Sabtu, 15 Februari 2014


The truth is that we have no real enemies. The word enemy is a construct of the mind, and the root cause of it is allowing it to separate you for any reason from your fellow brother or sister. The mind automatically dislikes something that is different from its own point of view or perceived "truth." For example, see what happens when people of different religion, political parties, education, gender, race, economic status, etc., come together. The only real enemy is your ignorant ego, not putting your own mind in its place, and not understanding how it works.

The mind is always looking for a way to strengthen its power and find something wrong with any other except itself. This strategy allows the focus to not be on itself, but on others, so that you never catch what it's doing. The religious ego is the most potent one of all because it not only separates itself from "the other" who does not participate in a specific religion, but it also sees them as evil and unworthy of love and compassion. This explains the brutal and horrible "holy" wars that have occurred in our dark human past. What real change and good can come out into the world from that kind of attitude? Look at what has happened to know what can happen at the worst.

Also, the religious ego constantly sprouts lots of judgments on people who do not follow the religious code or appear to be spiritual. The phrase "we are all one" comes to mind, but what does that really mean? The religious ego may judge the rich person who lives in excess, the alcoholic or heavy drug user, or the promiscuous person. The thing to keep in mind is that we are just like these people. If we had or have certain traits that contribute to their actions, we would do the same thing. There is no notable difference when you see the cold facts.

There are numerable factors that go into creating the persona of a person, i.e. a very physically beautiful person is more likely to develop a prideful attitude of her/his beauty and use it to help her/him 'advance' in life. The poor hate the rich and the rich hate the poor. Switch the situations and nothing would change. They would both be doing the same thing. When you see the truth, you see how foolish and hypocritical it is to judge anyone because it's really just a matter of situations and genetic makeup that contribute to people's actions.

What is the difference of a religious person who has pride in being "good" vs. the person who had pride in riches, beauty, status, or power? It is all ego and the Bible makes an interesting quote that sums this up. In Romans 3:10, it states, "As it is written, "THERE IS NONE RIGHTEOUS, NOT EVEN ONE; THERE IS NONE WHO UNDERSTANDS, THERE IS NONE WHO SEEKS FOR GOD."

This makes sense because the ego finds numerous ways to keep itself alive and separate from others. The phrase "we are all one" can be interpreted as we're all fighting our own battle against the #1 unseen "enemy" the ego manifesting itself in tons of different ways. Let's not judge each other or think we're "good" or "bad" for any reason because whatever we have developed or given up has been out of life allowing it to happen. Also, the implication is if there are "good" people, then God prefers them to others, and that is BS. It is clear that God or Life keeps everything in balance.

Your so called enemy is actually a very helpful "tool" in your spiritual evolution. Other people act just like mirrors to see what your mind is still cloaking deep inside. If anything in life shakes you up in any way or angers you, your so called enemy has given you a wonderful opportunity, a chance to see what your mind is still holding on to, and also a demonstration of how it works. If anything shakes you up or angers you, it also can make you aware of what is also in you. For example, if you are angry at people who are superficial or mean, there is a guarantee you are also superficial and mean. It may be done in a different way than how the person is acting it out, but it's somewhere in your mind as well. Check it for yourself to see the truth. Once your mind is totally clear, nothing should bother you, because you would not resonate with it anymore.

The key is to be aware of what is happening in your mind. The only freedom is not being thrown out of your spiritual center by what your environment (your mind, other people, or nature) throws at you. You can't control your environment, but you can control how you react to it. And if something is really bothering you, it's time to watch your mind very carefully to see why this is the case, not to insult or create a false enemy in you.

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