Kamis, 20 Februari 2014


The spirit is more like darkness than light.
People think that the spirit is like light. This is because light reveals what was hidden in the dark; it represents life, and dark represents death. The good guys wear white, and evil likes the dark. Darkness represents evil, and light represents good. It is a misunderstanding, a deception. The opposite is true;
light is more like evil and dark is more like God or good. This is because the spirit is like darkness. Darkness is nothing, and so is the spirit. Light is something, a form of energy; the spirit has no energy. I am not saying that light is evil; I am just saying as a metaphor for God, it is missing the mark. The spirit has more in common with darkness or nothing. The mind, like light, is a form of energy, and the mind creates the evil in our lives, so light should not be associated with the spirit, except in the context of enlightenment.Displace the spirit: The mind is a form of energy, and because it is, it will always displace the spirit, just as light will always displace darkness.

Mind power: This is why you cannot live completely without the mind when there are any other active minds trying to communicate with you.
The mind can always intrude on the spirit, but the spirit can never intrude on the mind. The spirit is a void, and the mind will always try to fill it.
You could say the mind is more powerful than the spirit, and you would be right, except that the spirit does not need power to do something; it is already
everywhere and the biggest part of everything. So the spirit could be seen as the ultimate power; it is simply what is. It is automatically wherever energy is not. The spirit is the only thing in the universe that requires no energy to exist. The mind is aggressive; the spirit is passive. This is why you have to be by yourself or be around other people that know the truth to really be fulfilled. You will be much more aware than people that do not know the truth, but you will not be able to be completely open, completely fulfilled around active minds.
It is a drag, but the way it is and will be until everyone knows the truth. This is why you have to learn to experience true life alone at first. You just have
to start getting away from the mind, as much as you can, whenever you can. Eventually, you receive the input of other minds as you take in all other energy, and it is not so bad, but it is not as good as the energy you get directly from life.

The significant problems we have cannot be solved at the same level of thinking with which we created them. [Albert Einstein]

The new mind: A new and improved mind will be with you forever. It will start over with every death and birth, but it will grow in the collective
unconscious forever. The big difference is, it will be your servant, not your master. Your mind will become your trusted friend. It is a valued and necessary part of a divine life form.

Everything is Mind :
Everything comes from nothing. It comes from a thought, the mind of God. Nothing is the only thing that is omnipresent. Everything is mind. A thought
is nothing, it has no mass or energy. Everything starts with a thought. A man looks at an open field and thinks: "I could build a house there", and soon there is a house there. What starts as nothing, just a thought, becomes manifest as something.
The double slit experiment proves that the mind affects energy and matter. When the laser beam is observed, it changes from a particle to a wave, so the observer's mind is affecting energy and is connected invisibly to the particles.
The difference between the way the animal mind (mind of mankind) and the spiritual mind :manifests is the spiritual mind does it on the subatomic level, the level where matter and energy is created. The mind of mankind manifests on the level above the atomic level, the world we are conscious of, except in the rare times like the double slit experiment when we become aware of quantum behavior or phenomena below the atomic level.

from : www.truthcontest.com

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