Our mission is to bring our inner STAR SEED light out and assist Mother Earth in her Ascension Process ! Pinoys People gising !
Our mission is to spiritually ascend, all Pinoys and all the people of the world. We are the answers to our prayers. We are all one. Realize who we really are and stop the control on humanity by the 33 bloodlines (reptilians - off world). We are being invaded by off-world entities (reptilians, draconis, greys,etc.) They will not win. The LIGHT and LOVE will always prevail. WE MUST ALL UNITE and SPIRITUALLY ASCEND. EDUCATE YOURSELF.. GISING MGA KAPATID !!!!! WE ARE MANY and THEY ARE FEW !!! PEACE Love and LIGHT to ALL !!
Our job here is to bring out our inner organic STAR SEED lightout to assist Mother Earth towards her ascension process ( raising her frequency ). Mother Earth will give birth to a race of full blown light beings. And it is us all who will stay with her and assist her. She has sacrificed a lot for us so we may experience 3rd density realites for our own soul expansion, it is time to return the favor for all the suffering she has endured.
There are inter dimensional dark forces ( demigods of relgions ) working to impede the ascension process. The Galactic Federation of False Light ( Bromoki here in Manila ) are their cosmic dark cabal, earth based dark cabal are the Vatican Jesuits, Freemaons, NWO, IMF World Bank, Federal Reserve, Bilderberg Bohemian group, Religions. The CHAKRA Kundalinin system is a biological implant by the Orion Empire (GFoL) to stop or impede the ascension process. The demigods that created religions across the universe are energetic vampires, they feed on religion worship and negative energies ( conflicts, terrorism and wars ). The Chakra system is being controlled by the Saturn's rings. They will congregrate on Mother Earth's laylines to infuse poison false light into her, do not be used by these dark forces, we all have our inner organic STARSEED light in our hearts. By bringing in the false light of these ascended masters you are also destroying your own ascension process for you are a part of Mother Earth also. We are the word/vibration of God, we are creator Gods of the universe, we agreed to forget everything to experience what we saw and created. Our media, schools, governments are all controlled by them, it is time to unlearn what we have been forced to learn. It is time to WAKE up ! AWAKEN ! Gising mga KAPATID !

Our job here is to bring out our inner organic STAR SEED lightout to assist Mother Earth towards her ascension process ( raising her frequency ). Mother Earth will give birth to a race of full blown light beings. And it is us all who will stay with her and assist her. She has sacrificed a lot for us so we may experience 3rd density realites for our own soul expansion, it is time to return the favor for all the suffering she has endured.
There are inter dimensional dark forces ( demigods of relgions ) working to impede the ascension process. The Galactic Federation of False Light ( Bromoki here in Manila ) are their cosmic dark cabal, earth based dark cabal are the Vatican Jesuits, Freemaons, NWO, IMF World Bank, Federal Reserve, Bilderberg Bohemian group, Religions. The CHAKRA Kundalinin system is a biological implant by the Orion Empire (GFoL) to stop or impede the ascension process. The demigods that created religions across the universe are energetic vampires, they feed on religion worship and negative energies ( conflicts, terrorism and wars ). The Chakra system is being controlled by the Saturn's rings. They will congregrate on Mother Earth's laylines to infuse poison false light into her, do not be used by these dark forces, we all have our inner organic STARSEED light in our hearts. By bringing in the false light of these ascended masters you are also destroying your own ascension process for you are a part of Mother Earth also. We are the word/vibration of God, we are creator Gods of the universe, we agreed to forget everything to experience what we saw and created. Our media, schools, governments are all controlled by them, it is time to unlearn what we have been forced to learn. It is time to WAKE up ! AWAKEN ! Gising mga KAPATID !

Shine your inner STARSEED Light out !
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