Minggu, 04 September 2016


And so, a Great Study of The Real Levels of Life must apply if one is
to begin to understand the endless steps of Becoming MoreAware
with The TruSource, THE ALLISNESS. This True Journey is not for
everyone at this time, even though it is here for everyone. All things
leave their mark, so to speak, and what I am Presenting Now will be
around for a long time, and very few will catch on to it. To start with,
the physical realm with its solidness, has become home to a lot of
humans who keep returning here. From this 'Place in Life,' one
usually goes somewhere familiar, such as the next level, which is
termed the Astral Worlds. Depending upon the awareness and
circumstances surrounding each person, their experience in the next
world will be according to their ideas, beliefs, karma, and attitudes of
acceptance, as examples. All of us are very complex while residing
in, and carrying all the lower bodies of the mind and emotions, along
with a lot of past life memories. These things that I have just
mentioned are a mystery to most people, as they have been taught
that certain things are to be a mystery and not at all understood,
of the so-called 'beliefs' a person has become accustomed to, and
therefore, how is it they can surpass themselves when they hold
themselves to what they have decided? The mere acceptance of an
authority figure, such as a god, a deity that rules over others, is
already a decided confinement, and no matter how much emotional
creativeness a person puts into the idealism of their worshiped effigy,
it all equals the same to where a person limits their understanding
from What IS Real Now. LifeIS Always Now and never in the past.
Within the Astral Worlds, which would seem like science fiction to the
hard-headedness of humans, there are many wonderful places to visit
and reside. This is also know as the First Heaven of Man. From the
sometimes cruel world of humans, a place that is a lot nicer and
without all the pollution and many times the down right stupidness of
earth, is actually hard to 'believe.' There are thousands upon
thousands of possibilities in the Astral Worlds, and again, it is all about
the individual and how they are setup with their decided confined
consciousness. Each of us already has an Astral Body that exist on
this level, and when the physical body is worn out, like an old car, The
RealU simply transfers over to a place best suited for it. The idea of
there being some sort of 'death' with all of this is not at all so, because
The RealU never dies or disappears, but merely transfers to another
position. Those who do not know of the many other dimensions and
worlds have termed a person's passing as 'death.' Just like Forest
Gump has said, “Stupid is as stupid does!” Humans seem to like to
put themselves in the worst conditions, and with the worst ideas, then
whine and complain about what they have done to themselves. In
the movie, 'Flatliners,' several Med School doctors experimented with
a complicated way to die, and then return to their physical life tell
about their experience of death. They went to a lot of trouble for
nothing with all their complicated equipment and procedure to try and
find what they wanted to be the answer to Life, when they are already
doing the same thing every night in their DreamVisions. Again,
Forest Gump seems to know a lot more as he said so... Ha ha

Beyond the Astral Worlds, there is the Causal and Mental Worlds.
These are the Heavens of Man, places one can go after the physical
body wears out. They're beauty is beyond belief. These vast and
seemingly endless regions that have so many amazing sights and
places to experience. Even when a person is in these wondrous
areas, they may still feel a pull to their earthly existence, because they
haven't as yet learned to let go of what they have already
experienced. Life is an endless journey into even great positions
beyond any belief or consideration. The beautiful Mental Worlds are
a huge and alluring consideration to anyone who visits them, and so it
is best to have a RealGuide with one to assist, so as not to be left in
this place, or it is likely one will return to the lowest of worlds and
reincarnate unconsciously again. Life will always make sense,
because it IS Real, and it is up to each of us to continually explore and
discover how it makes sense for ourselves. It is this arena of
experience, the Mental Worlds that the Gods of Man reside. Again,
most people will have a hard time accepting the simple fact they can
visit their appointed deity at any time, but of course, the GodLord is
going to play his own role with each person, making them think he is
the ultimate and there is no life or existence past him. The GodLord,
is one who wants to be worshiped and adored, as do the Elites and
Royalty on the earth world. The GodLord is just as political as The
Authoritarians with their contrived laws and regulations of officialness.
Souls of the RoundWorlds have been cleverly marketed with fear, as
their gods have taken Kontrol of their lower bodies.

Above the fourth level of the Mental Regions is the Etheric Plane.
This realm is for the fifth body of man, his subconscious, the primitive
self. It is in this particular area that one's dreams play a huge role,
because the subconscious is an endless storehouse full of everything
a person has decided and imagined. It is this subconscious arena
that mainly reflects back to the personal self in dreams. Until one has
the protection of The RealGuides, they are mainly at the mercy of this
realm and the Gods of Man. It is true that there are many so-called
'blessing' from this area, as the GodLord wants to keep as many
unaware souls with him as possible. As one ascends into the higher
positions of this region, at some point they drop all the lower bodies

and behold themselves as a Being of Light. I would say that this is
where a TruSpiritual Position is, and not at all on any of the lower
realms of Spiritual Marketing Tactics. It is here, The RealU is realized
and experienced, and all the knowledge of the lower realms is
revealed and PerSeeved. From this fifth level, one then enters The
Deep Dark Border of the Sixth Level. Through the vast darkness, this
special journey finally takes one into The Seventh Level, The First
Real UNUverse of Sound and ALL Light of THE ALLIS. It is here that
one experiences a joy and happiness beyond anything conceivable
from that of the lower mind and bodies. Here, one is a Magnificent
Being of RealLight, and not the secondary light like that of the Astral
and Mental Worlds. There are endless positions of BeingReal on The
Seventh Level, as one positions themselves among others who are
equal in light, strength and BeingISness. Upon this level there are
vast oceans and rivers that contain The Real Fountain of Youth.
There exists here an awesome brilliance of silvery light, with Giant
Golden Castles that cover the endless vastness and into a
foreverness sky. From the lower levels to this one and above, there
is always a Great Sun in the endless skies, which represents THE
ALLIS, that is everywhere and supports all things and Beings.
Anything one wants is already available here, as The Seventh Level is
The First Real UNUverse of THE ALLISNISS of The TruReality, THE
ALLIS. The RealBeings of Light are countless in numbers here and
there is no darkness, pollution, or any type of discordance, but only a
RealLife. As one establishes themselves here, they no longer have to
return to the lower PsycRealms and take on any more unconscious
bodies. Here is where The RealU shines brighter than a hundred
suns, as there is only PurJoy and PurHappiness beyond any belief or
imagination a person can consider. When The RealU is ready, The
RealGuide will then escort one into The Higher UNUverses, to where
one eventually is positioned in the most hidden and secret of all
places, that of The TruSource of ALLLife, THE ALLIS. So wondrous
and unapproachable in any mental sense is this PurReality, as there
are no words to describe IT. It is here that one PerSeeves Reality with
their Being, as nothing of a Literal Sense can exist here. THE ALLIS,

IS Perfection beyond anything, and there are no rules, regulations and
control here, only Radiant RealTruth and Endless RealFreedom.
On The Seventh Level, one is a PurRadiant Being. From The
Seventh Level and beyond, one is more like a ball of light, PerSeeving
ALL That IS, and seemingly moving with the brilliant dazzling lighted
UNUverses, ever onward to The TruSource, THE ALLIS. There is no
actual movement in The Real UNUverses, as everything is a
PURISNESS. From the PsycRealms with its defined Literal Senses
of existence, The Real UNUverses are especially unique for their
PurQuality of Clear and Clean Realness. This is why it is hard for
anyone to imagine Reality, because IT IS far too Real and Wonderful.
The best advice I can give to a person who wants to experience The
TruReality, is to first imagine themselves like the sun in the sky, to
where they are shining upon all, and with no attitudes, but Just Being
like the sun it is. This is how THE ALLIS, IS. Once people understand
how Pure and Wonderful THE ALLIS, IS, they will no longer have to
grovel to the Gods of Man, and especially to the Contrived Marketing
Tactics and Intimidation of the Authoritarians and their malicious
armies. Again, The Whole of Life is about Becoming MoreAware and
once a person decides this, The RealGuides can assist one into The
RealLight of Life, far beyond all the secondary thrills of the lower Mind
Realms. It takes Great Courage for a person to See Thru their
conditioning, and once they do, they can PerSeeve The TruReality.

@Duane The Great Writer UNUVERSALSEER 2016 NUBOOK p.645-649

accept by the mysterious gods mankind looks to. Here is an example

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