Pada waktu dimana engkau tanpa-waktu engkau melihat bahwa jalan hidup dunia itu hanya dua-jalan : Jalan yang Benar dan yang palsu benar. Yang Benar [Truth] adalah jalanNya Cinta-Tuhan-The power of Super Intelligence of Compassion/Love itu sendiri [Kekuatan Agung dari Kecerdasan Cinta-kasih itu sendiri], adalah jalan yang selaras-terpadu dan harmonis dengan denyut dan nafas kehidupan semesta/kosmik secara keseluruhan [The wholeness/Oneness life paradigm], terpadu dengan dimensi-dimensi [lapisan-lapisan] lainnya kehidupan yang ajaib ini [Semesta/Alam adalah multi-dimensi dan kita/makhluk manusia adalah juga multi-dimensi].
Dan yang palsu benar adalah jalan hidup rekayasa pikiran manusia yang merasa bahwa dialah yang benar/berkuasa [Human Mind System] yang gaung dan gemanya memantul/membanjiri pada hampir setiap sudut ruang-waktu kehidupanmu liwat media informasi yang demikian beragam seperti cell-phone/smart-phone, tv, koran, web-site/face-book/twiter, buku-buku, seminar-seminar dan interaksi personalmu.

Gambaran/Ilustrasi Struktur Lapis-lapis langit semesta dapat di lihat/download di : I thought you might be interested in the The Soul Connection Network  |  Welcome!. You can view it at,
Structure of the Grand Physical Universe :
5 ~
of every individuated being is that of First Source and we eternally share Its essence in non-time and non-space. They know that all beings in Creation originated from the home of First Source — the
Central Universe — and they see the primary identity of every being as a SECU ... a Sovereign Entity of the Central Universe.
Even though stars and galaxies are separated by immense physical distances, each Super Universe is a cornucopia life. On a Structure of the Grand Physical Universe The red dots symbolize the seven Tribes of Light that make-up the Central Race. The seven tribes
encircle the Central Universe, and each tribe populates its own Super Universe (SU).
Credit: Liminal Cosmogony, ©2007 WingMakers LLC,
Dan yang palsu benar adalah jalan hidup rekayasa pikiran manusia yang merasa bahwa dialah yang benar/berkuasa [Human Mind System] yang gaung dan gemanya memantul/membanjiri pada hampir setiap sudut ruang-waktu kehidupanmu liwat media informasi yang demikian beragam seperti cell-phone/smart-phone, tv, koran, web-site/face-book/twiter, buku-buku, seminar-seminar dan interaksi personalmu.

Gambaran/Ilustrasi Struktur Lapis-lapis langit semesta dapat di lihat/download di : I thought you might be interested in the The Soul Connection Network  |  Welcome!. You can view it at,
Structure of the Grand Physical Universe :
5 ~
of every individuated being is that of First Source and we eternally share Its essence in non-time and non-space. They know that all beings in Creation originated from the home of First Source — the
Central Universe — and they see the primary identity of every being as a SECU ... a Sovereign Entity of the Central Universe.
Even though stars and galaxies are separated by immense physical distances, each Super Universe is a cornucopia life. On a Structure of the Grand Physical Universe The red dots symbolize the seven Tribes of Light that make-up the Central Race. The seven tribes
encircle the Central Universe, and each tribe populates its own Super Universe (SU).
Credit: Liminal Cosmogony, ©2007 WingMakers LLC,
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