Senin, 17 Februari 2014


God-Spirit-Soul Complex (GSSC) – This is the central element of the HMS that anchors separation. The individualized human being, free of the HMS, is called the Sovereign Integral in the WingMakers mythology. This is the true identity of each and every human being. In this model of the Sovereign Integral, we are Gods of our local multiverse, and collectively, we are First Source in the multiverse.
Why is GSSC the anchor of separation? We have two paths: Religion and Spirituality – each being different sides of the same coin, and this “coin” is GSSC. Now, Anu, being the intelligent, clever entity that he is, knew that humans would evolve, and in this evolution they may begin to remember that they are Sovereign Integrals. Bear in mind that the Atlanteans were highly evolved beings before they donned the human instrument of Anu’s creation. Also remember that the human instrument is not simply the physical body but includes the emotions and HMS, and that this human instrument is componentized so that while the physical body dies, a higher dimensional body or sheath that is based on the physical body carries on.
Some refer to this as the soul, others refer to it as the astral body, but it is simply a sheath for the Sovereign Integral to operate within and it remains subject to the HMS and most of its programming. Thus, even upon death, the Sovereign Integral is not released from the influences of the HMS or the human instrument’s programs…………..

Breath is the way in which the human instrument connects to this origin point anywhere in space-time. Breath is the portal between the physical dimension and the quantum or inter- dimensional domains, but it is not the normal, autonomic breathing, rather it is a very specific breathing pattern that we call Quantum Pause.
Quantum Pause is a simple, four-stage process beginning with an in-breath of anywhere between three and six counts, depending on your lung capacity, posture, and degree of privacy. After you have gathered in your breath, breathing through your nose, you hold it (pause) for an equal count, and then exhale through your mouth, again, for the same count, and then hold (pause) for the same count.
The breath pattern is described below using an example of a four count. The key is to maintain symmetry in each of the four segments of the process. If you are using a three count, apply it equally in each segment. It is not essential that you monitor this with precision, instead, apply a casual monitoring of your time for each segment and keep a consistency to the flow.
One cycle is described above, and it is recommended to do three to four cycles in a row and then return to normal breathing. This “normal” breathing period is called the Consolidation period. Keep your eyes closed throughout the process and sit with your back straight in a comfortable position, both feet on the ground. When you begin your consolidation period, it is a time for you to bring focus and all of your attention to those things that bubble to the surface of your consciousness, knowing that these arise for a reason. This is an excellent time to apply the Six Heart Virtues (appreciation, compassion, forgiveness, humility, valor, and understanding) to any thought or feeling that manifests.
This consolidation period usually lasts about three to five minutes, but there are no set time limits. Use your intuition to guide this period of time. Generally, each repetition of the consolidation, and usually there are four or five, becomes less crowded with thoughts or feelings, and by the time you enter the final consolidation period you have emptied yourself of thoughts and feelings and entered the quantum domain.
The diagram below depicts a typical session of Quantum Pause. Notice there are three cycles of the breath and then a consolidation period in this particular example. This repeats four times. You can have as many as five cycles of breath interspersed with consolidation periods, again, symmetry is important. The application of Quantum Pause may seem an unlikely way to de-activate the Suppression Framework of the Sovereign Integral and more effectively handle the There are many nuances to the Quantum Pause technique, and I would encourage you to discover them on your own, in your own way. This is but a basic technique that I have shared with you, but there are subtleties to this technique that are powerful enhancements and these will occur to you while you’re in the process of using the technique, so remain open while you practice it. 

[Permission granted to quotes from Planetwork Press. Collected Works of the WingMakers Vol 2]

Finally Cultura, said, “ The great joy is that you now know and understand that your Era of Transparency and Expansion has lead your respective planetary human consciousness to an awareness of great change”.

Mahu on earth and other Planetary Teachers are giving guidelines and suggestions for a creative loving Transition to an Heart Centered Culture. So as the Collective System fails and seeks to manipulate and control circumstances will the Viceroy of your planet dominate the transition or will a planetary “Quantum Community” become a platform for a coherent vibrational shift to a love centered culture? You must ask yourselves the following question, “ What are your Planetary Spiritual Genuines doing to facilitate such a transition?”

Right then I just had to say something.

Cultura may I describe what outline our Translator James Mahu has suggested and what is now being done.?

Sure, please do because we find that what is going on with the transition of earth quite fascinating.

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