Jumat, 14 Februari 2014


Michael Smith, the author of "The Present" and the primary source of inspiration behind most of the content on the www.truthcontest.comwebsite, passed away from his mortal body on the night of 5/16/13. Although this is a devastating loss of the greatest seer of truth in the history of humankind, the inspirations and revelations that passed through him will continue to grow in the collective mind of this world. The dedicated team brought together upon the the unshakable foundation of the truth of life revealed and gifted through Michael will continue to honor him and his work by doing as he did; seeking, spreading, revealing and living the Truth and the Life.

"Death is not a pleasant subject. It is the worst thing that there is, and no one wants to talk about it or think about it, but it is going to happen to you and everyone else. It is true, and facing the truth of it is the only way to overcome it."

"This book is just the spark that will get people talking about the real truth. I am just a guy with a match that is trying to start a truth fire. I am just a tuned in guy, throwing out things I can see, that no one else seems to see. When others start to see them, people will come together and better define the truth and the life. We will see the issues clearly for the first time and the solutions to our problems. We will then solve them as fast as is possible."

"Friend to all: It is important to understand we do not want to hurt anyone or anything. We want to fix people and institutions that are flawed, that are sick and infected with BS. We just have the medicine, the cure. We want everyone to succeed, especially the bad guys. We are not anyone's enemy; we want to make love, not war. When the people living in the dog eat dog animal world, playing the power game, playing the get rich and famous game see the truth of life, they will realize that they are their own worst enemy. They will change, because it is in their best interest to change. They will change for selfish reasons, which is fine as long as they see the truth of life and get on the path to a paradise on earth."

"It will be difficult to be a truth seeker/spreader and live in the truth of life until you make the connection with what I call the collective unconscious, what religions call the Holy Spirit. The goal of my books and everything we do is to help people make that connection. You will know when it happens, because you will realize you are not alone; you are connected to an all knowing power, what religions call God, that is omnipresent and omnipotent, is everywhere and does everything. It is everything except for the animal mind, and it is the animal mind in an indirect way. When you see it, connect with it, you will see life perfectly clear. You see the magic of life, the perfection. You become invincible, and are locked in on the path to a heaven, and you know it. That makes this life as good as it can be, and the next life perfect."

- M

The Present: www.truthcontest.com/entries/the-present-universal-truth/
The Present (with religion): www.truthcontest.com/entries/the-present-with-religion/
Insights: www.truthcontest.com/insights/

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