanity.
Love is a fundamental action that, in itself, is not sufficient to bring a species into alignment with the purpose and objectives of First Source or God. While love serves a vital function in coalescing humanity and healing its self-inflicted wounds, it is the knowledge and rightful application of new sciences that will reveal the human soul to the mind of humanity. And it is this revelation that will bring humanity - as a collective species - into conscious alignment with the purpose of First Source.
The WingMakers incarnate as humans from time-to-time in order to bring its teachings directly to humanity. The WingMakers have been known by many different names throughout the history of humankind, but always they have been involved in bringing spiritual culture and science to the developing mind of humanity. The purpose of this endeavor is to spark or catalyze the discovery of the human soul – not through the subjective lens of metaphysics or religion, but through the irrefutable application of scientific principle.
These collected works are aspects of this process. I am a translator of these works that
originate from a different spatial or dimensional level known as a Tributary Zone. These works are catalytic and intended to help individuals shift their consciousness in order to more effectively access their own spiritual purpose, particularly as it relates to the discovery of the Grand Portal.
The Grand Portal is a term we use to describe the irrefutable scientific discovery of the human soul. It is an event that humanity is steadily nearing, and its arrival is estimated to be near the time 2080. These materials, and others like them, will be catalysts for those incarnating souls who are part of the Grand Portal discovery.
I can appreciate that this may seem like science fiction to many of you, but it is nonetheless
an impending reality, and marks a profound shift in the fundamental social structures of
humanity. The discovery of the Grand Portal is literally a portal into a new multidimensional universe that demonstrates that humanity is not an isolated “patch” of life, but rather part of an amazingly diverse assemblage of life forms that span multiple universes and dimensions.
It is not unlike when oceanographers first began to survey the ocean’s depths and discovered new species of life where it was thought impossible for life to exist. According to our estimates, a similar phenomenon – but at a much more profound level – will occur in about 80 years as science and soul collide, and the reality of a near-infinite variety of life forms beyond the physical dimension is discovered and shared with all of humanity.
The belief systems upon earth will undergo calamitous change following the discovery of the Grand Portal as the new sciences - above all, particle physics and molecular biology – begin to dramatically restructure the social institutions of religion, government, education, and culture. This is the discovery that humanity has been evolving towards for the past 11,000 years.
I am here to help in this discovery. If you apply these materials in your own life, you are as
From my world to yours, James
Arrangement ©2007 John Berges. WingMakers words and images used with permission of WingMakers LLC. All rights reserved.


Concluding Remarks by James
Thank you for your questions. Keep pursuing your alignment to that which draws out your
innermost desire to contribute what is stored inside of you. If you do this, you will inhabit
the integrity of your actions – which is the best place to live in the times to come.
I am appreciative of your interest and desire to understand more about these works. To
those of you who are studying these materials, please be attentive to the path you have chosen to walk. This path is not for dabbling, or mental exercise. It is a journey into your personal wisdom. If there were anything else you seek, I would encourage you to set these materials aside in favor of another path, or even no path at all.
Anyone on this path expresses with respect, appreciation, and understanding, or the
knowledge gained and personal wisdom revealed will not be satisfying, nor will it endure. It
is a critical element of our approach to the Grand Portal. I mention this because in another
world, a species approached the Grand Portal and its earth teachers lost sight of how expression and deep insight are necessarily connected, and though the discovery of the Grand
Portal was at last achieved, it was not properly disseminated or applied in this world for
several generations following the discovery.
The WingMakers’ discussion forums exist to enable each of you to express your innermost
thoughts and findings about the WingMakers’ materials. It also enables you to practice and
refine your ability to demonstrate respect, appreciation, and understanding. I encourage
each of you to integrate these behaviors in your dialogue because they carry a kindling effect for the information contained within these materials – both for you and those who
tread with you on this path.
One final comment. I am not able to respond to more questions for a period of about three
months. If you have additional questions, you may forward them to Mark, but please understand that you will require patience for your answers – provided you seek them from me
and require them in physical form.
You have my fondest regards.
From my world to yours,

~from "Topical Arrangement of WingMakers Q & A, Nov, 5, 2005, revisid February,14, 2007 By John Berges [Thank you bro, you have done a great work !]


The Wingmakers are not the guides angels, ascended masters, or gods that exist within the dimensions of the human Mind System. They live within the inter-dimensional fields of the higher mind, and like wise elders to the human family they provide the paradigms of the Sovereign Integral and Grand Portal. They focus exclusively on these two paradigms because from this come the First Point, that enables individual to dissolve the programs that conceal the one, the equal, and the truthful from it self.

~Project Camelot, Interview James, page 62.

Rabu, 04 September 2013


Michael Forrester, Prevent Disease

Waking Times

We now know that just as on the internet, our DNA can feed its proper data into a network of consciousness and can call up data from the network and also establish contact with other participants in the network. In addition, there is evidence for a whole new type of medicine in which DNA can be influenced and reprogrammed by words and frequencies without cutting out and replacing single genes.

After thousands of years of being disconnected from higher dimensional frequencies, our DNA is finally breaking free from old patterns which have been stuck in a universal time matrix. However, humans will soon know and understand why 97% of our DNA has a higher purpose and why its transformation is leading us into an awakening that we never could have imagined.

The human genome is packed with at least four million gene switches that reside in bits of DNA that once were dismissed as “junk” but it turns out that so-called junk DNA plays critical roles in controlling how cells, organs and other tissues behave. The discovery, considered a major medical and scientific breakthrough, has enormous implications for human health and consciousness because many complex diseases appear to be caused by tiny changes in hundreds of gene switches.

As scientists delved into the “junk” — parts of the DNA that are not actual genes containing instructions for proteins — they discovered a complex system that controls genes. At least 80 percent of this DNA is active and needed. Another 15-17 percent has higher functions scientists are still decoding.

Russian researchers’ findings and conclusions are simply revolutionary! According to them, our DNA is not only responsible for the construction of our body but also serves as data storage and in communication. The Russian linguists found that the genetic code, especially in the apparently useless junk DNA follows the same rules as all our human languages. To this end they compared the rules of syntax (the way in which words are put together to form phrases and sentences), semantics (the study of meaning in language forms) and the basic rules of grammar. They found that the alkalines of our DNA follow a regular grammar and do have set rules just like our languages. So human languages did not appear coincidentally but are a reflection of our inherent DNA.

The Russian biophysicist and molecular biologist Pjotr Garjajev and his colleagues also explored the vibrational behavior of the DNA. The bottom line was: “Living chromosomes function just like solitonic/holographic computers using the endogenous DNA laser radiation.” This means that they managed for example to modulate certain frequency patterns onto a laser ray and with it influenced the DNA frequency and thus the genetic information itself. Since the basic structure of DNA-alkaline pairs and of language (as explained earlier) are of the same structure, no DNA decoding is necessary.

This finally and scientifically explains why affirmations, autogenous training, hypnosis and the like can have such strong effects on humans and their bodies. It is entirely normal and natural for our DNA to react to language. While western researchers cut single genes from the DNA strands and insert them elsewhere, the Russians enthusiastically worked on devices that can influence the cellular metabolism through suitable modulated radio and light frequencies and thus repair genetic defects.

Garjajev’s research group succeeded in proving that with this method chromosomes damaged by x-rays for example can be repaired. They even captured information patterns of a particular DNA and transmitted it onto another, thus reprogramming cells to another genome. So they successfully transformed, for example, frog embryos to salamander embryos simply by transmitting the DNA information patterns! This way the entire information was transmitted without any of the side effects or disharmonies encountered when cutting out and re-introducing single genes from the DNA. This represents an unbelievable, world-transforming revolution and sensation! All this by simply applying vibration and language instead of the archaic cutting-out procedure! This experiment points to the immense power of wave genetics, which obviously has a greater influence on the formation of organisms than the biochemical processes of alkaline sequences.

This discovery also points to the significance of sound frequencies and vibrations in the origin of human life and the possibility that creation was generated by waves of consciousness. The Phantom DNA effect is a case in point: the energy field of a DNA sample remains detectable by laser light even when the physical sample is removed. At a fundamental level, man is pure energy. In Wave Genetics, the junk DNA functions at a rich infrastructure level of super codes and wave communication, realized in material form as crystalline structures–dynamic gene-holograms in liquid crystals of the chromosome continuum. What this model suggests is that the human gene is part of larger holograms (multiverse) of wave information reality. Hyper-communication, in the form of remote sensing, remote healing and telepathy, is definitely a part of the human protocol.

Scientists are aware that 97% of our DNA is, as they call it “junk DNA”. They call it junk because they don’t see that we have any use for it. Only 3% of our DNA is wrapped up in the spiraling double helix strand. During the time of the 75,000 year cycle when we are exposed to the most torsion energy waves and it affects our DNA by reorganizing the 97% “junk” DNA from a 2-strand double helix to a 12-strand helix advancing man in a leap of evolution.

Empty space is not really empty but filled with the invisible torsion wave energy at different degrees of concentration. Thus, as the stars and planets drift through the galaxy they pass through different concentrations in very exact intervals of time, with precise cycles that can vary in length from thousands to millions of years. As planets move through periods of high concentration of these torsion waves a transformation affects the DNA structure on the planet, which causes more highly evolved forms to more rapidly replicate than less evolved forms of life. Ample evidence of this is seen to occur through our fossil records which evolution has shown this to occur in sudden jolts rather than as a gradual process. The effect has been named as “punctuated equilibrium” by mainstream biologists.

In nature, hyper communication has been successfully applied for millions of years. The organized flow of life in insect states proves this dramatically. Modern man knows it only on a much more subtle level as “intuition.” But we, too, can regain full use of it. An example from Nature: When a queen ant is spatially separated from her colony, building still continues fervently and according to plan. If the queen is killed, however, all work in the colony stops. No ant knows what to do. Apparently the queen sends the “building plans” also from far away via the group consciousness of her subjects. She can be as far away as she wants, as long as she is alive. In man hyper communication is most often encountered when one suddenly gains access to information that is outside one’s knowledge base. Such hyper communication is then experienced as inspiration or intuition. The Italian composer Giuseppe Tartini for instance dreamt one night that a devil sat at his bedside playing the violin. The next morning Tartini was able to note down the piece exactly from memory, he called it the Devil’s Trill Sonata.

For years, a 42-year old male nurse dreamt of a situation in which he was hooked up to a kind of knowledge CD-ROM. Verifiable knowledge from all imaginable fields was then transmitted to him that he was able to recall in the morning. There was such a flood of information that it seemed a whole encyclopedia was transmitted at night. The majority of facts were outside his personal knowledge base and reached technical details about which he knew absolutely nothing.

When hyper communication occurs, one can observe in the DNA as well as in the human being special phenomena. The Russian scientists irradiated DNA samples with laser light. On screen a typical wave pattern was formed. When they removed the DNA sample, the wave pattern did not disappear, it remained. Many control experiments showed that the pattern still came from the removed sample, whose energy field apparently remained by itself. This effect is now called phantom DNA effect. It is surmised that energy from outside of space and time still flows through the activated wormholes after the DNA was removed. The side effect encountered most often in hyper communication also in human beings are inexplicable electromagnetic fields in the vicinity of the persons concerned.

Electronic devices like CD players and the like can be irritated and cease to function for hours. When the electromagnetic field slowly dissipates, the devices function normally again. Many healers and psychics know this effect from their work. The better the atmosphere and the energy, the more frustrating it is that the recording device stops functioning and recording exactly at that moment. And repeated switching on and off after the session does not restore function yet, but next morning all is back to normal. Perhaps this is reassuring to read for many, as it has nothing to do with them being technically inept, it means they are good at hyper communication.

In their book “Vernetzte Intelligenz” (Networked Intelligence), Grazyna Fosar and Franz Bludorf explain these connections precisely and clearly. The authors also quote sources presuming that in earlier times humanity had been, just like the animals, very strongly connected to the group consciousness and acted as a group. To develop and experience individuality we humans however had to forget hyper communication almost completely. Now that we are fairly stable in our individual consciousness, we can create a new form of group consciousness, namely one, in which we attain access to all information via our DNA without being forced or remotely controlled about what to do with that information. We now know that just as on the internet our DNA can feed its proper data into the network, can call up data from the network and can establish contact with other participants in the network. Remote healing, telepathy or “remote sensing” about the state of relatives etc.. can thus be explained. Some animals know also from afar when their owners plan to return home. That can be freshly interpreted and explained via the concepts of group consciousness and hyper communication. Any collective consciousness cannot be sensibly used over any period of time without a distinctive individuality. Otherwise we would revert to a primitive herd instinct that is easily manipulated.

Hyper communication in the new millennium means something quite different: Researchers think that if humans with full individuality would regain group consciousness, they would have a god-like power to create, alter and shape things on Earth! AND humanity is collectively moving toward such a group consciousness of the new kind. Fifty percent of today’s children will be problem children as soon as the go to school. The system lumps everyone together and demands adjustment. But the individuality of today’s children is so strong that that they refuse this adjustment and giving up their idiosyncrasies in the most diverse ways.

True Self Realization and Soul Awakening requires expansion of our existing beliefs (beyond the restrictions of your programmed belief system – Opening up to the Absolute Universal Truth). We come into this planet knowing the Universal Truth. As we grow up we disconnect from the Universal Truth and inherit our family’s belief system. Our parent’s beliefs usually end up being the foundation of our beliefs. The foundation of this belief creates our restrictions.

The Universe has no restrictions. We create the boundaries based on our beliefs. These boundaries limit our spiritual growth / inner development which affect our DNA and vice-versa.

We have finally entered a portal where we can express our full potential as creative beings and begin the gradual removal of our preexisting human templates that have only been useful in the old world. The new world filled with higher consciousness and frequencies will only allow those vibrational alignments within our highest good. Anything else will be cast aside and force us to adapt until we get it right. This is the new portal that will intensify every month.

Get ready to create a new you every single day.

About the Author

Michael Forrester is a spiritual counselor and is a practicing motivational speaker for corporations in Japan, Canada and the United States.


This article is offered under Creative Commons license. It’s okay to republish it anywhere as long as attribution bio is included and all links remain intact.

~Thank,s to Scoot Maurer, for sharing this.

Selasa, 03 September 2013


"You are sovereign. Your world will try its best to tell you otherwise, but you are this--sovereign. You are also integrated with all others. So you are both sovereign and integrated. In this state, you are able to operate as a singular being that is connected to all other beings through the network of personal responsibility, which is to say, the virtues of the heart: Appreciation, Compassion, Forgiveness, Humility, Understanding, Valor all radiating from Divine Love."

James Mahu, Quantusum, page 545

via MySpiritual Journey status on facebook  today.


becoming Light,
freedom, ease, peace, harmony.
Nothing to worry
nothing to loose
nothing to judge.
I AM nothingness in your NOWNESS
Together we are growing as
a Sovereign Integral Being
creating, playing,
in the world of time-space 
through a new way of living,
without fear, hatred, greedy
but sharing, helping, learning
together as you are all
One Being,
One Breathing
issuing from the Light 
of the Great Central Sun.
That is the state of Sovereign Integral
One Life - One Being.

Minggu, 01 September 2013


James has two missions that I am aware of, 1) to reintroduce the Sovereign Integral consciousness 2) to guide us to the discovery of the Grand Portal the irrefutable scientific discovery of the human soul

Sovereign Integral consciousness: 
The entity may simultaneously inhabit a thousand human instruments spread across 200,000 years of linear time. To the human instrument of a specific time period, it will seem to be the one and only existence, but to the entity, all of its lives are occurring in nowness. The entity consciousness is the "hub" around which its various human instruments connect in to like spokes of a wheel. And the outer rim of the wheel is represented as circular time within the dimensions of planetary life.

~from MySpiritual Journey status on face book Agust 21 "I have another me in the storeroom of my soul--perhaps many more."

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Thank you James, Thank you Mark, Thank you MySpiritual Journey, in One Heart always and forever, dharma sani siregar.