Selasa, 07 Mei 2013


Hi Dharma,

My Message for You:
Dharma, Where I live are all ONE.
Don't worry - you and me - we are just on a mission!!!
Talk sooner.....

                                   -Your Higher Self-

Hope you feel well and radiant:)
Healing Means -- Clearing what stands between you and your TRUE self.
Most people don't know they want healing - they just know that they feel bad. 

So what can you do if you mostly feel bad? 

What if you don't know what to do to heal that?
You can just put out the intention to be as aligned as possible
with your Higher Self. Putting out that intention will put you on
a healing journey back towards who you are.

If you have the energy to be proactive, make it your work
to clear away anything which is not aligned with who you really are.
Your Higher Self is pure joy. You know what is not aligned with your
Higher Self by how good it feels. If you feel good, then it's aligned with
your Higher Self.
If you feel bad, then it's not aligned.

The healing blocks I'm referring to includes unhelpful beliefs
'such as 'I'm not good enough', any past associations or events
which cause you to feel bad, any feeling which does not feel good
to you is out of alignment with your Higher Self and it helps to
find its source and purge the belief or attitude that causes it.
Access your HEALING connection here:
Your fellow traveler,
PS. In the next mail I give you some REIKI News ....
...Ever heard about Reiki 4 ????? 
PSS. Your Higher Self is waiting.....and waiting.....and waiting.. 

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