Rabu, 29 Mei 2013


Colin Bondi, Contributor
Waking Times
What is the goal of the path of Self Discovery? Self Realization. The realization of our true nature, who and what we truly are, in reality. And just what is that? Well uh um ah…….I don’t know. Which is why we have to explore this for ourselves personally if we are so inclined to do so. Whatever is said about our true nature or written about it or thought about it is not It. Simply because its beyond concepts which is what all this is. Yet concepts can point to it, some more effectively than others. Some (actually very few in my experience) spiritual teachers are quite effective in using minimal concepts to point to the truth.
One such teacher was Robert Adams (1928-1997). Adams had an experience of awakening early in life and subsequently spent time with the renowned Indian saint, Sri Ramana Maharshi. Adams very beautifully reflects the simple subtle and yet profoundly powerful approach of Advaita or Non-duality and the path of self inquiry. Though he rarely gave any teachings in the usual sense as he considered silence the best teaching, in one of his Satsangs from the early 90s he expressed four principles of self realization which are very simple and clear.
The first principle is the realization that everything you experience is a manifestation of your mind. That includes all the objects of your external world as well as all the thoughts, feelings, beliefs and ideas of your inner world. Everything one experiences (all phenomena) are a projection of the mind. The mind is not something in your head, its your entire world, you live in your mind. The mind is the only means through which we can experience phenomena which includes all objects of perception. Everything we perceive depends on mind or the ego, what we call “I”. Without “I” nothing can be experienced and if nothing is experienced there is no world. The only way we know ‘world’ is through experience. Further, whatever we experience comes through the filter of our unique version of “I”. No two people experience the same object exactly the same way. Whatever we perceive is colored by the layers and textures of our mental conditioning, what we think about it, whether we like or dislike it, what memories it triggers etc. A self realized person knows that what he experiences as the outside world and his inner world is not real, just a mental projection. Knowing this is like realizing you are in a dream world. This knowing allows one to not take experiences so seriously and not to attach to them as being the cause of happiness because they aren’t real.
The second principle is the realization that you are unborn. That is you were never born, you don’t have a life now and you can never die. This principle involves realizing that we are not the body or mind, we are nothing that is temporary or comes and goes. We are the eternal presence of “I am”. When “I” is not mixed with anything else like I am John, I am a lawyer, I am a mother, I am rich, I am poor, I am lazy, I am depressed – then we are left with only the feeling sense of being or existence which is often simply called presence. We can also call it awareness. Awareness is always here now no matter what our mental or physical state. It is the stable constant underneath the sea of constant change. Birth, the living of a life and death are all part of the realm of change. The body was born and it will die. The mind was born and it will die. However we are what is aware of both the body and the mind and that awareness was never born and can never die because it is not subject to change. When we see that we are this awareness and not the body/mind we realize that we are unborn and free of death.
The third principle is the realization of the egolessness of all things. That is you see clearly that neither you nor anything else in the universe has any inherent essence of its own. In seeing our underlying nature of awareness or consciousness and that what we take to be the world is nothing more than a mental projection it becomes clear that objects or things have no real identity. Instead everything is a manifestation from the same source, consciousness. A car is consciousness that has taken a particular form and has had the mental pattern – car – projected onto it. There is no separately existing car even though thats the way it appears. The car can only exist when perceived by the mind and is limited by the mental pattern being projected onto it. However the perceiving mind, the act of perceiving the car and the object of the car are all nothing but consciousness. This is where the concept of oneness comes from, under the surface everything in the universe consists of the same substance and so everything is that and only appears to be separate objects due to perception and perspective.
A hologram makes a very good analogy to this and there is even a holographic theory of the universe which is laid out nicely in a book by Michael Talbot. A hologram is created using a laser and projecting it on an object and spliting the beam so that it is reflected on holographic film. The hologram that is produced on the film is called an interference pattern and it looks like nothing but a big mess of ripples, nothing like the object that produced it. However when you shine light through it and perceive it you see a three dimentional version of the object projected into space. The hologram is just a pattern but when perceived it becomes an object. Unless its perceived there is no object. Similarly we could consider the universe a field of consciousness consisting of infinite patterns or creations that when perceived become the objects we experience, while we ourselves are one of those perceived objects.
The fourth principle is having a deep understanding of the true nature of wisdom. You know essentially what is not wisdom. You know what is not the true nature of the Self and the true nature of reality. Basically you know that you do not know and that I don’t know is wisdom. This is a realization that true wisdom is beyond the mind and ungraspable by the mind and so to abide in wisdom all concepts must be dropped so there can be no knowing of wisdom in the usual sense. This is sometimes called emptiness although this word is problematic because what we consider emptiness is a concept and is not it. The minds idea of empty is not what this refers to. Its reality without mind but without mind there is no one to perceive reality so its called emptiness, of both subject and object. This can only be realized directly, no discussion can approach it.
Adams elaborated on these principles further by offering three methods which help one to realize them personally through direct experience which is all that makes any difference. The first method is Self Surrender. In seeing that both what we take ourselves to be and what we take the world to be are not real but really a single unitary awareness we surrender our idea of who we are to That. We realize there is One Will, Divine Will if you will and we are simply an expression of That. We surrender the illusion in favor of the reality and so walk through life in a state of inner peace no longer at odds with ourselves and the world. The second method is mindfulness. This is focusing on awareness or the source of consciousness within us that sees and witness everything that happens. We learn to BE that awareness at all times, always aware of what is happening as the observer. When we witness what happens we are reminded that its not ultimately real and that we are the dreamer that is creating it. This shift in perspective from being heavily identified with and invested in everything that happens to us to being the witness or observer of it brings great freedom and space and the ability to truly enjoy experience. Real enjoyment is only possible when there is no attachment. The third method is Self Inquiry. This is the practice of questioning our reality and who we take ourselves to be. Questioning without answering. Who is angry right now? Who is afraid? Who is happy? Who is suffering? Who am I? Asking these questions serves to direct attention back into itself to the source. There is no attempt to answer these questions with the mind. Instead the questions are simply asked and then we keep quiet and aware. This tends to dissolve false appearances and brings us closer to reality.
You can find more of Robert’s profound pointing here where you can download transcripts of his Satsangs as well as listen to recordings of some of them. This post is based on transcript 4 from August 19th 1990. I hope you find it of benefit. What is so incredible about this approach is that it is not trying to convince you of anything. In Advaita there is simply an invitation to inquire into yourself and find out the truth for yourself. Its up to you to decide if you wish to accept that invitation or if you find any value in this pointing.

Jumat, 24 Mei 2013


The Power of Intention

 “It’s hard for me to call it a law. I never liked laws or rules.” Dr. Wayne Dyer, affectionately known as the “father of motivation” by his fans, sits back in his chair, props his bare feet up on the coffee table and shares his unique take on the Law of Attraction. His inviting smile, reassuring blue eyes and relaxed demeanor reflect the warm and loving energy he speaks of so frequently to others.
Dyer has another term for the concept behind the Law of Attraction. He calls it the Power of Intention. His philosophy is pure and simple, “The law of attraction is this: You don’t attract what you want. You attract what you are.”
“Most people’s mistake in trying to apply the law of attraction is they want things; they demand things. But God doesn’t work that way,” continues Dyer. “It’s all about allowing.”
Dyer refers to the Tao Te Ching, written by Lao Tzu. “He says in there, 2,500 years ago, if you live from these virtues, then all that you could ever need or want could be provided for you.” Dyer excitedly retrieves his personal copy of the book, leans forward and reads the words that touch him so deeply. He explains how virtue is a very important concept in the Law of Attraction.
“This is called the Hua Hu Ching, written by Lao Tzu. It’s the unknown teachings of Lao Tzu. Number 51 says, ‘Those who want to know the truth of the universe should practice the four cardinal virtues. The first is reverence for all of life. This manifests as unconditional love and respect for oneself and all other beings. The second is natural sincerity. This manifests as honesty, simplicity and faithfulness. The third is gentleness, which manifests as kindness, consideration for others and sensitivity to spiritual truth. The fourth is supportiveness. This manifests as service to others without expectation of reward.”
“All great spiritual masters are teaching what we’re talking about,” says Dyer. “They’re teaching forgiveness. They’re teaching kindness. They’re teaching love. They’re not teaching wanting. They’re not teaching greed.”
So the notion of seeking what you want, or think you need, is not what the Power of Intention is all about. “The ego’s mantra is ‘What’s in it for me? How can I get more? I want a BMW in my driveway next Thursday,’” he explains. “All of that is what most spiritual teachers call the false self—the ego.”
According to Dyer, the process of allowing, just being and embracing this heightened level of consciousness, goes back not to attracting what you want, but attracting what you are.
“You have to just be. You have to let go. You have to allow. You have to be free and make this your consciousness.” He continues, “Basically, what you would see is a frequency (of energy) that manifests itself through the process of giving, of allowing, of offering and of serving. It asks nothing back.”
Dyer illustrates the concept of giving without expectations by quoting the great poet Hafiz: “Even after all this time, the sun never says to the earth ‘you owe me.’”
Excitement and energy permeate the room as Dyer finishes his thought, “Just think of what a love like that can do. It lights up the whole world.”
Dr. Wayne Dyer is an internationally renowned author and speaker in the field of self-improvement. He has written more than 30 books—many of which were featured as National Public Television specials—created numerous audio and video programs, and appeared on thousands of television and radio shows.
His new movie, The Shift, is available at HayHouse.com.
Dr. Dyer’s own story of personal triumph and spiritual awakening will be featured in the next issue of Successful Living Magazine.
Reprinted with permission

Senin, 20 Mei 2013

Homo Luminous : The Neo Cosmic Human | Evolving Now !

Homo Luminous : The Neo Cosmic Human | Evolving Now !


The Now Point & Your Point of Power

"When you construct a mental-wave and endow it with energy, you are using your Now Point (within the physical moment) and your Point of Power (focusing your will into that moment) to effect changes in the physical environment. The Creation Technique is very sensitive. Any small drift in your Now Point focus and your mental-wave’s creation efficiency will reduce – possibly even be cut in half!

Look around and notice the physical objects that surround you. Look at the colors and the shapes, as if you were looking at them for the first time. Then, while you are still looking, you should listen as intently to all the sounds that are going on. Try not to fixate on any one particular sound. Instead, try to listen to all the sounds combined, like the world is a symphony to be heard. Begin to take deep slow breaths. While you take these breaths, feel the air as it passes in an out of you. Maintain this breathing for at least two minutes, while concentrating on the surrounding stimuli.

At this point, everything should feel vivid. Your reality should feel and appear electric! There should be a quivering kind of pulsation to all the objects around you, even the air itself. While you are in this heightened sense of physical awareness, take notice as to how you feel, so that later when you find yourself in a less ideal situation, you will be better able to bring yourself to this point.

Now sit quietly and let the moment slip. Don’t focus your attention of anything in particular. After a couple of minutes, take a look at the objects that are surrounding you again. Do they possess the same quivering life that they did before? Probably not! This second state of being is how you may live many of the moments in your life – in physical reality but not fully focused within it.

Of course it would be a good idea to make sure you are fully focused in the physical moment when sending out energy-balls to the Creation Mechanism. Sometimes you will send out energy-balls to reality create something and not get exactly what you asked for. Usually this off the mark reality creating can be attributed to your mental focus wavering as you were constructing your energy-ball. A correctly focused energy-ball has more of a chance of properly manifesting than an incorrectly focused energy-ball. Incorrectly focused energy-balls will enter a thought-collecting vortex, just like a focused one; however, it will do so out of phase. This out of phase quality often creates an energy-pulse that is not precisely coded, and thus your manifested creation will not exactly be what you asked for. So, keep your Now Point and your Point of Power in focus when you are doing the Creation Technique and you will find it much easier to reality create and to control whatever it is you are currently doing."

- Reality Creator 1 (Tom DeLiso)

~Via Enoch Tan

Minggu, 12 Mei 2013


I've been meditating a long time. I had the good fortune of being born into a family of spiritual teachers (Puran Bair, co-founder of IAM Heart is my father, and Susanna Bair is my stepmother), so I was able to begin at a young age (I have a memory of meditating when I was 5 years old). When I was a teenager, I made a commitment to meditating every day.

Here's one thing I've learned in my decades of meditation practice: meditating on your heart is incredibly powerful. Breathing through your heart, feeling your heartbeat, and experiencing the energetic and spiritual nature of your heart is a kind of magic that will transform every aspect of your life.

But for meditation to work its magic, you have to do it every day, and to do that, you need support and inspiration. 

At IAM Heart, we want to help you to do your meditation practice.

From my email box 21 March 2013

Kamis, 09 Mei 2013


"The light of the light body is complex--more complex than you can imagine and yet you can appreciate its goals and the journey it weaves to achieve them because your intuition and imagination enable you to feel the edges of its reality. Those who are the Builders of the Grand Expansion are embodied in human instruments and they are awakening to their light bodies as their light bodies begin to activate to the new rays of light and love that are flowing from the Central Sun." --James, The Rising Heart, http://www.eventtemples.com/downloads/pdf/The%20Rising%20Heart%20(print%20version).pdf


"The breath through the Rising Heart is an activator of your light body (My Note: The Rising Heart breathing technique is explained in the article, The Rising Heart,http://www.eventtemples.com/downloads/pdf/The%20Rising%20Heart%20(print%20version).pdf). Internal coherence within your human instrument is the sustaining and evolving force of this activation, independent of the travails that befall you or the human family." --James, The Rising Heart


"The teachers of light are quantum beings of great power. Though they wear human instruments of density and distortion, they never lose sight of their rightful purpose and the ultimate ascendancy of their family of light." --James, The Rising Heart


"The Planetary Teachers of Light require activation, internal coherence, a balanced inflow and outflow of love and light through a virtuous and heart-filled behavorial system, and the quiet of re-connection time to rejuvenate and rebalance their human instrument." --James, The Rising Heart,


"The Six Heart Virtues: Appreciation, Compassion, Forgiveness, Humility, Understanding, Valor must be anchored in genuineness. The virtues cannot be manufactured from mental constructs or merely given lip service. This quality of genuineness is a result of the heart's and mind's sense of connection to the deeper framework that each of these virtues operates within. For most people, this connection takes time to develop and mature. It starts, however, from having and understanding that a framework exists, and then contemplating and feeling what it is, how it works, and why it's important to apply in one's life." --James, Living from the Heart.

~MySpiritual Journey, facebook.

Rabu, 08 Mei 2013


Greetings, Beloveds -

The excitement is flowing, our numbers growing as we prepare
for our upcoming 42 Day Blooming Humans Journey.

We begin May 10th and we're gathering from all around the
globe.  We have thousands of Beloveds from over 30 countries
who have said YES! to activating DreamSeeds, manifesting Life
affirming change and celebrating What makes our Heart BLOOM!

Are you ready to get your grow on, too?

Join us here ===> BloomingHumans.com

Together we'll be:

===> Activating DreamSeeds in our Hearts, at the

New Moons are perfect for setting new intentions, clarifying vision
and initiating manifestation of DreamSeeds within our Hearts.
The May 9th Taurus moon is a super-charged, manifesting moon.

Consider this:

"Taurus is the time when we see the true manifesting power, as
the plants move to a higher aspiration of Life and Bloom.  Once
again, we become connected to the essence of beauty as a symbol
of our divinity.  Taurus is the connection between humanity
and divinity.  Taurus'  job is to infuse matter with Light through
accumulating layers of substance. " ~ Beatrex Quntanna,
author of  'Living by the Light of the Moon'

===> Initiating new growth, eclipsing obstacles, and
tending to what makes our Heart BLOOM

Ring of Fire Solar eclipse, Monument Valley, Arizona  - artist: Julie Jacobson

We begin May 10th with a Solar Eclipse (super-charging our
activations!) and on May 25th a Lunar eclipse assists in
releasing, re-tuning, and rejuvenating our projects, partnerships,
and passionate pursuits.

Eclipses gift us space to let go, grow on and re-tune our energetic
fields and patterns of creation toward realization of our Highest
expression of Self and Joy.  Blooming Humans, indeed!

===> Amplifying our collective power by beginning
and ending this 42 Day journey, as One Heart!


Together we are better!  By aligning our Hearts, attuning to
the Cyclic nature of creation, and cooperating in harmony and
resonance with all our Relations, we are SUPER CHARGING
our fields for manifestation.  We complete our journey
June 20th with a Blooming Humans Solstice Celebration!

Feel free to pass along the invitation -- gardening is always
more fun with friends! ;-)
Our Great Coming Together starts on the New Moon/Solar Eclipse,
May 10th. 


Now, ask yourself this question:

What makes your Heart BLOOM?

What ever it is, let's grow for it - together!


in Blooming Love and Gratitude,

Stacey Robyn
and the ground crew

p.s.  Just imagine Humans Blooming in every nation,
DreamSeeding the world with Beauty and Life affirming
manifestations ...
a growing, global Garden of Illuminated Hearts,
gracing the face of Changing Mother with our Peace,
Love and Blooming Gratitude! It is so and so it is!

One World, One Heart, 30 countries ... and growing!

Join us here:
 ~Dharma Sani Siregar, Medan, North of Sumatera, Indonesia. May 9th 2013.

Selasa, 07 Mei 2013


Heart Intelligence

Heart intelligence is the flow of awareness, understanding and intuition we experience when the mind and emotions are brought into coherent alignment with the heart. It can be activated through self-initiated practice, and the more we pay attention when we sense the heart is speaking to us or guiding us, the greater our ability to access this intelligence and guidance more frequently. Heart intelligence underlies cellular organization and guides and evolves organisms toward increased order, awareness and coherence of their bodies’ systems. 

Throughout much of recorded history, human beings have understood that intelligence, the ability to learn, understand, reason and apply knowledge to shape their environment, was a function of the brain in the head. 

Heart intelligence researchThere also is ample evidence in the writings and oral traditions societies passed down through the generations that they strongly believed in an intelligent heart

Research into the idea of heart intelligence began accelerating in the second half of the 20thcentury. During the 1960s and ’70s pioneer physiologists John and Beatrice Lacey conducted research that showed the heart actually communicates with the brain in ways that greatly affect how we perceive and react to the world around us. In 1991, the year the Institute of HeartMath was established, pioneer neurocardiologist Dr. J. Andrew Armour introduced the term "heart brain." He said the heart possessed a complex and intrinsic nervous system that is a brain. 

Today, more than a half century after the Laceys began their research, we know a great deal more about the heart:
  • The heart sends us emotional and intuitive signals to help govern our lives.
  • The heart directs and aligns many systems in the body so that they can function in harmony with one another.
  • The heart is in constant communication with the brain. The heart’s intrinsic brain and nervous system relay information back to the brain in the cranium, creating a two-way communication system between heart and brain.
  • The heart makes many of its own decisions.
  • The heart starts beating in the unborn fetus before the brain has been formed, a process scientists call autorhythmic.
  • Humans form an emotional brain long before a rational one, and a beating heart before either.
  • The heart has its own independent complex nervous system known as "the brain in the heart."

The HeartMath SolutionAlthough scientists say it is clear there is still much to learn, future generations may well look back and cite another important discovery as one of the most pivotal of the 20th century.The HeartMath Solution, the book that details the program used by hundreds of thousands of people to access and utilize heart intelligence to improve their lives, discusses this discovery. 

"Researchers began showing in the 1980s and ’90s that success in life depended more on an individual’s ability to effectively manage emotions than on the intellectual ability of the brain in the head," says The HeartMath Solution, by HeartMath founder Doc Childre and his associate and longtime HeartMath spokesman Howard Martin. 

This discovery naturally resulted in people wanting to know how to infuse emotions with intelligence. 

Scientists at the nonprofit Institute of HeartMath, which had been conducting research into heart intelligence and emotions posed the theory that "heart intelligence actually transfers intelligence to the emotions and instills the power of emotional management," the book explains. "In other words, heart intelligence is really the source of emotional intelligence. 

"From our research at the Institute of HeartMath, we’ve concluded that intelligence and intuition are heightened when we learn to listen more deeply to our own heart. It’s through learning how to decipher messages we receive from our heart that we gain the keen perception needed to effectively manage our emotions in the midst of life’s challenges. The more we learn to listen to and follow our heart intelligence, the more educated, balanced and coherent our emotions become. Without the guiding influence of the heart we easily fall prey to reactive emotions such as insecurity, anger, fear and blame as well as other energy-draining reactions and behaviors." 

Early HeartMath research found that negative emotions threw the nervous system out of balance and when that happened heart rhythms became disordered and appeared jagged on a heart monitor. This placed stress on the physical heart and other organs and threatened serious health problems. 

"Positive emotions, by contrast, were found to increase order and balance in the nervous system and produce smooth, harmonious heart rhythms," Childre and Martin wrote. "But these harmonious and coherent rhythms did more than reduce stress: They actually enhanced people’s ability to clearly perceive the world around them."
Learn more about heart intelligence and emotions in IHM’s research section at Science of the Heart.
 3 of 7  Category: Personal Development

Relased Sunday, 09/30/12

copy from www.heartmath.org


Hi Dharma,

My Message for You:
Dharma, Where I live are all ONE.
Don't worry - you and me - we are just on a mission!!!
Talk sooner.....

                                   -Your Higher Self-

Hope you feel well and radiant:)
Healing Means -- Clearing what stands between you and your TRUE self.
Most people don't know they want healing - they just know that they feel bad. 

So what can you do if you mostly feel bad? 

What if you don't know what to do to heal that?
You can just put out the intention to be as aligned as possible
with your Higher Self. Putting out that intention will put you on
a healing journey back towards who you are.

If you have the energy to be proactive, make it your work
to clear away anything which is not aligned with who you really are.
Your Higher Self is pure joy. You know what is not aligned with your
Higher Self by how good it feels. If you feel good, then it's aligned with
your Higher Self.
If you feel bad, then it's not aligned.

The healing blocks I'm referring to includes unhelpful beliefs
'such as 'I'm not good enough', any past associations or events
which cause you to feel bad, any feeling which does not feel good
to you is out of alignment with your Higher Self and it helps to
find its source and purge the belief or attitude that causes it.
Access your HEALING connection here:
Your fellow traveler,
PS. In the next mail I give you some REIKI News ....
...Ever heard about Reiki 4 ????? 
PSS. Your Higher Self is waiting.....and waiting.....and waiting..