Rabu, 30 Oktober 2013


Hidup secara "utuh/penuh" [Life fulfillment] adalah keadaan/kondisi [state of being consciousness/awareness] dimana bahagian "tanpa dimensi waktu-ruang-bentuk-materi-energy" keberadaan kita, hidup berintegrasi dengan bahagian yang terbuat "dari/dalam dimensi waktu-ruang-materi-energy, bentuk". Ruh/Spirit yang hidup dalam kekekalan  kesempurnaaNya kini tampil hidup pada diri ego-personal kita, bagai dua lingkaran yang persis bertindih satu sama lainnya. Kita [ego] menyadariNya, berkomunikasi denganNya dan berkarya/bekerja sama denganNya.
Life fulfillment is a state of being life where the  non-time and non-space of ourSelf rising/waking/integrating with/in our genetic-time-space. The genetic-time-space/the human instrument now able to sense the presence of his trueSelf, comunicated, explorer, creating with Him.

When the entity is viewed in the dimensions of non-time and non-space - its natural habitat - it appears as an immortal facet of First Source that has been individuated, but when viewed in the three-dimensional of environment of genetic density, it appears as a temporal facet of its species.

[The Blueprint of Exploration, WingMaker's Philosophy; Chamber Three, p 12]

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