A New Journey in Consciousnes
An interview with WingMakers creator and author James Mahu
by Darlene Berges of Planetwork Press
by Darlene Berges of Planetwork Press
Darlene Berges: As the visionary creator of the WingMakers and related websites, novels, visual art, philosophical papers, poetry and music compositions, how are you able to tap into the vast and varied creative energies required for all of these diverse works which take us on a new journey in consciousness?
James Mahu: When I was still in my early teens I had a vision for how multi-media could be applied to the conversation of consciousness. You see, most art does not tackle the subject of consciousness, but rather the artifacts and antecedents of consciousness—in particular, social consciousness. Social consciousness is largely programmed consciousness. Artistic works, regardless of their medium, generally revolve around this aspect of the human journey.
For me, I wanted to delve deeper into the actual substrate behind the controlled aspects of social consciousness and use artistic expressions that would help people have internal and external conversations about the subject of consciousness. It wasn’t enough to crack the outer appearances of consciousness, as espoused by intelligentsia, religion or even metaphysics. I wanted to look into the origins—the bedrock—from which consciousness emerges.
Art and mythology are among the best methods to catalyze these conversations and inspire people to look deeper, behind the facades that have been built by human hands and have stood for so long that they have taken on an authority that few people will dare question. Art can ask those questions. Mythology can expose the deeper aspects of consciousness in a manner that science and religion will allow, because myth is perceived as being based in the imaginative collective consciousness and is not “owned” by anyone.
![]() | Darlene Berges: Your first book in physical print is The Dohrman Prophecy, which takes place in a mystical forest. In the chapter titled “Virtues of the Heart,” Simon is explaining love to Joseph as the wholeness of human virtues, in particular the six heart virtues of appreciation, compassion, forgiveness, humility, understanding, and valor. Why are these six heart virtues so important and how do they play a part in our daily lives? |
James Mahu: Love is a word-concept that is brimming with nested energies and subtleness. It is used in our collective culture somewhat casually without much thought to what it consists of. Most people shrug, smile and simply shake their heads in silence if they are asked to define love. Some people will dress love in the costume of divinity and call it divine or unconditional love, and leave it at that. I wanted to show the architecture of love.
The six heart virtues are the “rooms” in the home of love. They are not word-concepts; they are behaviors. The acquisition of behavioral intelligence is the task each of us is performing day-to-day whether we realize it or not. It is what life brings. We are all learning to forgive, to be humble, to express compassion, to be empathic and understand the other’s point of view, and so on. These are the qualities of love, and if we can pay attention to the branches of love, then love is expressed more completely in our lives.
This is the equivalent of consciousness, because consciousness is love. Thus, if you want to bring more of your Self—your consciousness—to this reality we call human life, then the six heart virtues and their expression, is a good way to do it.
The counsel to “be love” is easy to say or repeat, but surprisingly little has been written or even artistically expressed that actually provides a framework to do so. This is changing. The six heart virtues are part of that change.
![]() | Darlene Berges: In your second book Quantusum, your main character Solomon tells the story in his own words. His story explores the discovery of a technology called the Grand Portal, which will allow humankind to see the soul and realize its inmost identity as the Sovereign Integral. What is the importance of the Grand Portal and Sovereign Integral in your writings? |
James Mahu: The Grand Portal is the kernel of my entire body of work. It is the focal point at which every sentence, brush stroke, music composition, stanza, and voice bends in unity and deference. The Grand Portal is the irrefutable scientific discovery of the human soul. The “scientific” does not necessarily mean that science will discover it, but rather that it isrepeatable. The discovery can move across all of humanity like an ocean wave passes over a shoreline of sand particles, carrying them to a new place of understanding.
This is an expansion of consciousness that lifts all of humanity. What is its spark? What causes this shift and expansion? It always begins with one. One consciousness peers into the abyss and sees the reality from illusion. They see that human consciousness is a melding of I AM and WE ARE. This is the framework of the Sovereign Integral consciousness, of which every human is. We are the consciousness of I AM WE ARE.
While many of us have accepted the social programming that humans are I WANT YOU WANT WE COMPETE, this is shifting. In the next seventy years or so, humanity will journey to this Grand Portal experience and we will be called to understand a new level of our existence. It is not a biomechanical merging with technology, but rather an elemental, stripped-down essence of our truest humanity—the Sovereign Integral consciousness—embodied in a human instrument, living upon earth.
![]() | Darlene Berges: In 2009, you asked John Berges to edit and provide commentary on all WingMakers materials, resulting in a two volume Collected Works of the WingMakers set. Volume I, filled with stunning, enigmatic color graphics was released a year ago. How can readers make the most of this important work and tap into the many layers it offers? |
James Mahu: The WingMakers is a challenging work. It was not written to the 8th grade level that so many authors and publishers target. It is designed for any age because of its diverse media, but generally, the older audience is drawn to it, because they have been through the journey and have sampled dozens of other systems of belief and practice. Most of these systems were, to varying degrees institutionalized, which is to say, they have been organized by a group of people for a range of purposes. They have leaders, buildings, places of worship, places of indoctrination, rules, ceremonies, and the like, and I’m not only speaking of religion here; academics have similar structures.
When someone comes to the WingMakers materials and the Collected Works in particular, they can open the book and let their inmost self guide the process. They do not need to read linearly. Everyone can go through the book in their own manner. I would recommend that they be patient and look to embed whatever it is that they resonate with, in their behaviors. Don’t simply make mental deposits. Find a way to incorporate what resonates philosophically into your behaviors, and then observe how it redirects and reorients you. As I said in a previous answer, this work is an architectural drawing of love, but it is also a catalyst to awaken.
The world around us is adept at inducing slumber. People, all people, need to remain awake to their inner selves and aspirations. They must cultivate and nurture that aspect within themselves that I refer to as the Sovereign Integral. This is what the Collected Works can provide. John Berges did a wonderful job of creating the bridgework that helps people see these esoteric materials as accessible and useful in their daily lives.
![]() | Darlene Berges: Your newest novel series, The Weather Composer, centers on the life of Terran Kahn, a boy born in a remote area of Iran at the same moment that a catastrophic sunstorm creates major disruptions on the planet. Terran has a keen intellect and inner drive to be educated, leading to fast-paced and surprising adventure. His story is about controls and how he reacts to them. How do you see the future for our young people in a world of controls? |
James Mahu: The Controllers exist for one purpose: they compete to control resources. It is the “best game in town,” as they would invariably put it. Highest stakes, highest drama, highest rewards, this is what motivates them. Terran Kahn and his inner circle really represent the consciousness of the new generations that will come onto the planet and bring their considerable intellects, energies, ideas and innovations to solve the most intractable problems that humanity is dealing with. This will require new leadership methodologies and new educational platforms, which they will bring.
A global communication network (internet) is the key technology that indicates a species is on the road to the Grand Portal. It is the back door to consciousness exploration, and the new leadership and educational platforms will flourish on the internet. Everything is moving away from centralization, and the Controllers realize this. They have attempted to prevent it, but they see that it is inevitable like a dam that holds back an incredible force of water, and the dam’s cracks are building.
The next three generations will decentralize economies, educational processes, wealth, and even government. Hyper-local, decentralized, but globally connected communities will prosper, and these will be the building blocks to a new social order based largely on egalitarian meritocracy.
The Controllers will die off in this world. Their purpose will be undone. I believe in these new generations and their ability to operate at a higher level of understanding. There will remain detractors and those who try to remain in the old systems, but their numbers will dwindle precipitously with each new generation of humans and technology.
Darlene Berges: What exercises or techniques can you recommend to help us live from a higher consciousness while at the same time living in our three dimensional world?
James Mahu: The practice of the six heart virtues is a good foundation in terms of behavioral wisdom, and the practice of Quantum Pause is a good way to renew one’s commitment to the six heart virtues in their life, as well as activating and expanding their imaginative faculties. You can find out more about these at www.wingmakers.com.
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