Sabtu, 22 Maret 2014


Your inner environment: This is your environment from your skin in, from
your senses in. This environment is where your mind lives. It is between
life and your spiritual-self; it is the closest thing to you.
The mind is so close to your spirit that most people do not realize that they
are two separate things. The mind creates the illusion that it is the spirit.

Sixth sense: People do have a sixth sense; their own mind. You have the
senses of sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste and mind. Your mind is like a
sense, because your consciousness or spiritual-self senses or experiences
the mind’s thoughts, emotions, and feelings the same way it does light,
sounds, sensations, scents and tastes. You receive the input from your
mind the same way you receive input from your five life senses, but what
the mind creates is not real/true.
Word/life: Your five life senses sense life. Your mind produces and sends
you things that do not come from life; it sends you things it makes up itself.
It creates and sends you emotions, desires, thoughts, guilt, fears and
worries, etc. Your mind blocks most of the life coming to you, and what it
does not block, it converts into thoughts and feelings; it turns life into its
mental code for life. Your mind attempts to reduce all of life to words, feelings,
and abstract thoughts or bytes of data. Example: Your sense of sight sees a rose.
Instead of coming to you directly as all that a rose really is, it is turned into
the word “rose”. It is then disregarded or filed away as a memory without
letting you experience it.
Our inner environment/our local uni-multiverse is our space-time where
our mind lives in, it's like our sixth sense.

Adaptation from []

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