Teacher: Like the universe, the heart is multi-leveled. The heart of which I speak is adept at expressing intuitive intelligence in the spirit of compassion and understanding. When you hear a voice within that strikes this balance, you have found your inner voice." (Lyricus Discourse 6 -Techniques of the Intuitive Intelligence.© 1998-2010. WingMakers LLC.).
Senin, 24 Februari 2014
"Teacher: As the physical heart distributes life-giving oxygen to the body, so does the energetic heart distribute intuitive intelligence to the mind. The energetic heart is the source template for the formation of the physical heart, and more than this, it is the point of connection to the highest form of consciousness from which your inner voice arises." (Lyricus Discourse 6 -Techniques of the Intuitive Intelligence.© 1998-2010. WingMakers LLC.).
"Teacher: Think of the multiverse as eleven holographic spheres of consciousness, each interpenetrating the one that is more inward. Only the outer sphere contains all spheres, and this is the consciousness of First Source, while the innermost sphere is the consciousness of inanimate objects like a stone or seashell. Love is separated into frequencies that resonate in harmony with each of these “spheres” or domains of consciousness. Similarly, the heart itself consists of different layers of consciousness, and each “layer” has an intelligence of perception and expression. This intelligence is linked to the brain and higher mind, so that the human instrument is capable of expressing from any dominant frequency or sphere of the multiverse." (Lyricus Discourse 6 -Techniques of the Intuitive Intelligence.© 1998-2010. WingMakers LLC.).
Jumat, 21 Februari 2014
Pikiran sebagai fungsi dari 5 indera dimensi waktu dan ruang, adalah sistematis-kronologis-linier/multi-linier/over-lapping dan teknis. Punya rencana - tujuan dan program. Untuk skala konstruksi besar, misalnya rencana pertambangan ada tahapan Survey-Investegasi-Design-Operation dan Maintenance, untuk survey saja mencakup berbagai disiplin ilmu, bisa sampai mencapai tahunan.
Pikiran sebagai fungsi dari Spirit : blank, kosong atau mati, tak punya rencana tak punya tujuan. Semua jawaban spiritual yang diterimanya, lebih merupakan sebuah penjara dari pada sebuah 'kepuasan intelektual', kata lainnya adalah : dia/pikiran itu belajar bagaimana untuk mati bagi dirinya sendiri dan 'menikmati misteri/keajaiban/keutuhan kehidupan. Tahu kapan saatnya untuk mati dan kapan saatnya berfungsi adalah wisdom/kebijaksanaan.
Pikiran sebagai fungsi dari Spirit : blank, kosong atau mati, tak punya rencana tak punya tujuan. Semua jawaban spiritual yang diterimanya, lebih merupakan sebuah penjara dari pada sebuah 'kepuasan intelektual', kata lainnya adalah : dia/pikiran itu belajar bagaimana untuk mati bagi dirinya sendiri dan 'menikmati misteri/keajaiban/keutuhan kehidupan. Tahu kapan saatnya untuk mati dan kapan saatnya berfungsi adalah wisdom/kebijaksanaan.
Kamis, 20 Februari 2014
The spirit is more like darkness than light.
People think that the spirit is like light. This is because light reveals what was hidden in the dark; it represents life, and dark represents death. The good guys wear white, and evil likes the dark. Darkness represents evil, and light represents good. It is a misunderstanding, a deception. The opposite is true;
light is more like evil and dark is more like God or good. This is because the spirit is like darkness. Darkness is nothing, and so is the spirit. Light is something, a form of energy; the spirit has no energy. I am not saying that light is evil; I am just saying as a metaphor for God, it is missing the mark. The spirit has more in common with darkness or nothing. The mind, like light, is a form of energy, and the mind creates the evil in our lives, so light should not be associated with the spirit, except in the context of enlightenment.Displace the spirit: The mind is a form of energy, and because it is, it will always displace the spirit, just as light will always displace darkness.
Mind power: This is why you cannot live completely without the mind when there are any other active minds trying to communicate with you.
The mind can always intrude on the spirit, but the spirit can never intrude on the mind. The spirit is a void, and the mind will always try to fill it.
You could say the mind is more powerful than the spirit, and you would be right, except that the spirit does not need power to do something; it is already
everywhere and the biggest part of everything. So the spirit could be seen as the ultimate power; it is simply what is. It is automatically wherever energy is not. The spirit is the only thing in the universe that requires no energy to exist. The mind is aggressive; the spirit is passive. This is why you have to be by yourself or be around other people that know the truth to really be fulfilled. You will be much more aware than people that do not know the truth, but you will not be able to be completely open, completely fulfilled around active minds.
It is a drag, but the way it is and will be until everyone knows the truth. This is why you have to learn to experience true life alone at first. You just have
to start getting away from the mind, as much as you can, whenever you can. Eventually, you receive the input of other minds as you take in all other energy, and it is not so bad, but it is not as good as the energy you get directly from life.
The significant problems we have cannot be solved at the same level of thinking with which we created them. [Albert Einstein]
The new mind: A new and improved mind will be with you forever. It will start over with every death and birth, but it will grow in the collective
unconscious forever. The big difference is, it will be your servant, not your master. Your mind will become your trusted friend. It is a valued and necessary part of a divine life form.
Everything is Mind :
Everything comes from nothing. It comes from a thought, the mind of God. Nothing is the only thing that is omnipresent. Everything is mind. A thought
is nothing, it has no mass or energy. Everything starts with a thought. A man looks at an open field and thinks: "I could build a house there", and soon there is a house there. What starts as nothing, just a thought, becomes manifest as something.
The double slit experiment proves that the mind affects energy and matter. When the laser beam is observed, it changes from a particle to a wave, so the observer's mind is affecting energy and is connected invisibly to the particles.
The difference between the way the animal mind (mind of mankind) and the spiritual mind :manifests is the spiritual mind does it on the subatomic level, the level where matter and energy is created. The mind of mankind manifests on the level above the atomic level, the world we are conscious of, except in the rare times like the double slit experiment when we become aware of quantum behavior or phenomena below the atomic level.
from : www.truthcontest.com
Rabu, 19 Februari 2014
Tahapan ketertarikan-pengkajian-diskusi kelompok spiritual/spiritual group-pertimbangan pemikiran yang dalam ataupun dijadikan objek penelitian ilmiah sehingga menumpuk menjadi pengetahuan/ilmu spiritual...sampai membawa kita pada "pengalaman hidup spiritual" : melihat-merasakan-mendengar-menghayati hidup ini adalah manifestasi dari SUATU SPIRIT kecerdasan yang memadukan [sinkronisasi-harmoni] segalanya selaras/sempurna sesuai dengan pantulan imajinasi individuMU..
Selasa, 18 Februari 2014
There are two truths that is manifested in One in living life :
Hanya dua kebenaran yang mawujud menjadi satu kesatuan dalam kehidupan hidup yang kuyakini tahu/benar :
- What is happening now from moment to moment is always new,
- I Am/me is The First Source/ a super intelligence synthesizer and equalizer light frequency, so all living life vibration/all different frequency should be plays in coherency and harmoniously in my life, in my local uni/multiverse.
Hanya dua kebenaran yang mawujud menjadi satu kesatuan dalam kehidupan hidup yang kuyakini tahu/benar :
- Apa yang sedang terjadi saat ini - kesaat ini : adalah senantiasa baharu,
- Aku adalah sumber/koordinator/penyebab awal/pengundang segala bentuk kehidupan/getaran yang datang untuk-KU; AKU terima semuanya dengan sepenuhnya.
Senin, 17 Februari 2014
God-Spirit-Soul Complex (GSSC) – This is the central element of the HMS that anchors separation. The individualized human being, free of the HMS, is called the Sovereign Integral in the WingMakers mythology. This is the true identity of each and every human being. In this model of the Sovereign Integral, we are Gods of our local multiverse, and collectively, we are First Source in the multiverse.
Why is GSSC the anchor of separation? We have two paths: Religion and Spirituality – each being different sides of the same coin, and this “coin” is GSSC. Now, Anu, being the intelligent, clever entity that he is, knew that humans would evolve, and in this evolution they may begin to remember that they are Sovereign Integrals. Bear in mind that the Atlanteans were highly evolved beings before they donned the human instrument of Anu’s creation. Also remember that the human instrument is not simply the physical body but includes the emotions and HMS, and that this human instrument is componentized so that while the physical body dies, a higher dimensional body or sheath that is based on the physical body carries on.
Some refer to this as the soul, others refer to it as the astral body, but it is simply a sheath for the Sovereign Integral to operate within and it remains subject to the HMS and most of its programming. Thus, even upon death, the Sovereign Integral is not released from the influences of the HMS or the human instrument’s programs…………..
Breath is the way in which the human instrument connects to this origin point anywhere in space-time. Breath is the portal between the physical dimension and the quantum or inter- dimensional domains, but it is not the normal, autonomic breathing, rather it is a very specific breathing pattern that we call Quantum Pause.
Quantum Pause is a simple, four-stage process beginning with an in-breath of anywhere between three and six counts, depending on your lung capacity, posture, and degree of privacy. After you have gathered in your breath, breathing through your nose, you hold it (pause) for an equal count, and then exhale through your mouth, again, for the same count, and then hold (pause) for the same count.
The breath pattern is described below using an example of a four count. The key is to maintain symmetry in each of the four segments of the process. If you are using a three count, apply it equally in each segment. It is not essential that you monitor this with precision, instead, apply a casual monitoring of your time for each segment and keep a consistency to the flow.
One cycle is described above, and it is recommended to do three to four cycles in a row and then return to normal breathing. This “normal” breathing period is called the Consolidation period. Keep your eyes closed throughout the process and sit with your back straight in a comfortable position, both feet on the ground. When you begin your consolidation period, it is a time for you to bring focus and all of your attention to those things that bubble to the surface of your consciousness, knowing that these arise for a reason. This is an excellent time to apply the Six Heart Virtues (appreciation, compassion, forgiveness, humility, valor, and understanding) to any thought or feeling that manifests.
This consolidation period usually lasts about three to five minutes, but there are no set time limits. Use your intuition to guide this period of time. Generally, each repetition of the consolidation, and usually there are four or five, becomes less crowded with thoughts or feelings, and by the time you enter the final consolidation period you have emptied yourself of thoughts and feelings and entered the quantum domain.
The diagram below depicts a typical session of Quantum Pause. Notice there are three cycles of the breath and then a consolidation period in this particular example. This repeats four times. You can have as many as five cycles of breath interspersed with consolidation periods, again, symmetry is important. The application of Quantum Pause may seem an unlikely way to de-activate the Suppression Framework of the Sovereign Integral and more effectively handle the There are many nuances to the Quantum Pause technique, and I would encourage you to discover them on your own, in your own way. This is but a basic technique that I have shared with you, but there are subtleties to this technique that are powerful enhancements and these will occur to you while you’re in the process of using the technique, so remain open while you practice it.
[Permission granted to quotes from Planetwork Press. Collected Works of the WingMakers Vol 2]
Finally Cultura, said, “ The great joy is that you now know and understand that your Era of Transparency and Expansion has lead your respective planetary human consciousness to an awareness of great change”.
Mahu on earth and other Planetary Teachers are giving guidelines and suggestions for a creative loving Transition to an Heart Centered Culture. So as the Collective System fails and seeks to manipulate and control circumstances will the Viceroy of your planet dominate the transition or will a planetary “Quantum Community” become a platform for a coherent vibrational shift to a love centered culture? You must ask yourselves the following question, “ What are your Planetary Spiritual Genuines doing to facilitate such a transition?”
Right then I just had to say something.
Cultura may I describe what outline our Translator James Mahu has suggested and what is now being done.?
Sure, please do because we find that what is going on with the transition of earth quite fascinating.
Why is GSSC the anchor of separation? We have two paths: Religion and Spirituality – each being different sides of the same coin, and this “coin” is GSSC. Now, Anu, being the intelligent, clever entity that he is, knew that humans would evolve, and in this evolution they may begin to remember that they are Sovereign Integrals. Bear in mind that the Atlanteans were highly evolved beings before they donned the human instrument of Anu’s creation. Also remember that the human instrument is not simply the physical body but includes the emotions and HMS, and that this human instrument is componentized so that while the physical body dies, a higher dimensional body or sheath that is based on the physical body carries on.
Some refer to this as the soul, others refer to it as the astral body, but it is simply a sheath for the Sovereign Integral to operate within and it remains subject to the HMS and most of its programming. Thus, even upon death, the Sovereign Integral is not released from the influences of the HMS or the human instrument’s programs…………..
Breath is the way in which the human instrument connects to this origin point anywhere in space-time. Breath is the portal between the physical dimension and the quantum or inter- dimensional domains, but it is not the normal, autonomic breathing, rather it is a very specific breathing pattern that we call Quantum Pause.
Quantum Pause is a simple, four-stage process beginning with an in-breath of anywhere between three and six counts, depending on your lung capacity, posture, and degree of privacy. After you have gathered in your breath, breathing through your nose, you hold it (pause) for an equal count, and then exhale through your mouth, again, for the same count, and then hold (pause) for the same count.
The breath pattern is described below using an example of a four count. The key is to maintain symmetry in each of the four segments of the process. If you are using a three count, apply it equally in each segment. It is not essential that you monitor this with precision, instead, apply a casual monitoring of your time for each segment and keep a consistency to the flow.
One cycle is described above, and it is recommended to do three to four cycles in a row and then return to normal breathing. This “normal” breathing period is called the Consolidation period. Keep your eyes closed throughout the process and sit with your back straight in a comfortable position, both feet on the ground. When you begin your consolidation period, it is a time for you to bring focus and all of your attention to those things that bubble to the surface of your consciousness, knowing that these arise for a reason. This is an excellent time to apply the Six Heart Virtues (appreciation, compassion, forgiveness, humility, valor, and understanding) to any thought or feeling that manifests.
This consolidation period usually lasts about three to five minutes, but there are no set time limits. Use your intuition to guide this period of time. Generally, each repetition of the consolidation, and usually there are four or five, becomes less crowded with thoughts or feelings, and by the time you enter the final consolidation period you have emptied yourself of thoughts and feelings and entered the quantum domain.
The diagram below depicts a typical session of Quantum Pause. Notice there are three cycles of the breath and then a consolidation period in this particular example. This repeats four times. You can have as many as five cycles of breath interspersed with consolidation periods, again, symmetry is important. The application of Quantum Pause may seem an unlikely way to de-activate the Suppression Framework of the Sovereign Integral and more effectively handle the There are many nuances to the Quantum Pause technique, and I would encourage you to discover them on your own, in your own way. This is but a basic technique that I have shared with you, but there are subtleties to this technique that are powerful enhancements and these will occur to you while you’re in the process of using the technique, so remain open while you practice it.
[Permission granted to quotes from Planetwork Press. Collected Works of the WingMakers Vol 2]
Finally Cultura, said, “ The great joy is that you now know and understand that your Era of Transparency and Expansion has lead your respective planetary human consciousness to an awareness of great change”.
Mahu on earth and other Planetary Teachers are giving guidelines and suggestions for a creative loving Transition to an Heart Centered Culture. So as the Collective System fails and seeks to manipulate and control circumstances will the Viceroy of your planet dominate the transition or will a planetary “Quantum Community” become a platform for a coherent vibrational shift to a love centered culture? You must ask yourselves the following question, “ What are your Planetary Spiritual Genuines doing to facilitate such a transition?”
Right then I just had to say something.
Cultura may I describe what outline our Translator James Mahu has suggested and what is now being done.?
Sure, please do because we find that what is going on with the transition of earth quite fascinating.
"Teacher: If you define too narrowly what actions and activities constitute spiritual behavior, you will become not only a judge of yourself but all others as well. You unwittingly close down your interface zone.
Student: What is the interface zone?
Teacher: The interface zone is the aspect of your consciousness that interacts with the species with which you share a common biology. It is physically contained in your DNA, which acts as a node within a vast network that is ultimately connected to First Source.
Student: And what is this vast network?
Teacher: DNA is both a network within the individual body as well as a node within the species’ collective “body” or genetic mind. The human species is connected through this network, which is made possible through the DNA.
Student: So you’re saying that what happens inside me is transmitted to all other humans?
Teacher: The Interface Zone is like a computer on a network. You are not aware of the network unless you are interfacing with your computer. To access the network and retrieve and share information, you must be present at your computer. Similarly, the Interface Zone requires that you bring your attention to it in order to access this network that spans the entire species.
Student: You’re saying that I can communicate with everyone who is human?
Teacher: The Interface Zone is the originator of language – all languages. Language is encoded into this aspect of the DNA and it bubbles to the surface of human expression. This means that the human DNA brings language to the species and receives language from the species. It is a doorway that opens in both directions.
Student: Are you saying that I can communicate with my fellow species—at the level of DNA—through words?
Teacher: Yes."
(Lyricus Discourse 5 - The Interface Zone.© 1998-2010. WingMakers LLC.).
Student: What is the interface zone?
Teacher: The interface zone is the aspect of your consciousness that interacts with the species with which you share a common biology. It is physically contained in your DNA, which acts as a node within a vast network that is ultimately connected to First Source.
Student: And what is this vast network?
Teacher: DNA is both a network within the individual body as well as a node within the species’ collective “body” or genetic mind. The human species is connected through this network, which is made possible through the DNA.
Student: So you’re saying that what happens inside me is transmitted to all other humans?
Teacher: The Interface Zone is like a computer on a network. You are not aware of the network unless you are interfacing with your computer. To access the network and retrieve and share information, you must be present at your computer. Similarly, the Interface Zone requires that you bring your attention to it in order to access this network that spans the entire species.
Student: You’re saying that I can communicate with everyone who is human?
Teacher: The Interface Zone is the originator of language – all languages. Language is encoded into this aspect of the DNA and it bubbles to the surface of human expression. This means that the human DNA brings language to the species and receives language from the species. It is a doorway that opens in both directions.
Student: Are you saying that I can communicate with my fellow species—at the level of DNA—through words?
Teacher: Yes."
(Lyricus Discourse 5 - The Interface Zone.© 1998-2010. WingMakers LLC.).
Minggu, 16 Februari 2014
This forgiveness is not a Biblical expression or religious platitude; it is the nature of the Sovereign Integral to remain inaccessible until the individual in the human expression (HMS) rises up within themselves and announces to their local universe: NO MORE! No more will I be part of this deception. No more will I contribute my energy to the works of deception. No more will I stand idle while others suffer. No more will I shake in my self doubt and allow those in power to decide my fate. No longer will I be sucked into the distractions of the Elite. No longer will I reserve my activism for a future time… the time is NOW.
If you do this – not only in words but deeds – you will see a space open up in your life; a sort of emptiness and stillness that lacks human embroidery or definition. This is the place in which you can stand-up and radiate the oneness, equality and truthfulness of the Sovereign Integral. This is the activism that will change the world. It will not be the organizations, the sects, or the militias that bring change. They cannot stand up to the Elite. Only the Self, the Sovereign Integral, operating in harmony with Earth/Nature can stand-up to the Elite and usher in the era of transparency and expansion.
When you voice the genuine and sober self-assessment in all of its textures and subtlety, you are inviting the new behaviors of the Sovereign Integral. These are all signs of authentic forgiveness; they are not the sanctimonious, over emotionalized capitulations of a guilt-ridden follower who intones the ritual of forgiveness like a machine. In apathy, blindness, or utter devotion to the Money Power Grid, it is all the same relative to accessing the Sovereign Integral state. You will be shut out. Forgiveness is the active formula of self-assessment of your present situation and the application of new behaviors that are in resonance with the Sovereign Integral.
Look upon your life every moment and see if you are operating in the HMS or are quietly going about the business of cutting the threads that bind you. If you feel your behaviors reflect a state of oneness, equality and truthfulness, then you are in resonance with the Sovereign Integral." (James, Q & A 16 from Project Camelot)
~Thanks to Monica Lampe
If you do this – not only in words but deeds – you will see a space open up in your life; a sort of emptiness and stillness that lacks human embroidery or definition. This is the place in which you can stand-up and radiate the oneness, equality and truthfulness of the Sovereign Integral. This is the activism that will change the world. It will not be the organizations, the sects, or the militias that bring change. They cannot stand up to the Elite. Only the Self, the Sovereign Integral, operating in harmony with Earth/Nature can stand-up to the Elite and usher in the era of transparency and expansion.
When you voice the genuine and sober self-assessment in all of its textures and subtlety, you are inviting the new behaviors of the Sovereign Integral. These are all signs of authentic forgiveness; they are not the sanctimonious, over emotionalized capitulations of a guilt-ridden follower who intones the ritual of forgiveness like a machine. In apathy, blindness, or utter devotion to the Money Power Grid, it is all the same relative to accessing the Sovereign Integral state. You will be shut out. Forgiveness is the active formula of self-assessment of your present situation and the application of new behaviors that are in resonance with the Sovereign Integral.
Look upon your life every moment and see if you are operating in the HMS or are quietly going about the business of cutting the threads that bind you. If you feel your behaviors reflect a state of oneness, equality and truthfulness, then you are in resonance with the Sovereign Integral." (James, Q & A 16 from Project Camelot)
~Thanks to Monica Lampe
God-Spirit-Soul Complex created by Anu
Answer 22 from James: Anu encoded within the human being a desire to search for enlightenment, and at the same time, he created the God-Spirit-Soul Complex to partially satisfy the search. I say “partially” because for most people the search begins down one path, but then moves to another, and another, and another. Over the course of a lifetime, the average person has searched through dozens of religious, scientific, occult, and spiritual paths, and yet their search continues. This is because the program that is encoded into human beings and reinforced by the HMS, stimulates the search for God-Spirit-Soul outside of the individual, even when the teaching represented declares that the “Kingdom of Heaven is within.”
If you were the creator of humanity, and you wanted to keep secret the one thing that would answer all questions pertaining to the Self, making any search for truth obsolete, where would you hide this amazing secret? If you were wise, you would place it right in front of everyone, but also place within your creation the insatiable desire to search for truth in books, lectures, spiritual savants, saints, prophets, sages, spiritual techniques, shamans, witches, ancient texts, churches, synagogues, mosques, ashrams, websites, and a hundred other places. That is how to hide the answer to everything from everyone, and this is precisely what Anu did.
The Eastern concept of Direct-Realization or Self-Realization or God-Realization is part of the bridgework I mentioned earlier in question 20, but it is, with few exceptions, still connected into the realization of the God-Spirit-Soul Complex through the mind. There are some, who have glimpsed the Sovereign Integral state, but it is a very small percentage, and to some degree, this meager percentage is due to the monetization of the spiritual hierarchy of the Eastern paths and their propensity for separation via their teacher-student ordering.
Those who have access to the Sovereign Integral state, can repeat their accessibility at will. They have access to the interdimensional realms outside of the HMS and its tributary systems of suppression, they understand how to fuel this access to the Sovereign Integral state, and, conversely, how to starve the suppression framework. These are an exceedingly small number of human beings.
If you read Cosmic Consciousness by Richard Maurice Bucke, he provides an accounting of some of our greatest spiritual explorers throughout history, detailing how they were imbued with a mysterious, non-physical light and a clear sense of union with all life. In virtually every case, the experience of cosmic consciousness was a sudden, inexplicable and profound feeling of oneness with the universe, a feeling that lasted for many days and positively affected them the remainder of their life. Most of those who experienced this cosmic consciousness felt that they had become a “channel” of this energy through their writing, art, and life’s work.
But these events are not repeatable, the experiencer is not able to slip into the heavenly domain at will, nor do they have clear knowledge of what is real and what remains a deception. This is no fault of these forerunners of humanity, but I am merely making the point that it is a different experience, and from my perspective, it is an experience within the HMS.
First Source is not God, not as human beings understand what God is. God, as an entity, independent of you or me, does not exist – though there have been those (i.e., Anu) who believed themselves to be God and masqueraded as one. First Source is the collective of Sovereign Integrals throughout the multiverse, and that which binds them is Source Intelligence. The entire GSSC, as conceived by Anu, was modeled on this reality:
God = First Source
Spirit = Source Intelligence
Soul = Sovereign Integral
But these concepts are not the same. If one says, “I am self-realized and therefore enlightened,” are they enlightened of the GSSC? Or, are they an experiencer of the Sovereign Integral state of consciousness beyond the HMS? If it is the latter, you will not find them on book tours, giving lectures, establishing schools or ashrams, speaking in the lecture circuits, creating a spiritual path, healing for money, profiteering from their experience, or claiming they have special powers that others lack.
Anu wanted to ensure that spiritual and religious seekers would be caught up in the heavens of his creation. This is why the search outside oneself is so powerfully encoded, why we feel this separation of body and soul, and soul and God; why we cling so tenaciously to the diluted and disempowered versions of First Source, Source Intelligence, and Sovereign Integral found in the God-Spirit-Soul Complex; why our thoughts and prayers, so filled with hope, speak to a mask of First Source that is not one and equal with ourselves.
The fuel of our HMS is anger, greed, disappointment, irritability, blame, fear, resentment, and other so-called negative emotions, caused in large measure because of our lack of understanding that we are all one and equal, and that that truth is the basis of life. Those who have ventured into the clear waters of the Sovereign Integral have a responsibility to share the process of stripping away the masks and deceptions, living in the world, but not being of it, and this means that they do not participate in the deceptions of the HMS.
This process is as simple as practicing the Quantum Pause, the Six Heart Virtues and persisting until your last breath. There is no one to pay for this. There is no master or teacher. There is no school or rank of proficiency. There is no book to read or lecture to listen to. It is simple and easy. If you resonate with this approach, you can try it and see if it feels natural to you. There will be no one judging you if you decide not to pursue it to your last breath… other than yourself. " (James, Q & A - 22 from Project Camelot)
If you were the creator of humanity, and you wanted to keep secret the one thing that would answer all questions pertaining to the Self, making any search for truth obsolete, where would you hide this amazing secret? If you were wise, you would place it right in front of everyone, but also place within your creation the insatiable desire to search for truth in books, lectures, spiritual savants, saints, prophets, sages, spiritual techniques, shamans, witches, ancient texts, churches, synagogues, mosques, ashrams, websites, and a hundred other places. That is how to hide the answer to everything from everyone, and this is precisely what Anu did.
The Eastern concept of Direct-Realization or Self-Realization or God-Realization is part of the bridgework I mentioned earlier in question 20, but it is, with few exceptions, still connected into the realization of the God-Spirit-Soul Complex through the mind. There are some, who have glimpsed the Sovereign Integral state, but it is a very small percentage, and to some degree, this meager percentage is due to the monetization of the spiritual hierarchy of the Eastern paths and their propensity for separation via their teacher-student ordering.
Those who have access to the Sovereign Integral state, can repeat their accessibility at will. They have access to the interdimensional realms outside of the HMS and its tributary systems of suppression, they understand how to fuel this access to the Sovereign Integral state, and, conversely, how to starve the suppression framework. These are an exceedingly small number of human beings.
If you read Cosmic Consciousness by Richard Maurice Bucke, he provides an accounting of some of our greatest spiritual explorers throughout history, detailing how they were imbued with a mysterious, non-physical light and a clear sense of union with all life. In virtually every case, the experience of cosmic consciousness was a sudden, inexplicable and profound feeling of oneness with the universe, a feeling that lasted for many days and positively affected them the remainder of their life. Most of those who experienced this cosmic consciousness felt that they had become a “channel” of this energy through their writing, art, and life’s work.
But these events are not repeatable, the experiencer is not able to slip into the heavenly domain at will, nor do they have clear knowledge of what is real and what remains a deception. This is no fault of these forerunners of humanity, but I am merely making the point that it is a different experience, and from my perspective, it is an experience within the HMS.
First Source is not God, not as human beings understand what God is. God, as an entity, independent of you or me, does not exist – though there have been those (i.e., Anu) who believed themselves to be God and masqueraded as one. First Source is the collective of Sovereign Integrals throughout the multiverse, and that which binds them is Source Intelligence. The entire GSSC, as conceived by Anu, was modeled on this reality:
God = First Source
Spirit = Source Intelligence
Soul = Sovereign Integral
But these concepts are not the same. If one says, “I am self-realized and therefore enlightened,” are they enlightened of the GSSC? Or, are they an experiencer of the Sovereign Integral state of consciousness beyond the HMS? If it is the latter, you will not find them on book tours, giving lectures, establishing schools or ashrams, speaking in the lecture circuits, creating a spiritual path, healing for money, profiteering from their experience, or claiming they have special powers that others lack.
Anu wanted to ensure that spiritual and religious seekers would be caught up in the heavens of his creation. This is why the search outside oneself is so powerfully encoded, why we feel this separation of body and soul, and soul and God; why we cling so tenaciously to the diluted and disempowered versions of First Source, Source Intelligence, and Sovereign Integral found in the God-Spirit-Soul Complex; why our thoughts and prayers, so filled with hope, speak to a mask of First Source that is not one and equal with ourselves.
The fuel of our HMS is anger, greed, disappointment, irritability, blame, fear, resentment, and other so-called negative emotions, caused in large measure because of our lack of understanding that we are all one and equal, and that that truth is the basis of life. Those who have ventured into the clear waters of the Sovereign Integral have a responsibility to share the process of stripping away the masks and deceptions, living in the world, but not being of it, and this means that they do not participate in the deceptions of the HMS.
This process is as simple as practicing the Quantum Pause, the Six Heart Virtues and persisting until your last breath. There is no one to pay for this. There is no master or teacher. There is no school or rank of proficiency. There is no book to read or lecture to listen to. It is simple and easy. If you resonate with this approach, you can try it and see if it feels natural to you. There will be no one judging you if you decide not to pursue it to your last breath… other than yourself. " (James, Q & A - 22 from Project Camelot)
Sabtu, 15 Februari 2014
The truth is that we have no real enemies. The word enemy is a construct of the mind, and the root cause of it is allowing it to separate you for any reason from your fellow brother or sister. The mind automatically dislikes something that is different from its own point of view or perceived "truth." For example, see what happens when people of different religion, political parties, education, gender, race, economic status, etc., come together. The only real enemy is your ignorant ego, not putting your own mind in its place, and not understanding how it works.
The mind is always looking for a way to strengthen its power and find something wrong with any other except itself. This strategy allows the focus to not be on itself, but on others, so that you never catch what it's doing. The religious ego is the most potent one of all because it not only separates itself from "the other" who does not participate in a specific religion, but it also sees them as evil and unworthy of love and compassion. This explains the brutal and horrible "holy" wars that have occurred in our dark human past. What real change and good can come out into the world from that kind of attitude? Look at what has happened to know what can happen at the worst.
Also, the religious ego constantly sprouts lots of judgments on people who do not follow the religious code or appear to be spiritual. The phrase "we are all one" comes to mind, but what does that really mean? The religious ego may judge the rich person who lives in excess, the alcoholic or heavy drug user, or the promiscuous person. The thing to keep in mind is that we are just like these people. If we had or have certain traits that contribute to their actions, we would do the same thing. There is no notable difference when you see the cold facts.
There are numerable factors that go into creating the persona of a person, i.e. a very physically beautiful person is more likely to develop a prideful attitude of her/his beauty and use it to help her/him 'advance' in life. The poor hate the rich and the rich hate the poor. Switch the situations and nothing would change. They would both be doing the same thing. When you see the truth, you see how foolish and hypocritical it is to judge anyone because it's really just a matter of situations and genetic makeup that contribute to people's actions.
What is the difference of a religious person who has pride in being "good" vs. the person who had pride in riches, beauty, status, or power? It is all ego and the Bible makes an interesting quote that sums this up. In Romans 3:10, it states, "As it is written, "THERE IS NONE RIGHTEOUS, NOT EVEN ONE; THERE IS NONE WHO UNDERSTANDS, THERE IS NONE WHO SEEKS FOR GOD."
This makes sense because the ego finds numerous ways to keep itself alive and separate from others. The phrase "we are all one" can be interpreted as we're all fighting our own battle against the #1 unseen "enemy" the ego manifesting itself in tons of different ways. Let's not judge each other or think we're "good" or "bad" for any reason because whatever we have developed or given up has been out of life allowing it to happen. Also, the implication is if there are "good" people, then God prefers them to others, and that is BS. It is clear that God or Life keeps everything in balance.
Your so called enemy is actually a very helpful "tool" in your spiritual evolution. Other people act just like mirrors to see what your mind is still cloaking deep inside. If anything in life shakes you up in any way or angers you, your so called enemy has given you a wonderful opportunity, a chance to see what your mind is still holding on to, and also a demonstration of how it works. If anything shakes you up or angers you, it also can make you aware of what is also in you. For example, if you are angry at people who are superficial or mean, there is a guarantee you are also superficial and mean. It may be done in a different way than how the person is acting it out, but it's somewhere in your mind as well. Check it for yourself to see the truth. Once your mind is totally clear, nothing should bother you, because you would not resonate with it anymore.
The key is to be aware of what is happening in your mind. The only freedom is not being thrown out of your spiritual center by what your environment (your mind, other people, or nature) throws at you. You can't control your environment, but you can control how you react to it. And if something is really bothering you, it's time to watch your mind very carefully to see why this is the case, not to insult or create a false enemy in you.
The mind is always looking for a way to strengthen its power and find something wrong with any other except itself. This strategy allows the focus to not be on itself, but on others, so that you never catch what it's doing. The religious ego is the most potent one of all because it not only separates itself from "the other" who does not participate in a specific religion, but it also sees them as evil and unworthy of love and compassion. This explains the brutal and horrible "holy" wars that have occurred in our dark human past. What real change and good can come out into the world from that kind of attitude? Look at what has happened to know what can happen at the worst.
Also, the religious ego constantly sprouts lots of judgments on people who do not follow the religious code or appear to be spiritual. The phrase "we are all one" comes to mind, but what does that really mean? The religious ego may judge the rich person who lives in excess, the alcoholic or heavy drug user, or the promiscuous person. The thing to keep in mind is that we are just like these people. If we had or have certain traits that contribute to their actions, we would do the same thing. There is no notable difference when you see the cold facts.
There are numerable factors that go into creating the persona of a person, i.e. a very physically beautiful person is more likely to develop a prideful attitude of her/his beauty and use it to help her/him 'advance' in life. The poor hate the rich and the rich hate the poor. Switch the situations and nothing would change. They would both be doing the same thing. When you see the truth, you see how foolish and hypocritical it is to judge anyone because it's really just a matter of situations and genetic makeup that contribute to people's actions.
What is the difference of a religious person who has pride in being "good" vs. the person who had pride in riches, beauty, status, or power? It is all ego and the Bible makes an interesting quote that sums this up. In Romans 3:10, it states, "As it is written, "THERE IS NONE RIGHTEOUS, NOT EVEN ONE; THERE IS NONE WHO UNDERSTANDS, THERE IS NONE WHO SEEKS FOR GOD."
This makes sense because the ego finds numerous ways to keep itself alive and separate from others. The phrase "we are all one" can be interpreted as we're all fighting our own battle against the #1 unseen "enemy" the ego manifesting itself in tons of different ways. Let's not judge each other or think we're "good" or "bad" for any reason because whatever we have developed or given up has been out of life allowing it to happen. Also, the implication is if there are "good" people, then God prefers them to others, and that is BS. It is clear that God or Life keeps everything in balance.
Your so called enemy is actually a very helpful "tool" in your spiritual evolution. Other people act just like mirrors to see what your mind is still cloaking deep inside. If anything in life shakes you up in any way or angers you, your so called enemy has given you a wonderful opportunity, a chance to see what your mind is still holding on to, and also a demonstration of how it works. If anything shakes you up or angers you, it also can make you aware of what is also in you. For example, if you are angry at people who are superficial or mean, there is a guarantee you are also superficial and mean. It may be done in a different way than how the person is acting it out, but it's somewhere in your mind as well. Check it for yourself to see the truth. Once your mind is totally clear, nothing should bother you, because you would not resonate with it anymore.
The key is to be aware of what is happening in your mind. The only freedom is not being thrown out of your spiritual center by what your environment (your mind, other people, or nature) throws at you. You can't control your environment, but you can control how you react to it. And if something is really bothering you, it's time to watch your mind very carefully to see why this is the case, not to insult or create a false enemy in you.
Jumat, 14 Februari 2014
Michael Smith - "THE PRESENT" - The Mystery
Ever since "The Present" was first submitted to www.truthcontest.com, the author named "Michael Smith" has remained a mystery. Many people have asked who the author is, and we have been trying to figure it out for a long time. A few days ago, a comment came from the "Michael Smith" Facebook account on one of our posts that said this: "I heard that book was written by someone a long time ago who is dead now. He wrote it with instructions for it to be revealed on 12/21/2012 when the world would be ready to accept what it says. It was not written by me as many people think. I am a straw man. Those with ears that can hear the truth will hear and understand what I am saying."
Here is another interesting excerpt from the "Modern Prophets & Revelations" Insights section: "Writing this book is the most amazing thing I have ever done, because I watched it grow almost by itself. I write it, but it comes from outside my own mind, from the universal mind or Holy Spirit. The revelations are just passing through me and this book to reach you."
As the webmaster of The Truth Contest, I've been in contact with "Michael Smith" through email, and he has said repeatedly that he will never take credit or blame for what is said in these books, because they come from somewhere else.
With all this in mind, something intriguing has been happening lately. We've been receiving many anonymous letters that say "the author of The Present is L. Ron Hubbard, and that it is only a matter of time before Scientology discovers this fact." Some of the letters we receive also say that "Scientology can get the copyrights anytime they want them. Money is not the concern; saving the world is the top priority." I thought it was just some kind of spam, but these letters have been coming consistently from many different addresses and angles.
After looking into it, our team has found that there is a rumor going around the Internet that says: "L Ron Hubbard wrote something in the 1970s under the pen name 'Michael Smith' that was not to be released until December 21, 2012 (when the planets are in alignment) because the world would not be ready for what it contains until then. What it says is supposed to change everything. It is called The Present, and you can read it here for free: www.truthcontest.com. It makes a lot of sense, and is supposed to replace the theology of Xenu that was science fiction intended to help the organization of Scientology look more like a church and help with the tax-exempt status from the IRS. "The Present" is the real truth, the hidden theological foundation."
Could this be the answer to the mystery of who the author of "The Present" is? We will keep you posted if we discover anything else. If anyone knows more about this, please let us know.
- Xavier
Here is another interesting excerpt from the "Modern Prophets & Revelations" Insights section: "Writing this book is the most amazing thing I have ever done, because I watched it grow almost by itself. I write it, but it comes from outside my own mind, from the universal mind or Holy Spirit. The revelations are just passing through me and this book to reach you."
As the webmaster of The Truth Contest, I've been in contact with "Michael Smith" through email, and he has said repeatedly that he will never take credit or blame for what is said in these books, because they come from somewhere else.
With all this in mind, something intriguing has been happening lately. We've been receiving many anonymous letters that say "the author of The Present is L. Ron Hubbard, and that it is only a matter of time before Scientology discovers this fact." Some of the letters we receive also say that "Scientology can get the copyrights anytime they want them. Money is not the concern; saving the world is the top priority." I thought it was just some kind of spam, but these letters have been coming consistently from many different addresses and angles.
After looking into it, our team has found that there is a rumor going around the Internet that says: "L Ron Hubbard wrote something in the 1970s under the pen name 'Michael Smith' that was not to be released until December 21, 2012 (when the planets are in alignment) because the world would not be ready for what it contains until then. What it says is supposed to change everything. It is called The Present, and you can read it here for free: www.truthcontest.com. It makes a lot of sense, and is supposed to replace the theology of Xenu that was science fiction intended to help the organization of Scientology look more like a church and help with the tax-exempt status from the IRS. "The Present" is the real truth, the hidden theological foundation."
Could this be the answer to the mystery of who the author of "The Present" is? We will keep you posted if we discover anything else. If anyone knows more about this, please let us know.
- Xavier
Michael Smith, the author of "The Present" and the primary source of inspiration behind most of the content on the www.truthcontest.comwebsite, passed away from his mortal body on the night of 5/16/13. Although this is a devastating loss of the greatest seer of truth in the history of humankind, the inspirations and revelations that passed through him will continue to grow in the collective mind of this world. The dedicated team brought together upon the the unshakable foundation of the truth of life revealed and gifted through Michael will continue to honor him and his work by doing as he did; seeking, spreading, revealing and living the Truth and the Life.
"Death is not a pleasant subject. It is the worst thing that there is, and no one wants to talk about it or think about it, but it is going to happen to you and everyone else. It is true, and facing the truth of it is the only way to overcome it."
"This book is just the spark that will get people talking about the real truth. I am just a guy with a match that is trying to start a truth fire. I am just a tuned in guy, throwing out things I can see, that no one else seems to see. When others start to see them, people will come together and better define the truth and the life. We will see the issues clearly for the first time and the solutions to our problems. We will then solve them as fast as is possible."
"Friend to all: It is important to understand we do not want to hurt anyone or anything. We want to fix people and institutions that are flawed, that are sick and infected with BS. We just have the medicine, the cure. We want everyone to succeed, especially the bad guys. We are not anyone's enemy; we want to make love, not war. When the people living in the dog eat dog animal world, playing the power game, playing the get rich and famous game see the truth of life, they will realize that they are their own worst enemy. They will change, because it is in their best interest to change. They will change for selfish reasons, which is fine as long as they see the truth of life and get on the path to a paradise on earth."
"It will be difficult to be a truth seeker/spreader and live in the truth of life until you make the connection with what I call the collective unconscious, what religions call the Holy Spirit. The goal of my books and everything we do is to help people make that connection. You will know when it happens, because you will realize you are not alone; you are connected to an all knowing power, what religions call God, that is omnipresent and omnipotent, is everywhere and does everything. It is everything except for the animal mind, and it is the animal mind in an indirect way. When you see it, connect with it, you will see life perfectly clear. You see the magic of life, the perfection. You become invincible, and are locked in on the path to a heaven, and you know it. That makes this life as good as it can be, and the next life perfect."
- M
The Present: www.truthcontest.com/entries/the-present-universal-truth/
The Present (with religion): www.truthcontest.com/entries/the-present-with-religion/
Insights: www.truthcontest.com/insights/
"Death is not a pleasant subject. It is the worst thing that there is, and no one wants to talk about it or think about it, but it is going to happen to you and everyone else. It is true, and facing the truth of it is the only way to overcome it."
"This book is just the spark that will get people talking about the real truth. I am just a guy with a match that is trying to start a truth fire. I am just a tuned in guy, throwing out things I can see, that no one else seems to see. When others start to see them, people will come together and better define the truth and the life. We will see the issues clearly for the first time and the solutions to our problems. We will then solve them as fast as is possible."
"Friend to all: It is important to understand we do not want to hurt anyone or anything. We want to fix people and institutions that are flawed, that are sick and infected with BS. We just have the medicine, the cure. We want everyone to succeed, especially the bad guys. We are not anyone's enemy; we want to make love, not war. When the people living in the dog eat dog animal world, playing the power game, playing the get rich and famous game see the truth of life, they will realize that they are their own worst enemy. They will change, because it is in their best interest to change. They will change for selfish reasons, which is fine as long as they see the truth of life and get on the path to a paradise on earth."
"It will be difficult to be a truth seeker/spreader and live in the truth of life until you make the connection with what I call the collective unconscious, what religions call the Holy Spirit. The goal of my books and everything we do is to help people make that connection. You will know when it happens, because you will realize you are not alone; you are connected to an all knowing power, what religions call God, that is omnipresent and omnipotent, is everywhere and does everything. It is everything except for the animal mind, and it is the animal mind in an indirect way. When you see it, connect with it, you will see life perfectly clear. You see the magic of life, the perfection. You become invincible, and are locked in on the path to a heaven, and you know it. That makes this life as good as it can be, and the next life perfect."
- M
The Present: www.truthcontest.com/entries/the-present-universal-truth/
The Present (with religion): www.truthcontest.com/entries/the-present-with-religion/
Insights: www.truthcontest.com/insights/
Senin, 10 Februari 2014
Earthing by Hema Simondes
It’s well accepted that electrical systems of our homes or sophisticated electrical equipment must be grounded to function safely and effectively. But how much have we considered the human body as being fundamentally bio-electric in nature, also working more optimally with grounding, and suffering adverse effects from the lack of it?
The universe is all about energy! Simply put, energy is universal information in motion within and around everything. It’s very fast moving so we perceive only a very small percentage of it through our five senses; usually, we can notice only its effects (think radio signals, ultrasound, or even love).
Its electrical charge is that spark of life that animates us, and has been well regarded for thousands of years primarily by eastern and indigenous cultures – who’ve actually studied its properties and called it by many names – Chi, Qi, Ki, Life Force energy, prana, mana, orgone, electrons, Shakti, kundalini, and more.
Our universe is alive due to interactions of energy. All our thoughts including perceptions, beliefs, wants and needs, all our emotions and feelings, our sensations and movements, and our anima or spirit are the outcomes of this essential substrate of energy.
Surrounding and permeating each living thing– from this living, breathing planet down to the smallest single cell organism – is a bio-electromagnetic field.
This field is a function of the vitality present in that being. In another’s presence you may sense this as radiance or a glow. Or you feel a charge of electricity when approaching someone with whom you share a mutual attraction. We’ve all felt surprise due to shocks by static electricity; at those moments we’re a conductor for that excess charge. On a much grander scale, the more than 5,000 lightning strikes per minute globally constantly refresh the Earth’s almost unlimited supply of free electrons. To illuminate how immensely powerful this force is, a single lightning storm can contain more energy than ten atomic bombs.
All our body’s trillions of cells function electrically. Each cell is like a battery; it runs at a specific millivoltage and frequency. Generally speaking, disease is caused when cells have too little voltage and are running at too low a frequency. Ultimately our health depends on the electrical charge maintained within and around our cells and our organ systems.
The body seeks to maintain homeostasis– a state of balance. Unstable, highly reactive free radical molecules (caused by tobacco smoke, sugars, x-rays, pollution, etc) have unpaired or ‘stray’ electrons so they ‘steal’ electrons from healthier cells to regain stability. But this causes oxidative damage to those cells that then also turn into free radicals and thus a chain reaction of damage begins. Inflammation, disease and aging are attributed to this free radical damage. Antioxidants help reduce damage from free radical reactions because they donate electrons which neutralize the radical without forming another. The influx of electrons from grounding provides an externally sourced natural antioxidant effect, and gives the body another raw material to heal itself.
A simple voltmeter test offers direct evidence how grounding eliminates excess electrical charge (and thus helps inflammation), by bringing the body into electrical balance with the Earth. For energy-depleted persons, grounding helps by uploading vital electrons, re-
energizing the body’s’ electrical state. Its energy continuously works towards our body homeostasis by either delivering or absorbing electrons. Grounding balances us and helps us feel whole again. Who wouldn’t want this infinitely huge vital life force on her or his side, available 24/7 towards greater health and a sense of well being?
Our ancestors lived much more closely to the earth on dirt floor dwellings, often slept on the ground perhaps under stars, and worked daily barefoot or shod with minimal foot coverings. There was an awareness and respect for influential cycles of nature and the ebb and flow of life. Seasonal rituals and ceremonies were hallmarks of celebrating Nature.
Remember the barefoot joy you felt running around outside as a child? Where did that joy go? Collectively we’re driven almost nonstop to be acquisition motivated by consumerist mentality, constantly pressured by high living costs and economic disparity, and are ill from effects of degraded air, water and genetically and chemically modified, irradiated, pesticide treated foods. Megacorporations trump rights of individuals while depleting precious natural resources. The needs of the many are preempted by and for the wants of a few. We’ve insulated ourselves from Nature. We live mostly indoors, and walk in synthetic footwear and high heels on asphalt and carpets. We are swimming (drowning?) in an ever-growing and pervasive invisible sea of harmful electromagnetic fields and frequencies (EMF). Face it – we’re stressed out!
Unlike all other species ever to have lived on this planet, it seems that overall our human race has lost our way, our essential connection to this paradise, and our ability to live sustainably. We often forget or ignore that it’s only by this grace and generosity of the Earth our original and true mother, that we may sustain this physical life at all. Our survival as a species is intimately linked to a healthy relationship with our environment.
So tell me – are you communing lovingly with Nature? Do you feel gratitude as She feeds you, quenches your thirst and washes you, clothes you, breathes life into you, soothes your soul with Her beauty, Her breath, Her songs? Do you feel a healthy respect and awe for Her enormous elemental powers of creation, sustenance, and destruction? Do you have a direct, up close and personal relationship with Her? How do you feel Her, touch Her, smell Her, taste Her? When last did you lay your body down on this Earth and exhale a sigh of relief?
Perhaps now in this eleventh hour, after so much worldly suffering, stress and angst, we will personally activate change by taking a step or two – barefoot steps – onto the living earth, to simply be present to the enormous power we stand upon. Such a basic action of a single human being reverberates throughout the entire cosmos. Imagine how we may create a larger shift when we get grounded by the millions.
Here’s the easiest way to ground yourself: Go barefoot on Earth – walk, lie down, stand, or sit in a chair with your feet on the ground for awhile each day. You could begin with just twenty minutes daily…longer and more often is even better. On damp earth or at water’s edge is best, as moisture enhances conductivity. Our tissues know how to ‘soak up’ and use these electrons so that, over time, our bodies may recharge and heal.
Posted by Cherie Byrd, MA at 8:38 PM No comments:
Labels: Emotional astery, Empowerment, energy mastery, Meditation, Well-being

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