Jumat, 06 November 2015


Greetings, I AM El Morya,
I speak to you again of being an Ascended Master with a
physical form. All of the Ascended Masters throughout
the ages have had the ability to maintain an earth vessel
for varying amounts of time. St. Germaine was known to
have an earth vessel for centuries. He is an example of
the power of transmutation because he serves on the
Seventh Ray of Transmutation and Ascension.
Transmutation and ascension are the same because the
transmutation of the frequency of physical matter into the
frequency of spiritual energy is the core of ascension.
When you decided to incarnate on Earth, you inserted
your multidimensional energy field into a physical encasement. Unfortunately,
you usually forgot that YOU were the essence and NOT the encasement.
Fortunately, many of you are now remembering that you are the essence, the
spirit, and the energy of the ONE that enlivens your form. When you are done
driving and you leave your car, the car does not disappear, nor do you. However,
when you are in your car, you and the car appear to be ONE.
During sleep and meditation, many of you step out of your vehicle. However, it is
important that the vehicle is parked before you leave it. Would you leave your car
while it was moving? In the same manner, you would not like to step out of your
earth vessel while you are walking down the street. Just as a moving car could
crash if you left it, your body would fall if you left it while you were moving. For
this reason, Ascended Masters learn to be fully conscious of how much of their
Essence is inside their physical form. As an Ascended Master you will learn that
when you visit the higher worlds, you make sure you park your vehicle where it is
safe. Then, you can return to it when you are needed in the third dimension.
Fortunately, your inter-dimensional travels are out of time. Therefore, what
appears to you to be a substantial journey, appears to others as only the blink of
your eyes. However, this eye blink must occur only when the body is safe. The
physical form is quite delicate and difficult to maintain at optimum health in the
lower frequency of the third dimensional world. As you know, molecules of life
decay over time in the physical world and are susceptible to injury and illness.
This fact is especially true when your essence/spirit is visiting other realities.
When you visit the higher frequency worlds, you can merge with one of your
many higher dimensional expressions of your SELF, or you can choose to visit
these worlds in a formless state of pure consciousness. On the other hand, you
may want to create a higher dimensional form to represent your visiting
consciousness. These forms are created with multidimensional light and
unconditional love. Hence, they are infinite and indestructible,
and they automatically disarticulate and return to the ONE when you
are no longer using them.
An advantage of being an Ascended Master is that your multidimensional
consciousness has marvelous healing powers, which can be used on your
physical vessels. However, the high frequency that heals your earth vessel also
creates a sense of great exhaustion for beginners. To have a consciousness that
is resonating to a much higher frequency than its container is very tiring for the
container. Hence, frequent naps, meditation and excursions into Nature are
important while residing within your earth vessel. Walking in Nature is important
so that you can more fully ground yourself into the body of Mother Earth.
Once grounded, it is easier for you to accept Gaia’s assistance. The form for the
Planetary Consciousness of Gaia, planet Earth, allows your body to have a break
from the burden of holding a form of a much lower frequency than your
consciousness. Eventually, as well as during Planetary Ascension, your higher
consciousness within your carbon vessel will transmute (raise the frequency of)
every cell and atom of that vessel into its fifth dimensional counterpart of
Lightbody. In the meantime, your Ascended Master consciousness will remind
you how to use your multidimensional healing powers to heal and maintain your
third dimensional vessel. Then, you can more easily continue to use your clay
vessel until your Personal and Planetary Ascension has been completed.
In the meantime, your ascended consciousness will upgrade your vessel from
the inside out by activating your “junk” DNA. This 97% of your DNA, which has
been labeled as “junk DNA” by your scientists, is actually the hard drive for your
transmutation into Lightbody. Therefore, it expedites your ability to experience
the transmutation process into Lightbody, while your consciousness still inhabits
your clay form. As this transmutation continues, your expanded perceptions will
increasingly come online and your clairvoyance, clairaudience etc. will assist you
to consciously perceive the multidimensional energies entering and integrating
into your third dimensional world.
These perceptions are the best antidote for the 3D fear virus, which can be very
disruptive to your ever-changing physical vehicle. Once you can consciously
perceive the higher dimensional energy fields as they flow into and merge with
your personal vessel and your planetary vessel, you will KNOW beyond any
doubt that you ARE ascending. When you first begin to perceive these molecules
it is helpful to close your physical eyes and observe your reality with your opened
Third Eye. Your third Eye allows you to perceive these energies, whereas your
High Heart assists you to merge into, communicate with and understand the
message of these energies.
To try out these multidimensional perceptions:
• Take a moment to look around your present surroundings through your
Third Eye.
• Release all thoughts.
• Center your emotions into a neutral place.
• Calm your body and sit with a straight spine to align and open your
• Expand your consciousness by modulating your breathing so that your
exhale is twice as long as your inhale.
Take a moment to process your experience with your expanded consciousness.
Before you go about your day, make sure that your consciousness is fully
integrated into your earth vessel before you move it. In other words, before you
move your vehicle:
• Fasten the seat belt.
• Adjust the mirrors, especially the rearview mirror.
• Check the fuel level.
• Start the engine.
• Check out your surroundings.
• Then, move your vehicle.
When you are done using your vehicle, park it in a safe place, lock it so that no
one else can use it and surround it with light. Don’t forget to clean your vehicle,
check the oil and make sure it has enough fuel. Do NOT drive your vehicle
unless your primary attention is in the third dimension. It took you a long “time” to
awaken this vehicle to its true nature. It is much easier to maintain it than it would
be to get a new one. You have waited, studied and incarnated in myriad timelines
in preparation for this opportunity to hold a physical form during this time of
Personal and Planetary Ascension. Therefore, YOU are the treasure of your
Multidimensional SELF.
Your Ascended Master SELF perceives the energy that embodies the third
dimensional form. However, your human self sees the form without full realization
of the energy that created it, fuels it and gives it life in the third dimensional
world. Therefore, when your earth vessel is parked and safe, practice your
Ascended Master perceptions by perceiving the energy that creates, enlivens,
sustains and connects all life.
At first, you may only be able to perceive the molecules of life while in a
meditative state of higher consciousness, as the volume of that sensory data will
overwhelm your mundane consciousness. However, as your multidimensional
consciousness comes fully online, it will become increasingly natural to see
energy and form simultaneously. In the meantime, I invite you to call upon me for
assistance. I will be honored to answer your call. My Brother in the Light, St.
Germain, will now address you.
I AM El Morya

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