im not really like that.. Im not really into conspiracy stuff.. Im more into the energetic changes.. My angle of intent is really based apon The permutations of Matter, energy, space and time as forces we are all subject to in the now.. But which alsochange over TIME as we age and develop... Of course bolted onto this work is also a study of archetypes as "equalising" factors.. WE are each physicly as tall as the top of our own head..(x).. however people are different heights (XY)... i.e. I believe all the wingmakers materials are permutations of (x).. and that access to the esoteric or proximity to withheld or secret materials is manipulation of (Xy).Permutations of (x) occur within MEST (matter, energy, space and time) we are all as tall as the top of our own head but we have done different things over time....some run, some shout, some dance, some use the language of externals...the important thing however is that we are all equal within the archetypes.. but that the archetype are also extremly deep.. and so our orientation to the archetypes can change individually dependant apon path. there are a few thousand followers of wingmakers.. and not all are still alive, not all are non violent, not all are artistic, not all musical etc.. there is a great diversity amongst those immersed. the COMMON factors however (x) are shared with those who have never seen the wingmaker materials...
the illuminati would have all the power held in autopsy clinics, in blood banks, in dna labs, in gm tech.. in space tech and in deep earth minerals.. the illuminati would have all spiritual power held in the objects accessible by either the super rich or objects accessible by those in the pay of the superrich i.e. the governments and employees... Many of us will never see or touch an exposed piruitary gland.. or hold a patients heart in our hand, a kadavers intestines, a piece of moon rock, father 500 children through AI.. OUR world is partially ruled by the esoterica that exists on its fringes.. WINGMAKERS although alien is not in the same league as stemcells and autopsy ritual.. in many ways the artist ruins the work for himself by building in a secret... the wingmakers operates within a shared truth.. this means that holding 25 pituitary glands from automobile crash victims will not gift additional power over the "eye of horus"etc.... etc.. fringe activity is not power!, it is placement...ergo-our world is partially ruled by placement... although the wrestle continues.
From "WingMakers" face book group Dec 15, Dec 20, 2013

the illuminati would have all the power held in autopsy clinics, in blood banks, in dna labs, in gm tech.. in space tech and in deep earth minerals.. the illuminati would have all spiritual power held in the objects accessible by either the super rich or objects accessible by those in the pay of the superrich i.e. the governments and employees... Many of us will never see or touch an exposed piruitary gland.. or hold a patients heart in our hand, a kadavers intestines, a piece of moon rock, father 500 children through AI.. OUR world is partially ruled by the esoterica that exists on its fringes.. WINGMAKERS although alien is not in the same league as stemcells and autopsy ritual.. in many ways the artist ruins the work for himself by building in a secret... the wingmakers operates within a shared truth.. this means that holding 25 pituitary glands from automobile crash victims will not gift additional power over the "eye of horus"etc.... etc.. fringe activity is not power!, it is placement...ergo-our world is partially ruled by placement... although the wrestle continues.
From "WingMakers" face book group Dec 15, Dec 20, 2013

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