Selasa, 05 November 2013


Belajar dan berlatih untuk senantiasa hidup pada dimensi cahaya tanpa waktu dan ruang terbatas [Dimensi 5 dan 6] simultanneously/sekali gus juga hidup pada dimensi padat, darah-daging, ruang/lngkungan dan linier-time terbatas penting untuk dilakukan/dilatih diulang-ulang, sehingga menjadi kebiasaan/terbiasa, untuk pada saatnya KITA menjadi cahaya/pintu cahaya yang bejalan dimuka bumi.

"The Arcturians have been telling me that we, the awakened humans, are the Portal Openers. We open our portals by using our physical bodies as step-down transformers. Hence, we are NOW accepting the higher frequencies of light in through our pineal gland pull it down through our chakras. In each chakra we transmute our bodies via each nerve plexus, endocrine gland and primary organ to share a grounded version of this light with Gaia.

Hence, as we “crash” into the Mother, we surrender our shell to be transmuted by the some/total of the energies that Gaia has been collecting in Her core from all the other open portals. Once we realize that we are NOT having a problem and that we ARE portals into the NOW, we can better relax into our process. Then we can relax into the ever increasing knowing within our core.

Now that I have shared the challenges, I would like to also share that there is a new me, a higher resonance, an inner sweetness that comes when I relax enough to surrender into the NOW. It is easy for us to complain about that which is completing, but it takes a special courage to share that which is developing."

Blessings to us all,

Sue Lie

Karena hidup dalam dimensi waktu-ruang adalah suatu perjalanan  yang  terdiri dari rangkaian penggalan-penggalan waktu, setiap kali kita bergerak/berubah dari penggalaan waktu a ke-waktu b [= dari kegiatan a ke kegiatan b dan seterusnya, kita [diri ego-personal] senantiasa mohon agar Sang Cahaya menyertai kita, membimbing kita/mengambil peran dalam/pada kegiatan kita tersebut [Let's the Spirit Take Actions!]. 
Bahwa saatnya ketika  AKU Cahaya dan aku "darah dan daging" menjadi Satu Organ yang tak terpisah bagai "Kepala  dan tangan", dimana Kerja sama [co creator] terjadi, saatnya kita berani berkata "aku/AKU adalah bukti dari KEBENARAN "TUHAN"/cahaya/First source !

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